摘要:数据less than/close to于no more than 只有the majority of 大多数the bulk of 大多数the minority of/a small number of 少数amassive85 percent 一个庞大的
have mixed views on(人们)各持不同的看法
reach consensus on(人们)对某事达成一致意见
Itake the view that 我所持的看法是...
be of the opinion that...(某人的)个人意见是
bea highly charged issue 是一个引起激辩的话题
ignite fierce debate引发了激烈的争论
The majority of people oppose 多数人反对
Itstands to reason that(某现象)是符合常理的
lt is an inescapable fact that 是一个无法回避的事实
be a well-established fact 是为人们所共知的事实
The underlying cause of something is
A fundamental mistake made by someone is
The tide of opinion is now running steadily against
The concerns that something are well-iustified对于某事的担心是完全合理的
less than/close to于
no more than 只有
the majority of 大多数
the bulk of 大多数
the minority of/a small number of 少数
amassive85 percent 一个庞大的85%
a mere/modest 12 percent一个微小的12%
two thirds of students 三分之二的学生
three auarters of students 四分之三的学生
a quarter of students 四分之一的学生
one in nine九个中有一个
bar chart 柱图
pie chart 饼图
flow chart 线图
make up 组成,构成
account for占据
be responsible for 代表,负责
arrive at 达到
during the period of 在......期间
throughout the course of 在......期间
over the course of在.....期间
at the beginning of在..….开始的时候
at the end of在...结束的时候
by the end of 到...结束时为止
in the following five years 在随后的5年
in the next five years 在随后的5年
for 3 years running 连续3年
for the third year running 连续3年
for 3years in arow 连续3年
go up上升
show an upward trend 上升
show an upward tendency上升
show a downward trend 下降
show a downward tendency下降
the highest point 最高点
the lowest point 最低点
peak at 达到最高
plateaued at 停滞不前
reached a peak 达到最高
reached a plateau 进入稳定阶段
reached a bottom 触底
a period of stability 平稳期
stabilized at 达到平稳
level off at 达到平稳
remained stable 保持平稳
remained constant 保持平稳
remained steady 保持平稳
showed some fluctuation 波动
showed some variation波动
rise and drop 波动increase by 增长了
increase to 增长到
increase from to 从.......增长到...
begin the year at 以........开始一年
the advertising slot 电视上的广告时段
advertising campaign 密集的广告宣传活动
be glued to something 聚精会神地盯着某物
be well-informed 对某方面的信息十分了解的
spoil someone's enjoyment 很扫兴
well-wonn themes 已经被用滥的题材
hackneyed subjects 陈腐的题材
current affairs 政治社会经济等方面的时事
media hype 媒体的炒作
news worthy events 有新闻价值的事件
dominate the headlines 最引人注目的新闻
distort the truth(媒体在报导时)歪曲事实
public figures 公众人物
court media publicity刻意吸引媒体的关注
keep alow profile 保持低调
a glamorous celebrity魅力四射的明星
blow something out of proportion 夸大其词
escape reality 逃避现实
reality show 真人秀
quiz show 有奖问答节目
show initiative(在工作时)显示出主动性
keep someone's word 守信
upright citizen 正直、有责任感的公民
preserve someone's integrity坚持原则
be very arty 小资情调的,风花雪月的
meet someone in person 与某人见面
an overnight success一夜成名的人或事物
people from all walks of life 各行各业的人
go from rags to riches 贫苦到富有的成功历程
be concerned about something 担忧,关注
people who live next door to you邻居
be an absolute necessity 是绝对必需的
extravagant lifestyles奢华的生活方式
someone's legacy lives on
job security 工作稳定性
job satisfaction 工作满意度
be entitled to something 享有某种权利
a sense of flilment(从工作中获得的)成就感
brain drain人才流失
work experience 工作经验
excessive workload 过重的工作负担
be labour intensive劳动强度大的,劳动密集型的
an oppressive deadline 过于苛求的截止日期
work under enormous stress 工作压力很大
work long hours for low pay 工作长报酬很低
leisure activities 休闲放松活动
a demanding job要求非常严格的工作
work ethic 敬业精神
flexible arrangements灵活的安排
work schedule工作计划,工作的日程安排
routine work日常的惯例工作
be well-staffed 员工素质高的
be short-staffed 人手不够的
have access to 有权使用某种工具或信息
cause friction(人际关系里)导致小的摩擦
conflicts arise 出现冲突
stress-induced diseases 压力过大导致的疾病
the pace of work 工作节奏
backbreaking tasks 很辛苦的任务
manual work 体力工作
mental work脑力工作
be in charge of something 负责某项工作
has an attitude problem 态度不主动的
be an eager beaver 工作非常积极主动的人
be an indicator of ability 工作能力的体现
feelout ofone'selement对新环境等感到不适应
be attuned to完全适应(某种环境)的
lead a busy life 过着十分忙碌的生活
be tiedup atwork忙于工作而无暇去做别的事情
a cushy job 很轻松的工作
job prospects 职业前景
play a regulatory role发挥监管者的作用
regulate and oversee 监督管理,监管
rules and regulations 规章制度
impose a ban on someone 禁止某事物
should abolish something废除某事物
put something into effect实施
a recurring problem 持续出现的问题
an enduring solution持久有效的解决方案
it is short-sighted to做某事是目光短浅的
have a monopoly over something 占有垄断地位
be entitled to something 有权利去拥有或去做
be entitled to do something
national defence 国防
safeguard our security 确保我们的安全
arms race 国家间的军备竞赛
budget deficit 预算赤字
government spending 政府开支
government expenditure
be at the taxpayer's expense 花纳税人的钱
relieve tax burden减少税务负担
allocate money to something 拨款给
trade barriers (国家之间的)贸易壁垒
free trade 自由贸易
hunger and poverty 饥饿与贫困
wealth and prosperity 财富与繁荣
charitable organisations 慈善组织
health insurance 健康保险
insurance premium 保险费
international aid 国际援助
low-interest loans 低息贷款
safeguard social stability 保障社会稳定
a chronic problem 持续存在的问题
a chronin shortage of 对某事物的长期缺乏
high on the government's agenda
place a high priority on something
vicious circle 恶性循环
adverse effect 负面影响
non-biodegradable material 生物不可降解材料
reusable material可以被重复利用的材料
pollution reduction减少污染
use something wastefully 浪费某种资源
hydro-electirc power 水电
the biosphere(地球上的)生物圈
endangered species 濒危物种
ozone layer 臭氧层
cause irreversible damage 导致不可逆转的破坏
be permanently damaged 遭到永久性的破坏
global warming 全球变暖
greenhouse effect 温室效应
car emissions汽车的尾气排放
exhaust fumes 汽车尾气
respiratory diseases 呼吸系统疾病
soil erosion 土壤侵蚀
seawater desalination 海水淡化
chemical fetiliser 化学肥料,化肥
acid rain 酸雨
be saturated with 过度饱和,充斥着
upset the ecosystem 扰乱生态系统
redress the ecological balance 恢复生态平衡
industrial waste 工业废料
at the expense of something 以..为代价
at the cost of something 以……为代价
natural disaster 自然灾害
ecological degradation 生态恶化
oil shortage 石油短缺
be in short supply 处在短缺状态中
fossil fuel化石燃料(主要指煤、石油与天然气)
solar energy 太阳能
wind energy 风能
noise pollution 噪声污染
light pollution光污染
get on someones nerves (噪声等)让人很心烦
be a nuisance 令人厌烦的事物
be very rewarding 有回报的
use lateral thinking鼓励发散性思维
rely on linear thinking 依赖于直线型的思维
academic performance 学业表现
academic qualifications 学历
standardized test 标准化考试
rote memorization 重复记忆,机械记忆
learn something by heart 熟记某种知识
read extensively 广泛地阅读
induce cramming 导致考前突击
standard of upright conduct 行为准则
student's autonomy学生的自我管理
self-discipline 自制力
role model 榜样
set a good example 为别人树立榜样
core curriculum 核心课程
the aims ofeducation 教育的目标
specialisein something 专攻某个领域
extra-curricular activities 课外活动
promote equality 促进(学生之间的)平等
repress individuality 压制个性
a single sexschool 男校或女校
bewell-behaved 行为得体的
drop out of school 辍学
skip school逃学
come ofage 成年
be bilingual 双语的
be monolingual 单一语种的
slack off学习或工作不努力,懈怠
apply oneself 尽力去做某事
disruptive students 不遵守纪律的学生
unruly students不听话的学生
act up 调皮,不听话
meet the demand of...满足某种需求
fulfil someone's responsibilities 尽到责任
compulsory subject 必修科目
cooking utensils厨具
good nutrition 让人保持健康的营养
be in season(蔬菜、水果等)应季的
be out of season(蔬菜、水果等非应季的
food supplies食品供应
frozen food 冷冻食品
canned food 罐装食物
a wholesome diet 有益健康的饮食
an unhealthy diet 不健康的饮食或生活方式
cut down on something 减少对某种食物的摄入
a fast food junkie;吃垃圾食品上瘾的人
carbonated drinks 碳酸饮料
dietary habits; workwonders 饮食习惯
eating disorder 不正常的饮食习惯
trace elements微量元素
be a gourmet 是一个美食家
be mouth-watering 让人垂涎欲滴的
be disgusting 非常难吃的
social creature 有社会属性的动物
socialise with someone 参加社交活动
means of communication 沟通方式
participate fully in完全参与到…当中去
take partin 参与
be supportive of someone 非常支持配合某人
a kindred spirit和某人志趣相投的人
get along with 与某人很合得来
Honesty is the best policy 诚实是最好的方法
be on the same wavelength 意见完全一致
don't see eye to eye with sb与某人意见不一致
stab someone in the back 背叛朋友
console sb at times of sorrow 在某人伤心时安慰
joys and sorrows 喜怒哀乐
compete on a level playing field 公平的竞争
fair and square 公平公正地