“no eyewitness rule”怎么翻译?其具体含义是什么?

B站影视 日本电影 2025-03-18 17:14 1

摘要:〈美〉一项已基本失效的法律规则,指如果没有直接的证据证明死者曾采取了何种措施以避免事故的发生,则陪审团可以推断他是为自身安全并尽到了通常的注意而行事的。在仍然适用该规则的司法区,在遗留的诉讼或不当致死诉讼〔survival action or wrongful

no eyewitness rule 无目击证人规则

〈美〉一项已基本失效的法律规则,指如果没有直接的证据证明死者曾采取了何种措施以避免事故的发生,则陪审团可以推断他是为自身安全并尽到了通常的注意而行事的。在仍然适用该规则的司法区,在遗留的诉讼或不当致死诉讼〔survival action or wrongful-death action〕中的原告可主张该原则以反驳被告提出的死者有与有过失〔contributory negligence〕的答辩。

Legal Definition of no-eyewitness rule: a rule in tort law: in the absence of testimony by eyewitnesses a jury may assume that a person has exercised reasonable care to preserve his or her own safety — used especially in Iowa. 以下为相关例句,可供参考:


No eyewitness rule is a defunct principle of tort law that the deceased, in the absence of an eyewitness who can testify as to his/her activities during the material moments preceding the accident, is presumed to have been acting in the exercise of ordinary care for his safety.



Many states have abolished the no eyewitness rule. However, in jurisdictions where the rule persists, in survival or wrongful-death actions it can be asserted to counter a defense of contributory negligence.



The following is an example of a caselaw defining the rule: The no eyewitness rule is that where there is no eyewitness and no obtainable direct evidence as to what a decedent did or failed to do by way of precaution at and immediately before the time he was injured there is an inference he was in the exercise of ordinary care for his own safety.


