摘要:中国近日发布了《提振消费专项行动方案》,国新办于17日举行新闻发布会介绍有关情况。中央民族大学“一带一路”国别和区域研究中心研究员曲强接受CGTN采访时表示,政策协同发力将促进消费市场。#明确不得违法延长劳动者工作时间##解决加班文化等痛点#China rec
【专家:中国提振消费的政策将促进消费市场】中国近日发布了《提振消费专项行动方案》,国新办于17日举行新闻发布会介绍有关情况。中央民族大学“一带一路”国别和区域研究中心研究员曲强接受CGTN采访时表示,政策协同发力将促进消费市场。#明确不得违法延长劳动者工作时间##解决加班文化等痛点#China recently released an action plan on boosting consumption with the multiple measures. Qu Qiang, a fellow of the Belt and Road Research Center in Ming Zu University of China, explained how will these measures work together to boost consumer market. Qu told CGTN that if China can actually bring down the cost of service sectors, people will dare to spend more money on the daily consumption.For more views, check the video!