英文美文分享:付出与回报 (Giving and Receiving)
At first, Ben was reluctant. He felt that he didn’t have the time, and he didn’t understand what good he could do.
At first, Ben was reluctant. He felt that he didn’t have the time, and he didn’t understand what good he could do.
One cold evening, a young woman named Lily arrived at the shelter, her face pale and her eyes filled with sorrow.
The climb was steep, and she struggled with every step, feeling exhausted and discouraged.
Finally, the day came for his climb, and he faced many obstacles along the way.
美文 perseverance 英文美文 2024-12-02 05:44 3
In a bustling city, a young activist named Yan was passionate about environmental issues.在一个繁忙的城市,年轻的活动家燕对环境问题充满热情。Every weekend,
In an ancient kingdom, a wise king named Liu ruled with fairness and compassion.在一个古老的王国,明智的国王刘以公正和同情统治。He believed that every dec
To his delight, the new crops thrived, bringing both joy and prosperity to his family.
美文 英文美文 simplechoices 2024-11-29 04:32 2
One evening, after a long day at work, she decided to take the first step.
Every day, he spent hours drawing in his sketchbook, honing his skills.
In a busy school, two girls named Li and Yan were inseparable friends.在一所繁忙的学校,两位名叫莉和燕的女孩是形影不离的好朋友。They supported each other throu
美文 英文美文 friendship 2024-11-27 14:47 2
Soon, his bakery became popular again, and people flocked to try his creations.
From that day forward, they worked together to rebuild their friendship, stronger than before.
In a bustling city, a young artist named Mei struggled with self-doubt about her talent.在一个繁忙的城市,年轻的艺术家梅对自己的才华感到怀疑。She compared he
One day, her teacher announced a poetry reading event, encouraging students to participate.
She poured her heart into her dishes, and soon, people began to notice her talent.
In a close-knit village, a group of neighbors worked together to support one another.在一个紧密相连的村庄,一群邻居共同努力,相互支持。When a family faced
In a busy metropolis, a young man named Wei felt lost in his career.在一个繁忙的大都市,年轻的魏在职业生涯中感到迷失。Despite having a stable job, he yearn