第一,通过媒体、社区组织、宗教团体和企业伙伴加强公众对寄养服务的认知,重点宣传寄养对困境儿童的深远影响。年度寄养开放日(Annual Fostering Open House)让准寄养父母亲自聆听寄养家庭和儿童的感言。
第二,通过五家指定寄养机构(Fostering Agencies)提供全方位支持:寄养父母可获得专业培训、专属社工指导、每月津贴(2022年上调至普通儿童1100元/特殊需求儿童1500元),并享有育婴假权益。寄养儿童还可获得医疗、托育等额外补贴。寄养家庭数量已从2021年的595户增至2023年的614户。
尽管做出了这些努力,但在招募更多寄养父母方面仍面临挑战。常见的问题包括:是否有足够的时间和资源来满足寄养儿童的需要、家庭成员与寄养儿童之间可能产生的冲突,以及儿童回到亲生家庭后在情感上遇到的困难。社会及家庭发展部正在解决这些问题。例如,我们开发了寄养入门工具包(Fostering Starter Kit),让父母和其他家庭成员为接收寄养儿童做好更充分的准备。到了寄养儿童与家庭分离的时候,过渡过程会按部就班地进行,寄养服务工作者会与寄养父母密切合作,在必要时提供辅导和情感支持。
Mr Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim asked the Minister for Social and Family Development (a) what are the measures that the Ministry has taken to encourage more suitable families to act as foster parents; and (b) what are the challenges that inhibit greater enrolment of foster parents.
Mr Masagos Zulkifli B M M: The Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) seeks to place more children in state care with foster parents as a safe and stable home environment is key to their growth and resilience. We have implemented several measures to encourage more suitable families to foster children.
First, we collaborate with media outlets, community organisations, religious groups and corporate partners to raise awareness of fostering and highlight its positive, lasting impact on children from difficult backgrounds. A key initiative is the Annual Fostering Open House, where prospective foster parents hear first-hand testimonials from foster families and children.
MSF supports foster parents through our five appointed Fostering Agencies. Foster parents receive training on caring for foster children; receive support and guidance from designated foster care worker; an allowance to help defray out-of-pocket costs; and are eligible for childcare leave to help them balance caregiving responsibilities. In 2022, MSF increased the monthly fostering allowance to $1,100 per child and $1,500 for a child with special needs. Foster children also receive additional subsidies for healthcare, childcare and student care. We have seen an increase in the number of foster families from 595 families in 2021 to 614 families in 2023.
Despite these efforts, there are challenges in recruiting more foster parents. Common concerns include having sufficient time and resources to meet the needs of a foster child, potential conflicts that may arise between family members and foster children, and the emotional difficulty when children return to their birth families. MSF is addressing these concerns. For example, we developed a Fostering Starter Kit to better prepare parents and other family members to receive the foster child. When it is time for the foster child to part with the family, the transition process is paced and the Foster Care Workers work closely with foster parents to provide counselling and emotional support where necessary.
The benefits of being cared for by foster families who provide a secure environment lasts a lifetime for the foster children from difficult backgrounds. We encourage more families to join us as foster parents.