
B站影视 电影资讯 2025-03-17 18:44 1

摘要:Haroun Tazieff, thePolishscientist, has spenthis lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world.


First listen and then answer the question.


Why does Tazieff risk his life like this?

/ waI dEz 5tQziEf rIsk Iz laIf laIk DIs /



/ vXl5keInEJz /


主 同位语 谓 宾

状 (定)

1. Haroun Tazieff, thePolishscientist, has spenthis lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world.

/ hA:ru:n 5tQziEf DE 5pXlIS 5saIEntIst hEz spent Iz 5laIftaIm 5stVdiIN 5QktIv vXl5keInEJz End di:p keIvz In O:l pA:ts Ev DE w\:ld /波兰科学家哈罗恩·塔捷耶夫花了毕生的精力来研究世界各地的活火山和深洞。

状 主 谓 状 状


2. In 1948, hewent to Lake Kivu in the Congoto observea new volcanowhich he later named Kituro.

/ In 7naIn5ti:n 5fO:ti - eIt hi went tE leIk 5kIvu: In DE 5kXNGEJ tu EB5z\:v E nju: vXl5keInEJ 5wItS hi 5leItE neImd kI5tu:rEJ /

1948年他去了刚果的基伍湖,对一座后来被他命名为基图罗的新火山进行观察。 nineteen forty-eight

/ 7naIn5ti:n 5fO:ti - eIt /

主 系 表 状


3. Tazieffwasableto set up his camp very close to the volcanowhile it was erupting violently.

/ 5tQziEf wEz 5eIbl tE set Vp hIz kQmp 5veri klEJz tE DE vXl5keInEJ waIl It wEz I5rVptIN 5vaIElEntli /



4. Though he managed to take a number of brilliant photographs,

/ 5DEJ hi 5mQnIdZd tE teIk E 5nVmbE Ev 5brIlIEnt 5fEJtEgrA:fs / 尽管他设法拍了一些十分精彩的照片,

主 谓 状 状

5. he could not staynear the volcanofor very long.

/ hi kEd nXt steI nIE De vXl5keInEJ FE 5veri lXN /


主 谓 宾语从句

6. He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him.

/ hi 5nEJtIst DEt E 5rivE Ev 5lIkwId rXk wEz 5kVmIN tE5wO:dz hIm / 他发现有一股岩浆正向他流过来。

主 谓 宾

7. It threatenedto surround him completely,

/ It 5Tretnd tE sE5raJnd Im kEm5pli:tli /


连 主 谓 宾 状

8. butTazieff managed to escapejust in time.

/ bEt 5tQziEf 5mQnIdZd tu I5skeIp dZEst In taIm /


主 谓 状语从句连 主 系 表 状

9. He waited until the volcano became quietand hewasableto returntwo days later.

/ hi 5weItId En5tIl DE vXl5keInEJ bI5keIm 5kwaIEt Endhi wEz 5eIbl tE rI5t\:n tu: deIz 5leItE /


状主 谓 宾


10. This time, hemanaged to climb into the mouth of Kituroso that he could take photographs and measure temperatures.

/ DIs taIm hi 5mQnIdZd tE klaIm 5IntE DE maJT ev kI5tu:rEJ sEJ DEt Hi kEdteIk photographs End 5meZE 5temprItSEz /


主 谓 状 谓宾 状

11. Tazieff hasoften riskedhis lifein this way.

/ 5tQziEf hEz5Xfn 5rIskt Iz laIf In DIs weI /


主 系 表 状

12. He hasbeenableto tell us more about active volcanoes than any man alive.

