摘要:国际移民组织驻华代表处正式启动关于申根签证的宣传活动。这是由国际移民组织负责执行、由欧盟资助的“第三期支持中欧人员往来和移民领域对话项目”(MMSP III) 的组成部分。MMSP项目向中欧有关各方就移民和人员流动问题提供技术支持,通过开展一系列活动加强中欧合
国际移民组织驻华代表处正式启动关于申根签证的宣传活动。这是由国际移民组织负责执行、由欧盟资助的“第三期支持中欧人员往来和移民领域对话项目”(MMSP III) 的组成部分。MMSP项目向中欧有关各方就移民和人员流动问题提供技术支持,通过开展一系列活动加强中欧合作并满足各方实际需求。
Schengen Visa Information Campaign Co-launched by IOM and EU
Schengen Visa Information Campaign is being launched as part of the EU-China Dialogue on Migration and Mobility Support Project, Phase III (MMSP III), funded by the European Union and implemented by IOM. MMSP provides technical support to EU and Chinese stakeholders on migration and mobility topics, seeking to strengthen EU-China cooperation via a range of activities and addressing practical needs of the parties.
The information campaign was developed in close coordination with the EU Member States, Schengen Associated States and the EU Delegation based on current priorities.
The campaign aims to facilitate the visa application processes by Chinese citizens who are travelling to Schengen Area countries by providing information on where and how to apply for the visa, highlighting areas to which applicants should pay specific attention.
The campaign consists of four short videos and corresponding posters to be distributed via Embassies’ official social media accounts and websites, via visa application centres, and other relevant communication channels.
For more information on Schengen Visa, please click "Read More" below to visit the website.
Please find the videos and posters below.
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