摘要:We’ve been speaking to someone who was in the room when the term “Six Sigma” was first mentioned! David Hutchins is one of the few
What seems to have been lost—perhaps intentionally rather than by accident—are the true origins of the Six Sigma methodology and why the term “Six Sigma” was used at Motorola.
We’ve been speaking to someone who was in the room when the term “Six Sigma” was first mentioned! David Hutchins is one of the few (perhaps the only one) who knows the facts as they happened!
我们采访了一位亲历者——大卫·哈钦斯(David Hutchins),他可能是唯一了解真相的人。当时,“六西格玛”这个词首次被提出,他就在现场!
David Hutchins was at the ASQ conference in Anaheim in 1989 when Bob Galvin, CEO of Motorola, first mentioned Six Sigma on an international stage. This was right after Motorola won the new American National Quality Award, the Baldrige Award. Dr. Juran, who was 85 years old at the time, flew from his home in Wilton, Connecticut, to Los Angeles to personally present the award.
1989年,在美国质量协会(ASQ)阿纳海姆会议上,摩托罗拉首席执行官鲍勃·加尔文(Bob Galvin)首次在国际场合提到“六西格玛”。那是在摩托罗拉刚获得美国国家质量奖——鲍德里奇奖(Baldrige Award)之后。85岁的朱兰博士(Dr. Juran)专程从康涅狄格州的威尔顿飞到洛杉矶,亲自颁奖。
David Hutchins, a personal friend of Dr. Joseph Juran and a contributor to Dr. Juran’s work, had a close-up view of the development of the term “Six Sigma.”
According to David, before the term “Six Sigma” was used, Motorola had set up around 100 Quality Improvement teams trained using a series of 16 video tapes produced by Dr. Juran, titled “Juran on Quality Improvement.”
据大卫回忆,在“六西格玛”名称出现前,摩托罗拉组建了约100个质量改进团队,接受朱兰博士制作的16盘录像带培训,名为《朱兰论质量改进》(Juran on Quality Improvement)。
A keen observer at Motorola noticed that about 10% of the teams consistently achieved results significantly better than the others. Further investigation showed that these high-performing teams used statistical tools for root-cause analysis rather than guessing the causes to save time.
To encourage this rigorous approach of root-cause analysis (as taught in Dr. Juran’s videos), Bob Galvin decided to create the label “Six Sigma” to distinguish “the best from the rest.”
The term Six Sigma caught on, and, according to David, people like Mikel Harry (1951 – 2017) with a commercial perspective began to embellish it with 1.5 sigma adjustments, turning it into a ‘quasi-science.’ This attracted statistics departments from colleges and universities worldwide, who saw a promising trend.
“六西格玛”逐渐流行起来。大卫说,后来像米克尔·哈里(Mikel Harry,1951-2017)这样的人从商业角度对其加以修饰,引入1.5西格玛偏移的概念,使其变成一种“准科学”。这吸引了全球大学统计系的兴趣,他们看到了这一趋势的潜力。
In 1994, only five major organizations were promoting Six Sigma:
– Motorola
– Texas Instruments
– Allied Signal (now Honeywell)
– Kodak
摩托罗拉德州仪器联合信号(现为霍尼韦尔)ABB柯达After Jack Welch of GE discovered Six Sigma in 1995, there was a surge of companies and universities promoting it.
1995年,通用电气的杰克·韦尔奇(Jack Welch)发现六西格玛后,大量企业和大学开始推广它。
David Hutchins watched it all unfold in real time!
Knowing that Dr. Joseph Juran’s work was the true original foundation of Six Sigma (and not the statistical adjustments made by Mikel Harry) should now give us comfort.
Thank you, David Hutchins, for providing this historical context to Six Sigma.