同济大学闫冰教授ACS Nano:基于共价有机框架的仿生发光传感器——听觉、味觉与嗅觉信息监测实现多模态感知

B站影视 2025-01-17 14:12 12




在本研究中,同济大学闫冰教授团队构建了四种具有不同羟基数目的COFs,而苯-1,3,5-三甲醛(BTA)配体上的羟基数目影响最终COFs的性能。以水合肼(HH)和具有一个羟基的BTA为配体制备的COF(HHBTA-OH)具有最佳的荧光性能。HHBTA-OH中的羟基与MA反应生成MA@HHBTA-OH,使其成为具有优异检测性能的味觉传感器的理想候选材料。我们将MA@HHBTA-OH与琼脂糖(AG)结合,MA@HHBTA-OH@AG作为嗅觉传感器,通过监测BAs蒸汽来评估食品的新鲜度。MA@HHBTA-OH与三聚氰胺泡沫(MF)相结合,制成了MA@HHBTA-OH@MF声学传感器。该传感器表现出极高的灵敏度(19,751.98 cps·Pa-1·cm-2)和低检测限(5.95 Hz and 1.72 dB),同时具备优良的可重复使用性和抗噪声能力。该工作以“Bionic Luminescent Sensors Based on Covalent Organic Frameworks: Auditory, Gustatory, and Olfactory Information Monitoring for Multimode Perception”为题在线发表于《ACS Nano》期刊上。

Figure 1. (a) Schematic representation of the synthesis of four COFs. (b) The modeled crystal structures and side views of COFs. (c) PXRD patterns of COFs experimental (orange), AA stacking mode (light red) and AB stacking mode (blue). (d-g) SEM images of the four COFs.

Figure 2. (a) Lminol-to-ketoamine tautomerism in COFs via proton transfer. (b) The solid-state UV-vis DRS spectra. (c) Energy-level diagrams and the HOMO-LUMO gap of COFs. (d) Luminescent intensity of four COFs. (e) Photographs of four COFs powders under daylight and 310 nm UV excitation.

Figure 3. (a) Schematic representation of the strategy for preparing MA@HHBTA-OH. (b, c) SEM pictures of MA@HHBTA-OH. (d) XRD patterns, (e) FT-IR spectra, and (f) WCA for HHBTA-OH and MA@HHBTA-OH. (g) The electrostatic potential of HHBTA-OH, MA@HHBTA-OH, and MF.

Figure 4. (a) Scheme of preparation process of MA@HHBTA-OH@MF. (b) Pictures of MF with size of 4.0 × 2.0 × 0.2 cm3. (c-e) SEM pictures of MF. (f) Pictures of MA@HHBTA-OH@MF under sunlight and UV light. (g-i) SEM pictures of MA@HHBTA-OH@MF. (j) EDS mappings of C, N and O elements of MA@HHBTA-OH@MF.

Figure 5. (a) Luminescent spectra and (b) luminescent intensity of MA@HHBTA-OH in the solution of two bitter compounds and other common interfering substances. Calibration curves of MA@HHBTA-OH toward PROP (c) and HMF (d) in different concentration ranges. Under 310 nm excitation, the intensity at 630 nm of MA@HHBTA-OH with PROP (e), and HMF (f) in the presence of other common interfering substances. (g) Decay lifetimes of emission peak of 630 nm in PROP and HMF. (h) Excitation spectrum of MA@HHBTA-OH and UV–vis absorption of PROP and HMF.

Figure 6. (a) The photos and corresponding R/G/B values in different concentration of Cad under the irradiation of 310 nm UV lamps. (b) Plot of the linear relationship between R/G of films and Cad concentrations under UV light. (c) The photos and corresponding R/G/B values upon addition of Cad under day light. (d) Plot of the linear relationship between R/G of films and Cad concentrations under day light.

Figure 7. (a) Schematic representation elucidating the sound sensing measurement process utilizing MA@HHBTA-OH@MF. (b) Optical signals of the drum sound with f = 388 Hz and SPL = 52−93 dB. (c) ∆I−SPL linear curve in SPL sensing process. (d-f) FES of MF in total sound pressure field, scattered sound pressure field, and incident sound pressure field with f = 400 Hz. (g) The recorded optical signal response of 26 English letters. (h) Optical signal responses toward the sounds of four tones of “e”. (i) Recognition signals of the word “luminescence” pronounced by male and female speakers, respectively. (j, k) Comparison of the pronunciation of “good morning” by the acoustic sensor and sound recorder. The recordings were made in quiet and noisy environments, respectively. (l) Music visualization of “Canon”.

Figure 8. (a) Schematic illustration of cough monitoring and communication system for infectious disease response. (b) Optical response signals to different coughing sounds. (c) Schematic illustration of a biological multisensory system of vision and olfactory for detecting BAs vapors. (d) Monitoring the freshness of shrimps stored at different temperatures by MA@HHBTA-OH@AG.



