#真财实料#【国家发改委:中国连续十余年稳居全球第二大商品消费市场】国务院新闻办公室于星期一下午3时举行新闻发布会,国家发展改革委副主任李春临介绍提振消费有关情况时表示,我国已连续十余年稳居全球第二大商品消费市场和最大网络零售市场,居民消费需求和结构不断升级,服务性消费支出占比持续提高。#提振消费专项行动方案划重点##解决加班文化等痛点#China has been the world's second-largest goods consumption market and largest online retail market for over a decade, said Li Chunlin, deputy chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission, at the SCIO's Monday press conference on boosting consumption. He added that resident consumption needs and structures have been constantly upgraded with service consumption expenditure's share continuing to rise, while new market space is still expanding. #BizFocus