摘要:Eric Rogers(1902-1990)在剑桥大学学习数学和物理学。在20世纪60年代,他在纳菲尔德的物理教育计划中发挥了关键作用。他是普林斯顿大学物理学的名誉教授,于1971年退休。编写的教材“打击”那种死记硬背式的学习,而鼓励学生追求真正的理解。课程极
英文书名:Physics for the Inquiring Mind
或《给爱刨根问底的人看的物理学 物理科学的方法 本质和哲学 》
Eric Rogers(1902-1990)在剑桥大学学习数学和物理学。在20世纪60年代,他在纳菲尔德的物理教育计划中发挥了关键作用。他是普林斯顿大学物理学的名誉教授,于1971年退休。编写的教材“打击”那种死记硬背式的学习,而鼓励学生追求真正的理解。课程极其注重实验。它的精神可用一句谚语来概括:“听了会忘,看了会记住,做了才理解。”(Hear and forget, see and remember, do and understand.)他反对积累孤立的、碎片化知识的学习。他设计的整个课程表现为互相联系着的知识网。课程素材的选择和安排是围绕一个统一的目的。
In our scientific age an understanding of physics is part of a liberal education. Lawyers, bankers, governors, business heads, administrators, all wise educated people need a lasting understanding of physics so that they can enjoy those contacts with science and scientists that are part of our civilization both materially and intellectually.
They need knowledge and understanding instead of the feelings, all too common, that physics is dark and mysterious and that physicists are a strange people with incomprehensible interests. Such a sense of understanding science and scientists can be gained neither from sermons on the beauty of science nor from the rigorous courses that colleges have offered for generations; when the headache clears away it leaves little but a confused sense of mystery. Nor is the need met by survey courses that offer a smorgasbord of tidbit--they give science a bad name as a compendium of information or formulas.
The non-scientist needs a course of study that enables him to learn real science and make its own--with delight.
For lasting benefits the intelligent non-scientist needs a course of study that enables him to learn genuine science carefully and then encourages him to think about it and use it. He needs a carefully selected framework of topics--not so many that learning becomes superficial and hurried; not so few that he misses the connected nature of scientific work and thinking. He must see how scientific knowledge is built up by building some scientific knowledge of his own, by reading and discussing and if possible by doing experiments himself. He must think his own way through some scientific arguments. He must form his own opinion, with guidance, concerning the parts played by experiment and theory; and he must be shown how to develop a taste for good theory. He must see several varieties of scientific method at work. And above all, he must think about science for himself and enjoy that. These are the things that this book encourages readers to gain, by their own study and thinking. Physics for the Inquiring Mind is a book for the inquiring mind of students in college and for other readers who want to grow in scientific wisdom, who want to know what physics really is.