
B站影视 内地电影 2025-03-12 00:27 1

摘要:An apple a day keeps the doctor away, and a toothbrush keeps the dentist away.每天一个苹果,不用看医生;每天刷牙,不用看牙医。Good teeth, good health. 有健康

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, and a toothbrush keeps the dentist away.每天一个苹果,不用看医生;每天刷牙,不用看牙医。Good teeth, good health. 有健康的牙齿才有健全的身体。A clean tooth never decays.保持牙齿清洁是预防蛀牙的关键。(decay v 腐烂)Take care of your teeth, and they will take care of you. 呵护你的牙齿,牙齿才让你健康。(祈使句,and将来时)A healthy mouth is a gateway to a healthy body. 口腔健康才有健康身体。Floss the teeth you want to keep. 使用牙线清洁牙齿。(定语从句)Medical mouthwash cures oralulcers. 医用漱口水可以治疗口腔溃疡。(cure v 治愈)A dental water jet is more convenient than dental floss. 牙齿冲洗器比牙线更方便。


