2、Goettsch Partners,Inc.
3、AI PIanet Works Limited;
【竞赛回顾】:全球征集!380W奖金 | 上海北外滩hk285-05地块(67街坊)概念设计国际方案征集
Entrusted by Shanghai North Bund (Group) Co., Ltd. (Solicitor)as the Solicitation Agency, Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. (SITC) Is organizing the International Scheme Solicitation for Concept Design for Plot hk285-05 (Block 67) of the North Bund in Shanghai (“Project”). SITC welcomes all Applicants who are interested in this Project to participate. Through open prequalification, four applicants (“Shortlisted Applicants”) will be selected to enter the following Solicitation Stage.
The North Bund area in Shanghai is located at the intersection of Huangpu River and Suzhou River, with a total area of about 4 square kilometers, including 3.3 square kilometers of land area and 3.4 kilometers of waterfront coastline. The North Bund, together with Lujiazui and the Bund, constitutes the "Golden Triangle" for Shanghai's development. It is the only golden area in the central urban area of Shanghai that can be planned in pieces developed in depth. It contains great opportunities and potential.
According to the planning, the overall space of the North Bund will form the overall pattern of "one center, two areas, and the integration of the new and the old", and the central core business district will be developed with high intensity and density; The dynamic area of Hongkou Port in the west and the Tilanqiao area in the east are low-rise and high-density spatial patterns.
Block 67 of the North Bund (i.e. Block hk285) is located in the middle of the core business district of the North Bund, to Tangshan Road in the north, to East Changzhi Road in the south, to Shangqiu Road in the west, and to Xinjian Road in the east.
Surroundings and location map of Block 67 on the North Bund
The design scope of this Project encompasses Plot hk285-05 in Block 67 of North Bund (the existing former Lester Institute site is not included within this design scope). The land use classification for the plot is designated as scientific research and design land (C6), with a site area of approximately 8380 square meters (the specific boundaries are subject to the adjusted planning drawings). The proposal includes the planning of a super high-rise research and office tower, with a building height limit of 230 meters. The above-ground gross floor area for new construction is 86000 square meters, allowing for the inclusion of an appropriate amount of supporting commercial facilities. Plot hk285-06 should be considered in a unified overall planning layout with Plot hk285-05. The design scheme should properly coordinate with the style and layout of the former Lester Institute site. The planning and design should take into account coordination with the subway entrance at the southeast corner of the former Lester Institute site.
3.1 申请人须具有独立承担民事责任的能力,不接受自然人参与应征。
An Applicant must have the ability to bear civil liability independently, and the participation of natural person is not accepted.
3.2 申请人须具有承担本次征集内容相应的资格及能力:
An Applicant must have the corresponding qualifications and abilities to undertake the content of this Project:
3.2.1 申请人为境内机构的,须具备中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部核准的建筑行业建筑工程专业设计甲级(或以上)资质证书。
If the Applicant is a domestic institution, it must have the qualification certificate of Class A in Construction Industry (Construction Engineering) Design (or above) issued by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, People’s Republic of China.
3.2.2 申请人为境外机构的,须在其所在国家或地区合法注册,具有相应设计许可。
If the Applicant is an overseas institution, it must be legally registered in the country or region where it is located and be equipped with corresponding design license.
3.2.3 港、澳、台机构按第3.2.2条要求执行。
Applicants from Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan shall comply with the requirement of Article 3.2.2.
3.2.4 境外机构在境内注册的子公司按第3.2.1条要求执行。
Subsidiaries of overseas institutions registered in China shall comply with the requirements outlined in Article 3.2.1.
3.3 申请人须具有与本次征集内容类似的混合功能超高层建筑设计或设计咨询业绩。
Applicants must have relevant project performances similar to this Project in architectural design or design consulting for mixed functional super high-rise buildings.
3.4 本项目不接受联合体。
The Consortium is not accepted in this Project.
4.1 凡有意参加本次方案征集活动的潜在申请人,请于2025年3月5日16:00时至2025年3月11日16:00时(北京时间,下同),在上海国际招标有限公司网站(www.shabidding.com,下同)在线领取《资格预审文件》。
All potential Applicants who are interested in participating in this Project can download the Prequalification Document through SITC Website (www.shabidding.com) from 16:00 on March 5, 2025 to 16:00 on March 11, 2025 (Beijing Time, same hereinafter).
4.2 申请人首次使用上海国际招标有限公司网站需完成注册程序。已注册的申请人可使用供应商登录名和密码登录工作台并搜索进入本项目公告页面,点击右上角“获取文件”按钮下载《资格预审文件》。征集代理不接受没有在上海国际招标有限公司网站上注册和没有《资格预审文件》下载记录的申请人提交的《申请文件》。
Applicants who have never used SITC Website before shall finish the registration process first. Registered Applicants can download the Prequalification Document by clicking the “Obtain” button in the corresponding announcement webpage by searching this Project on the workbench after logging in. SITC will not accept the Application Documents submitted by the Applicants who have not registered on SITC Website or who have no download records of the Prequalification Document on SITC Website.
4.3 申请人成功领取《资格预审文件》并不意味着其资格条件符合要求。申请人是否符合本公告第3条“合格申请人资格条件”由资格预审评审委员会判定。
An Applicant's successful acquisition of the Prequalification Document does not mean that it is eligible for this Project. Whether an Applicant meets the requirements of Article 3 in this Announcement is determined by the Prequalification Jury.
5.1 资格预审《申请文件》应以电子文件的形式提交。提交截止时间为2025年3月12日11:00时,提交的时间以电子文件上传成功的时间为准。除了在截止时间前成功上传的《申请文件》外,未在截止时间前上传或以其他形式提交的《申请文件》一律不被受理。
The Application Document shall be submitted in Electronic Documents. The submission deadline of Application Document is 11:00 March 12, 2025. The submission time of every Applicant is subject to the time when its Electronic Documents are successfully submitted. Any late submission or submission in any other form will not be accepted.
5.2 电子文件包括全套正本《申请文件》的PDF扫描件和PPT文件。申请人应登录上海国际招标有限公司网站,在其工作台中点击本项目下“待上传”按钮后上传资格预审《申请文件》的电子文件(以rar或zip形式压缩后上传,请注意无需加密)。
The Electronic Documents shall include the scanned copy in PDF of the full set of the original Application Document and the required PPT file. Applicants shall log in SITC website and submit Electronic Documents by clicking the “to be uploaded” button in the Project in the workbench. (Please do not encrypt the uploaded compressed file in rar or zip form.)
6.1 申请人提交了资格预审《申请文件》后,资格预审评审委员会将对申请人进行综合评审和比较,选择4名申请人作为入围的应征人,以及1名申请人作为备选应征人。当正式入围的应征人无法参加后续应征活动时,征集人可选择备选应征人增补。征集人保留不增补的权利。
After the submission deadline of Application Document, the Prequalification Jury will conduct a comprehensive review of all Applicants and select four Applicants as Shortlisted Applicant and one applicant as alternative candidate. If any of the formally Shortlisted Applicants are unable to participate in the subsequent Solicitation Stage, the Solicitor may select the alternative candidate to fill the vacancy. The Solicitor reserves the right not to make any replacements.
6.2 如申请人数量正好为4名或不足4名,资格预审评审委员会将对申请人的身份和资质、综合实力、主创设计师的资历、设计团队的人员配置等进行是否符合项目要求的判定。征集人有权决定符合项目要求的申请人全数入围,也保留重新组织资格预审的权利。
If there are exactly four Applicants or fewer than four Applicants, the Prequalification Jury will determine whether these Applicants meet the requirements of this Project by reviewing their identity and qualification, comprehensive ability, the qualifications of the chief designers, and the staffing of the design teams, etc. The Solicitor reserves the right to shortlist all applicants that meet the project requirements and further retains the right to reorganize the Prequalification.
7.1 入围应征人在方案评审会结束,并经方案评审委员会评定其方案符合《设计任务书》要求的,方案排名第一的应征人将获得方案征集费人民币120万元(含税),方案排名第二的应征人将获得方案征集费人民币100万元(含税),方案排名第三和第四的应征人将各获得方案征集费人民币80万元(含税)。
Among Shortlisted Applicants, those whose deliverables of this Project are evaluated to have met the requirements set in the Design Program by the Scheme Review Committee will receive the Scheme Solicitation Fee. after the Scheme Review Meeting. The Shortlisted Applicant whose scheme is ranked first will receive a Scheme Solicitation Fee of RMB 1,200,000.00(tax included). The Shortlisted Applicant whose scheme is ranked second will receive a Scheme Solicitation Fee of RMB 1,000,000.00(tax included). The Shortlisted Applicants whose schemes are ranked third and fourth will each receive a Scheme Solicitation Fee of RMB 800,000.00(tax included).
7.2 如经方案评审委员会评定,应征人的方案没有达到《设计任务书》要求的,应由方案评审委员会单独出具书面意见且有半数以上评委签字,具体阐明不符合要求的设计内容以及扣款标准,征集人将根据该书面意见扣减直至不支付该应征人的方案征集费。
If the Scheme Review Committee makes the decision that any Applicant’s deliverables of this Project failed to meet the requirements set in the Design Brief, the Scheme Review Committee shall provide a written opinion with the signature of more than half of the committee to specify the unqualified contents and the deduction standard. The Solicitor is entitled to deduct a portion or all amount of the Applicant’s Scheme Solicitation Fee according to this opinion.
Preliminary schedule of this Project is as follows:
9.1 资格预审公告、对资格预审公告的修改或补充(如有)以及资格预审结果公告在以下网站上发布:
The Prequalification Announcement, its amendment or supplement (if any), and the Announcement of Prequalification Result are published on the following websites:
9.2 《资格预审文件》、对《资格预审文件》的修改或补充(如有)在以下网站上发布:
The Prequalification Document and its amendment or supplement are published on the following websites:
Once submitting the Application Document, Applicants shall be deemed to have accepted the following terms of the intellectual property rights.
10.1 应征人承诺其拥有其提供服务时编制的所有图纸、说明、电子文档和其它相关文件(以下总称“成果文件”)的合法权利和知识产权。
The Shortlisted Applicant shall guarantee that it has the legal rights and intellectual property rights of all drawings, descriptions, electronic files and other relevant documents (hereinafter referred to as "Deliverables") prepared when it provides services.
10.2 应征人为本项目编制的成果文件系专用于本项目,各方均不得超过此范围使用。
The Deliverables prepared by the Shortlisted Applicant are exclusively for this Project and shall not be used by any party beyond this scope.
10.3 所有由应征人编制的成果文件,其著作权归应征人所有。如征集人与应征人签署了深化设计咨询合同,征集人可以使用应征人提交的成果文件。如征集人未能与应征人签署深化设计咨询合同,未经应征人书面同意,征集人无权使用、复制及修改成果文件,下述第10.4条约定事项除外。
The Shortlisted Applicant has the copyright of all its Deliverables. After further design consultation contract is signed between the Solicitor and the Shortlisted Applicant, the Solicitor can use the Deliverables of the Participant. If the Solicitor fails to sign the further design consultation contract with the Shortlisted Applicant, the Solicitor has no right to use, copy and modify the Deliverables of the Shortlisted Applicant without the written consent of the Shortlisted Applicant, except for the following Article 10.4.
10.4 在征集人向应征人付清本公告第7条定义的方案征集费之后,征集人可对应征人提交的成果文件进行印刷、出版和展览,可通过传播媒介、专业杂志、书刊或其他形式对成果文件进行评价、展示和宣传,但应注明应征人的名称。应征人在征询征集人意见并得到认可后,可在其官网、社交媒体等平台发布成果文件。
After the full payment of the Scheme Solicitation Fee defined in Article 7 of the Prequalification Announcement, the Solicitor has the right to print, publish and exhibit the Deliverables and to evaluate, display and publicize the Deliverables through media, professional magazines, book and other forms, but the name of the Shortlisted Applicant shall be indicated. After obtaining the approval from Solicitor, the Shortlisted Applicant may release the Deliverables on its official website, social media and other platforms.
10.5 应征人应保证提交的成果文件在中国境内或境外没有且不会侵犯任何其他人的知识产权(包括但不限于著作权、专利权)或专有技术或商业秘密。应征人应保证,如其成果文件使用或包含任何其他人的知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密,应征人已经获得权利人的合法、有效、充分的授权。应征人因侵犯他人知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密所引起的全部法律责任应由应征人承担。
The Shortlisted Applicant shall ensure that its Deliverables does not and will not infringe the intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright and patent right) or proprietary technology or trade secrets of any other person within or outside China. The Shortlisted Applicant shall guarantee that if its Deliverables uses or contains the intellectual property rights, proprietary technology or trade secrets of any other person, the Shortlisted Applicant has obtained the legal, effective and sufficient authorization of the owner. The Shortlisted Applicant shall be liable for all legal responsibilities arising from its infringement of others' intellectual property rights, proprietary technology or trade secrets.
10.6 在征集过程中由征集人和征集代理提供的所有资料的知识产权属征集人或相关提资单位所有。应征人仅可以将上述文件用于编制本项目的成果文件之目的。未经前述资料的知识产权所属方的书面许可,应征人不得将相关资料用于其他项目设计或其他目的,也不得将上述文件泄露给任何第三方。
All materials provided by the Solicitor and SITC during the solicitation process are the intellectual property of the Solicitor or the relevant contributing entities. Applicants may use such materials solely for the purpose of preparing the deliverables for this Project. Without prior written consent from the intellectual property owner of the materials, Applicants shall not use the materials for other project designs or purposes, nor disclose such materials to any third party.
11.1 资格预审公告使用中文和英文书写。当中、英文两种语言的意思表达不一致时,以中文为准。
The Prequalification Announcement is written both in Chinese and English. In case of inconsistency between Chinese and English, Chinese shall prevail.
11.2 凡参加本次资格预审的申请人均被视为同意并接受《资格预审文件》的全部内容及条款。本次方案征集的具体要求以征集人、征集代理与入围应征人签署的《方案征集合同》为准。
All Applicants participating in this prequalification are deemed to agree and accept all the contents and terms of the Prequalification Document.
11.3 申请人在资格预审《申请文件》中所列出的主创设计师须亲自开展本项目的设计工作,须参加项目启动会与现场踏勘,须进行成果方案汇报。因此,请所列出的主创设计师根据征集活动时间安排提前预留时间、做好准备。
The chief designer listed in the Application Document must carry out the design work, attend the Kick-off Meeting, participate in Site Visit and present the scheme PERSONALLY. Therefore, please make well preparation in advance according to the Schedule of Solicitation.
11.4 本次征集活动及相关文件的最终解释权归征集人。
The Solicitor reserves the right of final interpretation of this Project and related documents.
Solicitation Agency: Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Address: 14F, 358 Yan An Road (W), Shanghai, China
Contact Person: Mr. Luan Yi / Ms. Yu Fang