优先发表 | 两篇关于永磁同步电机分析和电动汽车牵引电机绕组设计的文章

B站影视 内地电影 2025-03-14 07:08 1

摘要:Analysis of radial force, vibration, and noise in low-speed, high-torque density spoke-type PMSMs with symmetric and asymmetric as


Analysis of radial force, vibration, and noise in low-speed, high-torque density spoke-type PMSMs with symmetric and asymmetric assisted poles designs


Sayyed Haleem Shah; Yun-Chong Wang; Dan Shi; Jian-Xin Shen

S. H. Shah, Y. -C. Wang, D. Shi and J. -X. Shen, "Analysis of radial force, vibration, and noise in low-speed, high-torque density spoke-type PMSMs with symmetric and asymmetric assisted poles designs," in CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems, doi: 10.30941/CESTEMS.2025.00003.

Abstract—This article investigates the radial electromagnetic force, vibration, and noise phenomenon in a low-speed, high-torque density spoke-type permanent magnet synchronous machine (ST-PMSM) designed with assisted poles having symmetric and asymmetric topologies. Firstly, an analytical expression for the machine radial electromagnetic force (REMF) is derived to quickly estimate the REMF characteristics for the ST-PMSM with assisted poles having symmetric and asymmetric topologies. The 2D-Fourier decomposition method is applied to investigate the radial electromagnetic force harmonics (REMFHs). Secondly, Finite element (FE) models are designed for the machine structural analysis. Subsequently, the FE models and modal analysis are explored for different design cases of the analyzed machine. Lastly, vibration and noise behavior are investigated using an FE approach for the machine designs under symmetric and asymmetric assisted poles topologies. The findings indicate an increase in the richness of REMFHs, alongside a decrease in both the fundamental frequency and the lowest non-zero order of REMF, attributed to the presence of asymmetric assisted poles. Consequently, it is investigated that while considering the vibration and noise response in ST-PMSMs designed with asymmetric assisted poles topologies, it is essential to thoroughly account for induced non-zero low-order harmonics and their optimization for better vibration and noise performance.



Moving towards the reliability-oriented design of hairpin winding for EV traction machines driven by SiC inverter


Xiaowei Ju; Yue Zhang; Zhiwei Xue; Yuan Cheng; Shumei Cui

X. Ju, Y. Zhang, Z. Xue, Y. Cheng and S. Cui, "Moving towards the reliability-oriented design of hairpin winding for EV traction machines driven by SiC inverter," in CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems, doi: 10.30941/CESTEMS.2025.00005.

《中国电工技术学会电机与系统学报(英文)》(CES TEMS)是中国电工技术学会和中国科学院电工研究所共同主办、IEEE PELS学会技术支持的英文学术期刊。期刊发表国内外有关高性能电机系统、电机驱动、电力电子、可再生能源系统、电气化交通等研发及应用领域中原创、前沿学术论文。中国工程院院士马伟明担任主编,IEEE的执委Don Tan博士为国际主编。目前已被ESCI、EI、Scopus、 Inspec、Google scholar、IEEE Xplore、中国科学引文数据库(CSCD) 核心版、DOAJ、CSTPCD、知网、万方、维普等数据库收录。








