英语乐翻天- 英国人如何谈论早间日常

B站影视 港台电影 2025-03-13 23:20 3

摘要:Good morning, good afternoon and good evening! Welcome to Smashing English!

Is it correct to say: I take my coffee?

说“I take my coffee”对吗?

Find out in this video!


Good morning, good afternoon and good evening! Welcome to Smashing English!

早上好,下午好,晚上好!欢迎来到 Smashing English!

Before we start this video, be sure to subscribe because we make new videos all the time and I don't want you to miss any!


So with that said, let's get on with the video!


Mornings, my least favorite time of day.


Whether you love them or hate them most people have a morning routine, things that they do every morning to start their day.


So this morning as soon as I woke up I asked my partner Bez to film me to show you my real morning routine, and along the way, I will be telling you exactly how native speakers talk about their morning routines, so let's go!

所以今天早上我一醒来就让我的伴侣 Bez 拍摄我,向你展示我的真实早间日常,并且在过程中,我会告诉你母语者如何谈论他们的早间日常,所以我们开始吧!

Okay, the first thing that happens in my morning is my alarm goes off, yes when your alarm makes that big 'ring ring ring' noise, it's "going off", there it is.

好的,我早晨的第一件事是闹钟响了,是的,当你的闹钟发出那个大“铃铃铃”声时,就是它“going off”,就是这样。

My alarm's going off.


So I turn it off… in a minute, I'm going to press off, I turned it off, then I check my phone, I see if anyone has texted me or tried to call me, then this is my favorite thing to do: give my eyes a good rub, stretch, try to wake myself up a little bit.


Then normally, I scroll on my phone for far too long, I scroll through Tik Tok, I scroll through Instagram, I scroll through social media.

然后通常,我会看很久手机,我翻阅 Tik Tok,我翻阅 Instagram,我翻阅社交媒体。

It's a very bad habit but I'm a millennial, it's just what we do.


Then I get out of bed, now depending on how tired you are, you can get out of bed in different ways.


So sometimes I drag myself out of bed.


"Dragging yourself out of bed" means you're tired, it's hard, it's difficult, it's slow.

“Dragging yourself out of bed”意味着你很累,很难,很困难,很慢。

Or, sometimes I just jump out of bed.


Then I make my bed, now everything you're seeing here, it is all "making the bed", whether I'm doing this with the duvet, or I'm putting the pillows there, or I'm putting this little giraffe, everything is making the bed.

然后我整理床铺,现在你看到的这一切,都是“making the bed(整理床铺)”,无论我是这样整理被子,还是把枕头放在那里,还是放这个小长颈鹿,一切都是整理床铺。

Then it's time to open the blinds or draw the blinds, and I notice that the windows are very wet because of condensation, so I have to dry them.


It's not a fun job.


But it's got to be done.


Then I put on something very comfortable, lovely, and then I do my meditation, you know, I take some time to just sit, meditate… I'm joking, I never do this, of course, I don't do this.


Okay, pause for a second, notice how I am talking in the present simple tense a lot.


Now why am I doing this?


The clue is in the name: morning routine.


This is not just one thing I did one morning and I've never done it again, this is something I do routinely, regularly, commonly.


It is something that happens more than once throughout my life, so we use the present simple: I wake up, I brush my teeth, I eat breakfast, present simple.


Let's carry on!


Then I go downstairs or "head downstairs" — if you want to be a native, I then draw the curtains and open the blinds, let some light in, you know.

然后我下楼(go downstairs),或者如果你想像母语者一样说,就是“head downstairs”,我然后拉开窗帘,打开百叶窗,让一些光线进来,你知道的。

Then I go to the kitchen and I realize that there's a little bit of mess, but don't look at that.


And it's time to put the kettle on, yes, we "put the kettle on".

是时候烧水壶了,是的,“put the kettle on”。

And we also say that "the kettle boils", we don't say that "the water boils", we say "the kettle is boiling", which is quite interesting.

我们也说“the kettle boils”,我们不说“the water boils”,我们说“the kettle is boiling”,这很有趣。

So I put the kettle on and I wait for the kettle to boil.


While I'm waiting for the kettle to boil, I prepare my breakfast.


Now with breakfast and coffee or tea or juice, don't use the verb 'to take'.


So don't say, I 'take' my breakfast, I 'take' my coffee, I know this is really common in a lot of languages, but we don't use it in English.

所以不要说 'take' my breakfast,'take' my coffee,我知道这在很多语言中很常见,但我们在英语中不这样用。

We say "have" or "eat" for "breakfast".


So we can say "I eat my breakfast" or "I have my coffee".

所以我们可以说“I eat my breakfast”或“I have my coffee”。

So here I am pouring the milk into my coffee because I want to have my coffee.


I'm actually making two, one for my partner because I'm so nice, pouring the milk so that I can have my breakfast.


So I sit down on the sofa, I have my breakfast, I have my coffee, I watch some TV because I have a dining table, but I like to pretend it doesn't exist.


Because the sofa is so much comfier.


Then it's time to brush my teeth.


So I'm using an electric toothbrush, not "electrical" — "electric toothbrush".

所以我用的是电动牙刷,不是“electrical”,是“electric toothbrush”。

Now it's time for exercise, now watch out for this mistake.


I am not "doing sport", I am "doing exercise" or "working out".

我不是在“doing sport”,而是在“doing exercise(锻炼)”或“working out(健身)”。

"Sport" is something that you do against other people, you compete, like football or soccer or running.


This is exercise because it's purely for me.

这是 exercise(锻炼),因为它纯粹是为了我自己做的。

Now obviously you just saw me doing yoga, but there are lots of other types of exercise we can do as part of our morning routine.


So let's talk about how to say some of them.


So you can "go for a run" or "go for a jog".

所以你可以“go for a run(去跑步)”或“go for a jog(去慢跑)”。

What's the difference between a "jog" and a "run"?


A "run" is a bit more aggressive, a "jog" is a bit more casual.


You can also say "I go for a swim".

你也可以说“I go for a swim(我去游泳)”。

"Going for a run" and "going for a jog", "going for a swim" just sounds a lot more native than saying "going running", "going swimming", "going jogging".

“Going for a run”和“going for a jog”,“going for a swim”听起来比说“going running”、“going swimming”、“going jogging”更地道。

Some people might "go to the gym", you might also hear Americans say "hit the gym", but it's not so common in the UK.

有些人可能会“go to the gym(去健身房)”,你也可能听到美国人说“hit the gym(去健身房)”,但在英国不太常见。

Let's continue!


After my workout, it's time to head upstairs and "have a shower".


You can say "have a shower" or "take a shower", it's completely up to you.

你可以说“have a shower”或“take a shower”,完全由你决定。

Now, don't you come in here, excuse me!


After my shower, I go to get ready, so I start off with my makeup, and I have a whole video about how to talk about makeup, which I will link down below And I tell you everything, everything you need to know about how to talk about putting on your makeup.


Some British people say "putting your face on", so right now I'm putting my face on, looks great.

一些英国人说“putting your face on”,所以现在我在化妆,看起来很棒。

Now I have a bit of a weird morning routine because I don't leave my house in the morning, most people leave to go to work, but my work is in my house.


So let's talk about how to describe your morning routine if you are leaving.


So let's say you have a work bag, you might say "I pack my work bag" or "I organize my work bag" or "I pack my things".

所以假设你有一个工作包,你可能会说“I pack my work bag(我收拾我的工作包)”或“I organize my work bag(我整理我的工作包)”或“I pack my things(我收拾我的东西)”。

You might put together a "packed lunch", a "packed lunch" is literally a lunch that you pack and take with you.

你可能会准备一个“packed lunch(便当)”,“packed lunch”就是你准备并带走的午餐。

So you might "put together a packed lunch", "throw together a packed lunch" — if you "throw something together", you do it with a lot less organization, you just 'oh, sandwich, crisps, go.' And the journey that you take from home to work is called a commute, you are commuting, so you could say "I commute to work Monday to Friday" or "I commute by car" or "my commute is around 30 minutes" or "I hate commuting".

所以你可能会“put together a packed lunch(准备一个便当)”,“throw together a packed lunch(随便准备一个便当)”——如果你“throw something together(随便准备)”,就是说你没怎么认真准备,只是‘哦,三明治,薯片,走吧。’你从家到工作的旅程叫做 commute(通勤),你在通勤,所以你可以说“我周一到周五通勤上班”或“我开车通勤”或“我的通勤大约 30 分钟”或“我讨厌通勤”。

This is a really useful word, but make sure you only use it for work, it's not the same for going to the park.


You don't say 'Oh, I commuted to the park', it's only about that journey from home to work and back again.


Now a phrasal verb that you might hear a lot where native speakers talk about their morning routine is 'set off', especially in the UK, we use "set off" all the time.

现在一个你可能经常听到的短语动词是‘set off(出发)’,特别是在英国,我们一直用“set off”。

It means to start your journey, to leave your house, so normally on a weekday, I set off at half past seven, I "set off", I leave the house, I start my journey, set off.

这意味着开始你的旅程,离开你的家,所以通常在工作日,我在七点半出发,我“set off”,我离开家,我开始我的旅程,出发。

After my makeup, I do my hair.


Now when we say "do your hair", that can be everything: brushing it, straightening it, curling it, cutting it, anything.

现在当我们说“do your hair”时,可以是任何事情:梳理、拉直、卷曲、剪发,任何事情。

We can say "do your hair" to mean all of those things.

我们可以说“do your hair”来表示所有这些事情。

Now I need to choose what to wear because if I don't choose what to wear, I can't get dressed.


So I'm choosing some jeans and I will put them on.


And I'm ready, that was easy!


And there you have it, that was my morning routine, I hope you've learned a few things there and I hope it was useful.


If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like.


And if you would like an online one-to-one English lesson with me or my partner Bez, the link for that is down below.

如果你想和我或我的搭档 Bez 进行一对一的在线英语课程,链接就在下面。

And you can follow us on Instagram here.

你可以在这里关注我们的 Instagram。

Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time, tata!


