摘要:60,000 年上半年有超过 2023 名房地产经纪人离开了这个行业。这种外流使许多经纪公司争先恐后地取代他们并加强他们的招聘游戏。无论您是新获得执照还是经验丰富的经纪人,他们都度过了富有成效的一年——如果您正在寻找改变,您很可能已经开始收到来自各种房地产公司
我们都听说过这个消息:60,000 年上半年有超过 2023 名房地产经纪人离开了这个行业。这种外流使许多经纪公司争先恐后地取代他们并加强他们的招聘游戏。无论您是新获得执照还是经验丰富的经纪人,他们都度过了富有成效的一年——如果您正在寻找改变,您很可能已经开始收到来自各种房地产公司的电子邮件、信件和电话。
以下是我们排名前 10 位的经纪商的摘要,包括他们的起始佣金分配以及我们认为他们适合的代理类型。(注意:经纪商按字母顺序列出,而不是优先顺序。
佣金佣金拆分*最适合范围:50/50 至 90/10喜欢营销材料、办公空间等免费福利的代理商。跳转到详细信息 ↓范围:50/50 至 90/10代理商寻找一致且受人尊敬的品牌跳转到详细信息 ↓范围:50/50 至 90/10寻求强大市场份额的代理商跳转到详细信息 ↓范围:85/15 至 95/5拥有强大的营销计划并需要资金支持的代理商跳转到详细信息 ↓80/20 佣金分配,直到您达到 16,000 美元的年度上限想要赚取额外被动收入的经纪人跳转到详细信息 ↓70/30 加上 8% 的特许经营费(*直到您达到特定的办公室上限,然后是 100%)新获得许可的代理跳转到详细信息 ↓85/15 (*直到您的总佣金达到 80,000 美元,然后是 100%)喜欢丰盛的技术工具的经纪人跳转到详细信息 ↓60/40 到 95/5,但 95/5 的佣金分成也必须支付桌面费用希望拥有全球代理网络的全球品牌的代理跳转到详细信息 ↓基本工资加上每笔交易完成的奖金希望获得稳定基本工资的经纪人跳转到详细信息 ↓通常为 70/30,但有一些例外希望专注于豪华房地产的经纪人跳转到详细信息 ↓
费用和佣金结构: 经纪公司提供的佣金结构和费用表。市场份额和业绩记录: 他们的业绩记录、成功交易、平均销售价格和该地区的市场份额。营销和技术:为代理商提供的营销策略和技术工具。支持和培训: 为代理提供的培训、指导、管理和营销支持的级别。文化和社区:经纪公司的文化和价值观,以及他们对当地社区的承诺。当然,我们还可以剖析许多其他因素,例如您是否喜欢经纪颜色或最近的办公室离您家有多近,但其中大部分是主观的,因此我们坚持使用可以平等比较的东西。
对于新经纪人或希望转换的人来说,最重要的信息是选择经纪公司是一个非常个人的决定。仅仅因为其他人选择了 Century 21,并不意味着它最适合您。也许您不想去实体办公室(REAL 或 eXp),或者您喜欢稳定基本工资的想法 (RedFin)。我们都有对我们来说重要的事情,在选择最适合您的房地产公司时,您应该牢记这些事情。
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Thanks to the internet, we’ve got all kinds of information at our fingertips. The challenge is finding reputable information and comparing apples to apples. Not to worry; we’ve done the heavy lifting for you.
We’ve combed the data, read the reviews, and stalked their websites and social media, scoped out comments sections and Reddits, so you don’t have to. Check out our top five brokerages based on the who, what, and where we think are important considerations for agents choosing a firm.
Best real estate company for new agents: Keller Williams
There is good reason that Gary Keller has written some of the best-selling real estate books. He knows what he is doing and has built an amazing brokerage as a result. KW is known industry-wide as having some of the most comprehensive training programs for new agents. This is reflected in the split and franchise fee. Let’s be real; they need to fund all this support somehow.
Even with an 85/15 split, I think Keller WIlliams is the absolute best choice for new agents. Throughout the transactions I’ve done, I can tell when I meet an agent who has gone through the training, mentoring, and support provided by Keller Williams. The brokers and lead agents do a great job of mentoring new agents to help them build a strong foundation and set them up for success.
Keller Williams has recently worked to step up their technology and tool game so that it can better compete with the more cutting-edge brokerages. The proprietary platform, KW Command, is called “the Amazon of real estate.” Additionally, they have budgeted nearly $1B in the next 10 years to continue improving tools and support for their agents.
Per their marketing materials, Keller Williams states that they put their agents first. I’ve heard colleagues in the industry talk about how KW truly feels like a family. There is continued value with KW for experienced agents as well. They provide a multitude of professional development experiences, leadership opportunities, and annual conferences.
If this is what you’re looking for, and you’re hoping to build a strong foundation in the real estate industry, Keller Williams is for you.
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销售额:2,950 亿美元
您最近有没有在任何城市的主干道上开车?您可能已经看到蓝白相间的 Coldwell Banker 待售标志插在房产前的地面上。该经纪公司成立于 1906 年,可以肯定地说,该经纪公司已经经历了一些最好和最差的市场,并且仍然存在,因此人们已经开始信任它。
Coldwell 被评为 2023 年女性选择奖®,“10 家客户推荐房地产代理机构中有 9 家”。这似乎是一个值得吹嘘的奇怪奖项,但考虑到女性是大多数决策者并且拥有巨大的购买力,这没什么好打喷嚏的。
该经纪公司以其在市场上的悠久历史、专业的代理人和一致的品牌形象而闻名。请注意,我说的是一致,而不是前沿。代理商最近对 CB 表达的担忧之一是需要改进技术和营销工具。代理商正在与来自新公司拥有最新和最好的其他公司竞争,CB 加强他们的游戏至关重要。
令人好奇的是,为什么技术工具和媒体的存在没有更好,因为它们实际上是一家大型房地产公司的一部分。Coldwell Banker 是 Anywhere Real Estate 公司(前身为 Realogy)旗下的一个品牌。其他品牌包括 Century 21 Real Estate、Corcoran Group 和 Sotheby's International Realty。
Coldwell Banker 确实有一个奢侈品营销部门,该部门通过已建立的网络和高质量的营销工具得到大力支持。它包括一个全球奢侈品®认证课程,该课程在希望出售数百万美元房屋的个人中具有一定的分量。如果您想打入奢侈品市场,这可能是一个明智的举动。
如果您是一名拥有强大系统(与经纪无关)、可靠商业计划并且不一定需要培训或指导的代理人,那么 Coldwell Banker 可能是您的下一步选择。将您现有的专业知识与他们的市场份额和知名度相结合可能正是您的企业达到新水平所需要的。
不可用 销售量:1670 亿美元
在全球范围内,苏富比国际地产以其豪华房源、富有的客户和高端代理商而闻名。这并不意味着那里的每个人都严格来说是奢侈品经纪人,但要知道这是他们经纪人的很大一部分。为了给您一些观点,苏富比是 #1 知名豪华房地产品牌,在 60,000 年拥有超过 2022 个媒体投放。
在全球 1,000+ 个国家/地区设有 80 多个办事处,他们的影响力很大。奢侈品市场是一个联系紧密的市场,成为苏富比代理的好处是您可以访问这个遍布全球的代理网络来分享推荐。
至于品牌和营销,我会给他们一个坚实的 B+。他们为代理商提供高于平均水平的工具,但在奢侈品的高端,大多数代理商可能会投资于自己的营销和工具,以支持他们的客户和业务。
苏富比承认在媒体和营销方面保持领先地位非常重要,并在该经纪公司的网络形象上投入了大量资金。主网站 www.sothebysrealty.com 在 2022 年拥有超过 4600 万访问者,创下其历史上访问量最高的网站。
苏富比也了解社交媒体的重要性,最近推出了他们最新的媒体活动“Nothing Compares to What's Next”,该活动主要设计用于社交媒体。尽管人口正在老龄化,但具有购买力的几代人越来越懂技术,经纪公司在努力吸引这些年轻买家和卖家时需要将其放在首位。
适用于房地产经纪人、经纪人和经纪公司的 8 个最佳网站建设者
2025 年最佳房地产软件:代理商 + 团队的 17 个首选
精通技术的经纪人的最佳房地产公司: REAL
销售额:144 亿美元
REAL 是最新的孩子,正在为自己赢得相当大的名声。在股票期权和代理商吸引激励方面与 eXp 具有相似(但不同)的模式,他们为代理商开辟了更多的被动收入机会。
如果您刚开始成为经纪人,您将希望使您的收入多样化。有时,市场很热,有时则不那么热。您希望额外的收入来源来减轻那些低迷时期的压力。一些经纪人通过拥有出租物业或进行一些物业管理来做到这一点,但 REAL 提供了另一种在同一家公司内赚取额外收入的方式。我称之为双赢。
REAL 目前在 49 个州、哥伦比亚特区和加拿大 4 个省份开展业务,在传统上由大公司主导的市场中迅速扩大了足迹。但真正让他们与众不同的是他们的技术,特别是对于新人和年轻的代理商。
Their innovative technology tools include mobile platforms for working on the go. I don’t know a single agent who doesn’t spend half their day working from the car. They also have leveraged automation and AI to streamline processes and remove administrative hassles that can be a major pain point for agents.
REAL was founded in 2018 and went public in 2020. They’ve had an amazing five years, but let’s be real (see what I did there); they’ve only been around for five years. That is 1/20th of the time Coldwell Banker has been in business. For some agents and clients, this doesn’t matter. For them, it’s the quality of the agent. However, there are some people who trust a brand, and name recognition and market share is a deciding factor in who they choose. For agents looking for a new brokerage, you may feel the same way.
I watch a lot of agents from different brokerages on social media, and I am continually impressed by the REAL agents and their ability to share knowledge, build community, and have fun. They are a small, but growing group and it could be exciting to get in on the ground level with them and grow alongside all the other agents.
If you are confident in your ability to be a strong agent and sell yourself and this “new” brokerage, and also love agent-first technology and support, then REAL is for you! Full disclosure: I made the switch to REAL in 2023.
Best real estate company for agents who need consistent income: RedFin
RedFin at-a-glance (2022):
Transactions: 37,500
Sales volume: $14.4 billion
Agent count: 8,200
老实说,很多来自“传统”经纪公司的代理人都对 RedFin 代理人感到恼火。这与代理人本身无关,而与 RedFin 用来引导客户完成购买过程的方法有关。往往有很多手在锅里,通常是安排看房的人,另一个真正出现与客户会面的人,有时还有监督交易的第三人。
RedFin 的好处之一是它是消费者经常用来自行搜索房产的网站之一,因此它是他们熟悉的品牌。此外,如果您在 RedFin 上搜索房产并单击“联系代理”时还没有体验过这一点,您将被发送到 RedFin 代理,因此他们的代理有一些内置的潜在客户生成。
话虽如此,如果您想踏入房地产公司的大门,建立一本商业账簿,并拥有稳定的收入,RedFin 值得探索。除了其不寻常的人员配置模式外,它还具有独特的支付代理人的方式。RedFin 本质上不是基于佣金的。所有 RedFin 代理人都赚取基本工资,并根据完成的交易获得奖金。
由于这对他们来说是一个吸引代理商的巨大卖点,因此他们有一个漂亮的计算器,您可以使用它来查看主要大都市 RedFin 代理商的平均收入。这是我最喜欢的两个地方的数据。
马萨诸塞州波士顿(第一年代理):19 笔交易
Redfin 第一年的薪水 + 奖金:62,000 美元Redfin 涵盖的费用:14,000 美元Redfin 支付的福利:11,000 美元总赔偿额: $87,000Fort Myers, Florida (第一年代理):24 笔交易
Redfin 第一年的薪水 + 奖金:61,000 美元Redfin 涵盖的费用:14,000 美元Redfin 支付的福利:11,000 美元总赔偿额: $86,000老实说,金钱会说话。尽管我不喜欢每笔交易涉及的人数,但对于正在改变职业或需要有稳定收入的新代理人来说,成为 RedFin 的代理人是一个不错的选择。
掌握 Circle 勘探的 10 个简单技巧(+脚本)
7 年 2025 个最佳房地产潜在客户开发网站
房地产勘探:16 种行之有效的策略来增强您的业务
想要营销资金的经纪人的最佳房地产公司: 指南针
销售额:2300 亿美元
When Compass first showed up on the real estate brokerage scene, there was lots of buzz about all the amazing things they would offer and their heavy recruiting of powerhouse agents. There was a fair amount of substance behind all this talk. I personally know several agents who were lured to work for Compass because of the incredible sign-on bonuses, marketing package, and even billboard features. Yes, billboards, like the ones you see when driving down the street.
However, as the real estate landscape started to shift, Compass did have to dial back on their incentives and offerings, while remaining a strong leader in the marketing tools they offer to agents. According to the agent recruiting materials, they can help you to build brand awareness at scale while saving you up to $50,000 per year with the use of their marketing tools. You may have also noticed that Compass has tried to get their grips on the luxury market. For these high-end properties they offer additional hands-on marketing and PR.
Getting back to the billboards, not only has Compass marketed many agents on these giant signs along the highway, but they also have found success with something called transit marketing. These are the signs and advertising you see on the sides of buses and trains, on bus benches, and subway stops. It may seem a little old school for a high-tech company, but it’s been working.
Some additional tools that Compass has brought to agents with its suite of tech tools is an insider guide to off-market properties. When this first hit the grapevine, non-Compass agents were up in arms because they felt like they were getting shut out of properties in an already limited inventory market. The marketing powerhouse that Compass is, not only did they create this directory of properties, but they also call them “private exclusives” and use that language when marketing to potential sellers. If you are a seller of a luxury property and you don’t want photos of your children’s bedrooms or floor plans of your house splashed all over the internet, this would be a logical option for selling your home.
Some skeptics may wonder if Compass has the numbers to back up their flashy marketing, and in fact they do. Based on stats from Midwest Real Estate Data (MRED), in 2022, Compass Chicagoland agents had the highest volume per agent, the highest units per agent, the highest sales price per agent, and the lowest market time per agent. This is nothing to sneeze about.
Now, as the market has shifted, Compass has had to make some budget cuts, so do your own due diligence to determine what you’ll get as a signing package or annual budget, but if major marketing spend is what you’re after, Compass may be the right brokerage for you.
Best real estate company for agents who like recruiting: eXp
Transactions: 397,138
Sales volume: $159 billion
Agent count: 86,203
Out of the five boutique brokerages we highlighted, we did a deep dive into our top two. We think these are great choices for newer agents and seasoned veterans alike.
If you are remotely linked to the real estate industry, there is a 99% chance that you have received a recruiting email, DM, or phone call from an eXp agent looking to build their team. Often this cold outreach is annoying, but you can’t blame them, they make money by bringing new agents to the company. It is a large part of the revenue model for eXp agents.
The way this recruitment and revenue share model works is that for every new agent that joins under a sponsor, that sponsor receives 3.5% of the new agent’s gross commission. For life. Ok, not quite, there is a cap each year, but it resets, so basically for life. Now, some recruiting agents have a training and mentorship program set up for the agents that they bring over to eXp and I think this is amazing. However, some just do the recruiting for the revenue stream, so do your homework before signing on the dotted line.
Now, eXp is cloud based. For those of you who aren’t sure what that means, let me explain. Everything takes place online (with the exception of their annual conferences). Obviously your transactions are all handled online, that’s the way most offices are moving these days, but even your training, your communication with your broker, and most meetings. They have even developed their own training “school” called eXp university, and host a multitude of trainings and classes there that can be accessed 24/7.
Now, if you are techie and always on the go, this may be a perfect fit. But if you are a little more old school, and like being able to sit in a room with folks, this will take some adjusting. The introvert in me thinks this is fabulous because quite frankly I don’t like being around people all the time. This is also ideal for people who are transitioning to real estate and maybe need to do their real estate work at night after their day job or after the kids are in bed. Having 24/7 access to the tools, resources, and training that you need is a major bonus.
正如他们所说,一个坏苹果会破坏这堆,eXp 就是这种情况,只是它更像是几个苹果。由于 eXp 代理商从“代理吸引”(招聘的好词)中获得经济利益,因此有些人将其作为真正的使命。这些是那些为其余部分破坏了它的人。有许多了不起的 eXp 代理,但不幸的是,由于陌生电话,我们中的许多人都受到了艰难的招募,当我们听说有人在 eXp 时,我们会稍微侧目。我希望这种情况会随着时间的推移而改变,因为我认为经纪公司可以提供很多东西,并且非常适合许多代理商。