
B站影视 港台电影 2025-03-17 14:10 1

摘要:陈诗龙(人力部长)医生:保留计划( retention scheme)于2021年9月疫情期间推出,旨在缓解劳动力短缺,允许被解雇的工作准证持有者继续在新加坡工作。在该计划下,建筑业、海事造船与加工业的行业协会负责工人的日常管理,并将其匹配给有意雇佣客工的雇主



42 黄国光(义顺集选区议员)询问人力部长:

(a)建筑业、海事造船与加工业为保留工作准证持有者实施的”保留计划“( retention scheme)成效如何?



陈诗龙(人力部长)医生:保留计划( retention scheme)于2021年9月疫情期间推出,旨在缓解劳动力短缺,允许被解雇的工作准证持有者继续在新加坡工作。在该计划下,建筑业、海事造船与加工业的行业协会负责工人的日常管理,并将其匹配给有意雇佣客工的雇主。该计划帮助842名客工找到新雇主,于2022年6月疫情缓解和旅行限制解除后终止。


为支持企业挽留高技能工作准证持有者,”企业竞争力行动联盟”(Alliance for Action on Business Competitiveness)建议政府检讨工作准证持有者的最长工作年限和最高年龄限制相关政策。我们正在研究该建议。


Mr Louis Ng Kok Kwang asked the Minister for Manpower (a) what are the outcomes of the retention schemes in the construction, marine shipyard and process sectors to facilitate the retention of Work Permit Holders in these sectors; (b) whether any of these retention schemes or measures are still in place; and (c) if not, why not.

Dr Tan See Leng: The retention scheme was introduced in September 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic to relieve labour shortages and enable Work Permit holders to continue working in Singapore if their employment was terminated. Under this scheme, trade associations in the construction, marine shipyard and process sectors would take over the upkeep of the workers and match them to employers that wished to hire foreign workers. The scheme helped 842 workers find new employers. It was discontinued in June 2022 after the pandemic and lifting of travel restrictions.

The scheme was not continued because there are sufficient measures in place to facilitate the retention of experienced Work Permit holders in Singapore. Workers can transfer to a new employer at the end of their contract, without the need for the current employer’s consent. They can also transfer to a new employer anytime, with consent of the current employer or if there is a valid claim against the current employer.

To further support businesses in retaining higher-skilled Work Permit holders, the Alliance for Action on Business Competitiveness has also recommended for the Government to review relevant policies on maximum period of employment and maximum age for Work Permit holders. We are studying this recommendation.







