深度测评+保姆级教程!号称最好的AI图像模型:Reve Image

B站影视 日本电影 2025-03-28 21:34 1

摘要:自该模型上线以来,它一直稳居 Artificial Analysis 排行榜首位,成功超越了 Flux 1.1 Pro、Midjourney V6.1、Recraft AI 等 40 余款知名 AI 图像模型,真就屠榜了......

朋友们,在 AI 生图领域,终于有新的模型出现了!

自该模型上线以来,它一直稳居 Artificial Analysis 排行榜首位,成功超越了 Flux 1.1 Pro、Midjourney V6.1、Recraft AI 等 40 余款知名 AI 图像模型,真就屠榜了......

注:Artificial Analysis 是一个提供 AI 模型性能基准测试和动态排名的平台,重点关注文本生成图像等领域。

榜单地址: https://artificialanalysis.ai/text-to-image/arena?tab=Leaderboard

在 X 平台上,该模型的官方账号自信喊话:“它是世界上最好的图像模型。”
我有点怀疑,这账号是不是老马拿着发的(上次马斯克说 Grok 3 是地球上最聪明的人工智能)......

我也注意到,在 X 平台上,这款模型收获了众多网友的赞誉,好评如潮。




它的名字叫 Reve Image 1.0,是由初创公司 Halfmoon 自研的文本到图像模型。而且,它是完全从零研发,并非在现有模型进行微调、蒸馏。

在官方的介绍中,Reve Image 1.0 模型效果主要表现在三个关键方面,分别是字体排版、提示遵循度、美学。


1. 字体排版

AI 生成文字,这个需求一直都是 AI 图像模型的短板,而 Reve 模型则专门针对这一问题进行优化。从我测评的结果上看,它所生成的文字排版是优于 Flux、Recraft AI 等模型的。

但请注意 Reve AI 是国外的 AI 图像模型,所以在中文生成上,仍然不行。


“一个高端精致的水果网页首屏设计,顶部是一个固定导航栏,左侧是简约金色的“yanchuan”文字 Logo,字体为无衬线字体,简洁大方,右侧是“首页、产品、关于我们、联系我们”的导航链接,字体为深灰色无衬线字体。导航栏下方是大幅水果展示区,中央偏左位置有一串晶莹剔透的紫色葡萄,右侧是几颗红润多汁的苹果,葡萄下方错落摆放着几个饱满的芒果,所有水果都细致地展现出水润光泽、细腻纹理和表面露珠,投下柔和阴影增强立体感。左侧有一个半透明磨砂质感的六边形窗口,透出清晨阳光洒在果园的景象。画面底部中央是品牌口号“品味自然的馈赠”,字体为深绿色无衬线字体,下方小字“精选新鲜水果,直达您的餐桌”。右下角是橙色圆角矩形“立即购买”按钮,左下角是灰色“了解更多”链接文字。整体采用对称平衡构图,柔和自然光与阴影交错,营造清新、健康、高端氛围,凸显水果高品质。背景为淡米色,与水果色彩鲜艳形成对比,底部有 subtle 纹理增加层次感。商业产品摄影运用漫射自然光,对水果精准对焦,背景简洁,引导用户向下浏览更多产品信息。”
A sophisticated fruit webpage header design with a fixed navigation bar at the top. On the left side of the navigation bar is a minimalist gold “yanchuan” text logo in a sans-serif font, and on the right are navigation links labeled “Home,” “Products,” “About Us,” and “Contact Us” in dark gray sans-serif font. Below the navigation bar is a large fruit display area. Centered slightly to the left is a cluster of plump purple grapes, with a few juicy red apples to the right and several ripe mangoes placed below the grapes in a staggered arrangement. All fruits are depicted with ultra-high detail, showcasing their dewy surfaces, delicate textures, and glistening dewdrops, with soft shadows enhancing their three-dimensional appearance. To the left is a translucent frosted hexagonal window revealing a sunny orchard at dawn. At the bottom center of the display area is the brand slogan “Taste Nature's Gift” in dark green sans-serif font, with smaller text below reading “Selected Fresh Fruits, Delivered to Your Table.” An orange rounded rectangle “Buy Now” button is positioned at the bottom right, and a gray “Learn More” link text is at the bottom left. The overall layout employs a symmetrical and balanced composition with interplay of soft natural light and shadows, creating a fresh, healthy, and premium atmosphere that emphasizes the high quality of the fruits. The background is a light beige color that contrasts with the vibrant colors of the fruits, and features subtle textures for added depth. Commercial product photography utilizes diffused natural light with sharp focus on the fruits against a clean backdrop, guiding users to scroll down for more product information.

2. 提示遵循度



而为了测试 Reve 模型对提示遵循的结果如何,需要写一段稍微复杂的、包含多个元素的提示词。


“一个充满生活气息的社区公园场景,画面分为前景、中景和远景,风格模仿 1950 年代的漫画风格。前景中,一位穿着彩色条纹衫的小女孩蹲在地上,专注地观察着一只黑白相间的小猫,小猫正好奇地嗅着地上的面包屑,旁边散落着几片金黄色的落叶,一只红色的气球系在小女孩的手腕上,随风轻轻摆动。中景处,一对年轻情侣手牵手漫步在蜿蜒的石板小路上,男生穿着蓝色牛仔裤和白色 T 恤,女生穿着浅粉色的连衣裙,头发随风飘动,他们身后是一片盛开的花丛,五颜六色的花朵竞相绽放,蝴蝶在花间飞舞。不远处的草地上,一位老人坐在长椅上,戴着帽子,手里拿着一份报纸,似乎在悠闲地阅读,旁边放着一个装满物品的帆布包。远景中,是一片宁静的湖泊,湖面上有几只白色和灰色的天鹅在优雅地游动,湖边是郁郁葱葱的树木,树叶在阳光的照射下闪烁着金色的光芒。远处的山脉连绵起伏,山顶被薄雾轻轻笼罩,给人一种神秘而宁静的感觉。天空中,几朵白云悠闲地漂浮着,阳光从画面左侧斜射下来,给整个场景增添了一抹温暖的色彩。整个画面色彩丰富,层次分明,充满了生机与和谐,展现了社区公园中人们与自然和谐共处的美好瞬间,同时具有 1950 年代漫画的复古风格和艺术感。”
A vibrant community park scene with foreground, midground, and background elements, styled to emulate 1950s comic art. In the foreground, a girl in a colorful striped shirt squats down, attentively observing a black-and-white cat that curiously sniffs breadcrumbs on the ground. Golden leaves scatter nearby, and a red balloon tied to her wrist sways gently in the breeze. In the midground, a young couple strolls along a winding stone path, the man in blue jeans and a white T-shirt, the woman in a light pink dress with her hair flowing in the wind. Behind them, a flowerbed bursts with colorful blooms, and butterflies flutter about. On the grass nearby, an elderly person sits on a bench, wearing a hat and holding a newspaper, with a canvas bag beside them. In the background, a tranquil lake hosts several white and gray swans gliding gracefully. Trees with sunlit, golden leaves line the shore, and distant mountains rise, their peaks veiled in a light mist. The sky holds a few leisurely clouds, and sunlight slants in from the left, warming the entire scene. The rich colors and distinct layers create a lively yet harmonious atmosphere, capturing the perfect coexistence of people and nature in the community park, with a retro 1950s comic style and artistic flair.





“一对年轻情侣手牵手漫步在蜿蜒的石板小路上,男生穿着蓝色牛仔裤和白色 T 恤,女生穿着浅粉色的连衣裙,头发随风飘动。他们身后是一片盛开的花丛,五颜六色的花朵竞相绽放,蝴蝶在花间飞舞。不远处的草地上,一位老人坐在长椅上,戴着帽子,手里拿着一份报纸,似乎在悠闲地阅读,旁边放着一个装满物品的帆布包。”




3. 风格美学

美学一直是 Midjourney 的强项,它能够生成高度风格化和电影质感的图像(下文有各个模型的效果对比图)。

那么我们看看 Reve 模型表现如何。


“中国少女半身肖像,粉紫色渐变背景融合 80 年代网格与像素波纹。黑色高领针织衫搭配透明亚克力颈饰,手持老式显像管显示器,屏幕显示故障艺术化的水墨山水。画面添加 VHS 噪点与柔焦效果,发丝边缘泛着青色光晕,融合国潮插画与迷幻美学。”
Half-body close-up of a Chinese beauty with silver short hair glowing neon blue, phoenix eyes adorned with micro LED eyeliner, wearing mechanical earrings projecting holographic data streams. Cyberpunk-style Chinese street scene background with neon signs flashing traditional characters, wet pavement reflecting purple halos. Semi-transparent bionic skin texture, collarbone embedded with glowing circuit patterns, cinematic wide-angle lens and glitch art textures.

介绍完 Reve Image 1.0 模型后,下面我教大家如何使用。

登录注册 Reve AI(需要网络,你懂我的意思)。

工具地址: https://preview.reve.art/app

注意,Reve AI 并非免费使用,新账号赠送 100 积分的基础额度,基础额度使用完后,每日登录会赠送 20 积分的免费额度。(1 积分可生成 1 张图片)

5 美元可购买 500 积分,能生成 500 张图片,对比 Midjourney 相对便宜。

可能大家在别处看到的文章/视频,说的是免费无限制使用,应该指的是这个网址: https://reveai.org/


还有一种可能,Reve AI 最初上线时,确实是免费的。

但由于这个模型太火热了,短时间涌进来一大批用户过来薅羊毛,导致他们的服务器成本增加。一般初创公司,也很难承受的住。(题外话,Deepseek 官网崩溃,也是因为短时间来了太多用户......)

1. 功能概览

来看下 Reve AI 的界面,顶部的导航栏重点关注两个功能:




2. 文生图功能

文生图的操作,几乎所有的 AI 图像工具都一样。输入提示词、设置尺寸、设置生图数量。

那么,我们来实操下,尺寸设置 4:3 比例,图像数量设置为 1。
注意,Reve AI 可以输入中文提示词,但提示词增强按钮需要显示为“Enhance on”。





选中生成的图像。在悬浮的操作区中,选择“Edit Prompt”,即编辑该图像生成的提示词。当选中图像后,会显示该图片的 Seed 值。


2. 图像修改功能

Reve AI 的图像修改功能比较有意思,它不像修图工具那样对图片进行手动修改。
而是与 Google 的 Gemini 2.0 生图功能类似,用嘴修改图像。




3. 图生图功能

Reve AI 的图生图与其他 AI 生图工具的玩法不一样,在 Reve AI 中,上传图像后会直接生成 4 张与上传图类似的效果,不需要再写提示词。

我觉得这样的交互非常棒,因为我平时使用图生图功能的目的就是让 AI 给我生成类似的图像效果。而简化了提示词、尺寸等设置步骤,会大大提升我的出图效率。





比如“将图片中的“good morning”单词改为“Yanchuan AIGC”。


下面,我们再来测试下 Reve Imagen 1.0 模型在各个领域生成的图像效果。

如果只展示 Reve Imagen 1.0 模型的效果,那没什么意思,所以我决定从 Artificial Analysis 排行榜的前 10 名中挑选 4 个模型,作为 Reve Imagen 1.0 模型的对手,它们分别是 Flux 1.1 Pro、Recraft V3、Imagen 3、Midjouney V6.1。


测评的图像类型共分为 7 大类型,分别是动漫游戏、写实摄影、插画设计、电商设计、建筑设计、排版设计、三维设计。

免死金牌:因为 AI 生成的结果具有随机性,下面展示的图像效果仅供参考。

案例一:CG 幻想

中文提示词:“赛博朋克机甲女战士,全身机械铠甲流动霓虹光效,未来都市废墟背景,动态粒子特效环绕,Octane 渲染 8K 分辨率,景深 1.2,赛璐璐风格混合写实质感。”

英文提示词:“Cyberpunk mecha warrior woman, glowing neon circuits on biomechanical armor, ruined future cityscape with holographic ads, dynamic particle effects, Octane render 8K, depth of field 1.2, cel-shading with photorealistic textures.”



英文提示词:“In an anime-style illustration, a handsome boy stands under a cherry tree on campus, wearing a neat school uniform and a warm smile. A gentle breeze blows, and cherry blossoms fall. The overall tone is bright and fresh, with smooth lines, exuding youthfulness and romance.”



英文提示词:“In realistic portrait photography, a gentle Chinese woman is the focal point. Her face embodies typical Eastern beauty: curved willow-leaf eyebrows, bright and deep-set eyes, a small nose, and a rosy mouth. Her skin is fair and smooth, with a faint, reserved smile on her face, and her eyes exude gentleness and kindness. She has long, black, shiny hair and wears a light blue traditional qipao with delicate golden patterns on the collar and cuffs. The background features a Jiangnan water town with small bridges, flowing streams, and ancient buildings with white walls and black tiles arranged in an orderly manner. The overall color tone is soft, with natural lighting, delicately capturing the gentle temperament and classical beauty of Chinese women.”



英文提示词:“In realistic landscape photography, a magnificent snow-capped mountain stands tall, its peak covered in white snow that glimmers with a brilliant silver light under the sun. At the mountain's waist, clouds swirl, creating an air of mystery. The foot of the mountain is home to an expansive glacier, where massive ice cracks are clearly visible and the surface reflects a cold, sharp light. In the distance, mountains rise and fall, echoing the grandeur of the main peak and forming a magnificent and tranquil natural landscape. The sky is a gemstone blue, with a few white clouds drifting by, adding a touch of vitality to the cold mountain.”



英文提示词:“In a watercolor-style illustration, a peaceful Jiangnan water town comes into view. There are small bridges, flowing streams, and houses. The ancient buildings with white walls and black tiles are scattered in an orderly manner. The water is clear, reflecting the surrounding scenery. The colors are soft, and the watercolor blending effect is natural and smooth, creating an elegant and poetic atmosphere.”



英文提示词:“In a minimalist-style illustration, a lonely paper boat floats on calm water. The image is composed of simple lines and basic geometric shapes, with a single light blue color dominating. The background is left blank, highlighting the boat's simple shape. The overall effect is peaceful and pure, evoking endless imagination.”



英文提示词:“In e-commerce scene design, a refined perfume bottle is placed in an artistic indoor setting. The bottle is elegantly shaped, with a transparent body containing inviting pale pink perfume and a golden, intricately patterned cap. Beside the bottle are several fresh cherry blossom branches, with petals scattered on the tabletop, adding romance. The background is a white wall with an abstract modern painting that echoes the bottle's colors. The soft color tone and natural light from the window create a warm, elegant atmosphere, highlighting the perfume's quality and appeal.”



英文提示词:“In e-commerce product design, a stylish wireless Bluetooth headphone is showcased. It has a black-and-silver color scheme, a simple yet modern look, smooth lines, and a techy feel. The ear cushions are made of soft leather, and the headband is lightweight aluminum, giving a high-quality texture. Against a simple gray background with faint geometric patterns, a few small steel beads are scattered beside the headphone, adding movement and detail. The image emphasizes the headphone's design and quality, making it more appealing and competitive.”



英文提示词:“In a modern architectural concept, a commercial building exudes sleek sophistication. Its facade of transparent glass panels allows soft interior lighting to shine through, complemented by warm brick walls that add a touch of coziness. The structure boasts a minimalist form with clean lines that define its silhouette. A spacious courtyard opens up the area in front of the building, harmonized with bare trees and subtle landscaping, creating a serene and contemporary atmosphere. Dominated by cool grey and warm brown tones, the building is photographed at dusk, enhancing the reflective qualities of the glass. The angle captures the juxtaposition of light and dark areas, resulting in an expertly balanced composition that showcases the interplay between architecture and nature, where modernity merges with tranquility.”



英文提示词:“In interior design, an open modern kitchen and dining space features white and wood as the main colors. The kitchen island is simple and spacious, equipped with advanced appliances. The dining table is made of solid wood with comfortable chairs, and a uniquely designed chandelier hangs above. The space is well-planned with ample lighting, creating a warm and stylish atmosphere for dining and cooking.”


中文提示词:“一个大胆且充满活力的海报设计,以多汁的芒果为主题。背景具有热带风情,混合了霓虹橙色、黄色和绿色,类似于芒果汁飞溅的效果。一个卡通风格的芒果角色,有着大而富有表现力的眼睛、调皮的笑容和从嘴里冒出的烟雾。设计包括滴落的芒果糖浆效果、涂鸦风格的‘Mango Kush’文字,以及迷幻的漩涡图案,赋予其一种迷幻的氛围。subtle 地放置了小元素,如大麻含量百分比(28%)、二维码占位符和‘请将本品放在儿童无法触及的地方’的警示标签。整体风格是城市街头艺术和迷幻流行艺术的融合。”

英文提示词:“A bold and vibrant poster design featuring a juicy mango theme. The background has a tropical feel with a mix of neon orange, yellow, and green colors, resembling a mango juice splash. A cartoon-style mango character with big, expressive eyes, a mischievous grin, and smoke coming out of its mouth. The design includes dripping mango syrup effects, graffiti-style text that says 'Mango Kush', and psychedelic swirls to give it a trippy vibe. Small elements like THC percentage (28%), a QR code placeholder, and a ‘Keep Out of Reach of Children’ warning label are subtly placed. The overall style is a fusion of urban street art and psychedelic pop art.”


中文提示词:“专业工程企业官网设计,现代极简风格,采用深蓝色与白色组合的配色方案。顶部导航栏包含公司立体金属徽标、企业名称及悬浮式导航菜单(关于我们/服务项目/技术创新)。背景使用全幅跨海大桥实景图片(水面倒影效果)。核心区域展示加粗标题'工业发展专家',强调行业专业能力,下方副标题'全球 EPC 总承包能力'。包含数据统计模块(收入金额与项目数量的图标化展示),基础设施项目展示区配高清实景图片与简介文字。底部联系信息与社交媒体链接。整体采用现代无衬线字体,照片级写实细节,呈现专业企业形象。”

英文提示词:“Professional engineering corporate website, ultra-minimalist design, navy blue and white theme, header with 3D metallic logo and floating menu [About Us, Services, Technology Innovation], full-screen suspension bridge background with water reflections, bold title "Industrial Development Expertise" in geometric sans-serif, subtitle "Global EPC Capabilities", statistics dashboard with [¥10B+ Revenue, 200+ Projects] using infographic icons, clean gradient buttons, modern typography, photorealistic lighting, 8k detail.”

案例一:3D 角色

中文提示词:“一个 3D 卡通浣熊角色设计。浣熊有着大大的黑色眼圈,圆圆的眼睛闪烁着好奇的光芒。它的鼻子小巧而黑亮,嘴巴微笑着,露出友好的神情。它穿着一件宽松的绿色卫衣,卫衣上有一个可爱的卡通图案,下身搭配蓝色的牛仔短裤,脚上穿着白色运动鞋,鞋带整齐地系着。它的尾巴蓬松,自然地垂在身后。角色设计包含三视图,方便进一步的动画制作和游戏开发。背景为纯白色。”

英文提示词:“A 3D cartoon raccoon character design. The raccoon has large black eye patches, round eyes sparkling with curiosity. Its small shiny black nose and smiling mouth show a friendly expression. It wears a loose green hoodie with a cute cartoon design, blue denim shorts, and white sneakers with neatly tied laces. Its tail is fluffy and hangs naturally behind. The character design includes three views for animation and game development. The background is pure white.”

案例二:3D 场景

中文提示词:“迷你城市建在云端,药房屋顶有巨大的斜坡式蓝白胶囊装饰,旁边是医疗相关元素,有输送带、楼梯、管道、通风口、遮阳篷、沙发,后面有正式的建筑,天空中有云朵和无人机、热气球,整个建筑群建在云端,蓝紫色调,C4D 风格,卡通风格,皮克斯动画风格,2.5D 视角,高质量,超级细节,高分辨率。”

英文提示词:“mini city built on clouds, pharmacy roof with huge slanting blue and white capsule pill decoration, medical related elements nearby, conveyor belts, stairs, pipes, vents, awnings, sofas, formal buildings behind, clouds, drones, hot air balloons in the sky, entire complex on clouds, blue and purple style, C4D, cartoon style, Pixar animation style, 2.5D angle of view, high quality, super detail, high resolution."

到此,经过 3 天深度测评,5 款主流模型横向对比,70 张效果图测试,不知道大家如何评价 Reve Image 1.0 这款霸榜的图像模型呢,可以在评论区中交流下。



但在美学的表现上,我认为是略逊于 Midjourney 的。在处理复杂多主体场景时,Reve Image 1.0 偶尔会出现细节丢失或位置错误的问题。这其实也不只是 Reve Image 1.0 的问题,其他图像模型也会有。

2025 年 AI 圈的风向标属实奇葩,大语言模型这边神仙打架,图像模型却像被按了暂停键。

最后,我还是比较推荐大家去体验下 Reve AI,可能会给你带来不一样的生图体验。

