
B站影视 日本电影 2025-03-11 05:34 2



1.appearance /əˈpɪrəns/ n. 外貌

例句: Her appearance at the party surprised everyone.

翻译: 她在派对上出现时让所有人都感到惊讶。

2.height /haɪt/ n. 身高;高度

例句: The height of the mountain made the climb challenging.

翻译: 这座山的高度让攀登变得困难。

3.tall /tɔːl/ adj. 高的

例句: The tall basketball player could easily reach the hoop.

翻译: 那个高个子篮球运动员可以轻松够到篮筐。

4.short /ʃɔːrt/ adj. 矮的;短的

例句: She wore a short dress to the summer picnic.

翻译: 她穿了一条短裙去参加夏日野餐。

5.large /lɑːrdʒ/ adj. 大的

例句: They ordered a large pizza for the family dinner.

翻译: 他们为家庭晚餐点了一个大披萨。

6.small /smɔːl/ adj. 小的

例句: The small kitten hid under the sofa.

翻译: 那只小猫躲在沙发底下。

7.pretty /ˈprɪti/ adj. 漂亮的

例句: The garden was full of pretty flowers in spring.

翻译: 春天时花园里开满了漂亮的花。

8.attractive /əˈtræktɪv/ adj. 迷人的

例句: His attractive smile made everyone feel welcome.

翻译: 他迷人的笑容让每个人都感到宾至如归。

9.beautiful /ˈbjuːtɪfl/ adj. 美丽的

例句: The sunset over the ocean was truly beautiful.

翻译: 海上的日落美得令人惊叹。

10.good-looking /ˌɡʊdˈlʊkɪŋ/ adj. 好看的

例句: The good-looking actor became famous overnight.

翻译: 那位英俊的演员一夜成名。

11.figure /ˈfɪɡjər/ n. 身材;轮廓

例句: She maintained her figure by exercising regularly.

翻译: 她通过定期锻炼保持身材。


Title: A New Classmate
Last week, a new student named Lily joined our class. Her appearance caught everyone’s attention — she had a tall and slim figure, with beautiful long hair. Though her height made her stand out, she was friendly and always wore an attractive smile.

Some students thought she looked like a model because of her good-looking face. However, Lily never cared much about being pretty. She preferred reading books to talking about clothes. One day, she wore a large sweater that was too big for her small frame, but she still looked confident.

Lily taught us that true beauty isn’t just about appearance. Whether you’re tall or short, large or small, kindness and confidence make you truly beautiful.





大家也可以根据自身的情况写一写有关于自己外貌的特征,从今天的词汇当中我们也可以看到用来表达人好看,除了我们常用的beautiful之外,还有good-looking, attractive等,其实还有一个charming等,当我们学到一个新的单词时,也可以学着用已学过的词汇来进行解释新词汇。加油!明天见!

