
B站影视 欧美电影 2025-02-13 17:36 3

摘要:book_management/│├── main.c # 主程序├── book_management.h # 头文件,声明函数和常量└── book_management.c # 实现文件,定义函数

1. 针对图书的管理:新增图书,修改图书,删除图书 ,借阅图书 ,归还图书。针对学生的管理:新增学生 ,修改学生,删除学生


book_management/│├── main.c # 主程序├── book_management.h # 头文件,声明函数和常量└── book_management.c # 实现文件,定义函数#ifndef BOOK_MANAGEMENT_H#define BOOK_MANAGEMENT_H#include #include #include #define MAX_TITLE_LENGTH 100#define MAX_AUTHOR_LENGTH 100#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 100typedefstruct Book {int id;char title[MAX_TITLE_LENGTH];char author[MAX_AUTHOR_LENGTH];int is_borrowed;struct Book* next;} Book;typedef struct Student {int id;char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];struct Student* next;} Student;// 图书管理函数void add_book(Book** head, int id, const char* title, const char* author);void modify_book(Book* head, int id, const char* title, const char* author);void delete_book(Book** head, int id);void borrow_book(Book* head, int id);void return_book(Book* head, int id);void display_books(Book* head);void save_books_to_file(Book* head, const char* filename);void load_books_from_file(Book** head, const char* filename);// 学生管理函数void add_student(Student** head, int id, const char* name);void modify_student(Student* head, int id, const char* name);void delete_student(Student** head, int id);void display_students(Student* head);void save_students_to_file(Student* head, const char* filename);void load_students_from_file(Student** head, const char* filename);#endif // BOOK_MANAGEMENT_H#include "book_management.h"// 图书管理函数实现void add_book(Book** head, int id, const char* title, const char* author) {Book* new_book = (Book*)malloc(sizEOF(Book));new_book->id = id;strcpy(new_book->title, title);strcpy(new_book->author, author);new_book->is_borrowed = 0;new_book->next = *head;*head = new_book;}void modify_book(Book* head, int id, const char* title, const char* author) {Book* current = head;while (current != NULL) {if (current->id == id) {strcpy(current->title, title);strcpy(current->author, author);break;}current = current->next;}}void delete_book(Book** head, int id) {Book* temp = *head;Book* prev = NULL;if (temp != NULL && temp->id == id) {*head = temp->next;free(temp);return;}while (temp != NULL && temp->id != id) {prev = temp;temp = temp->next;}if (temp == NULL) return;prev->next = temp->next;free(temp);}void borrow_book(Book* head, int id) {Book* current = head;while (current != NULL) {if (current->id == id) {if (current->is_borrowed) {printf("Book is already borrowed.\n");} else {current->is_borrowed = 1;printf("Book borrowed successfully.\n");}break;}current = current->next;}}void return_book(Book* head, int id) {Book* current = head;while (current != NULL) {if (current->id == id) {if (current->is_borrowed) {current->is_borrowed = 0;printf("Book returned successfully.\n");} else {printf("Book was not borrowed.\n");}break;}current = current->next;}}void display_books(Book* head) {Book* current = head;while (current != NULL) {printf("ID: %d, Title: %s, Author: %s, Borrowed: %s\n",current->id, current->title, current->author,current->is_borrowed ? "Yes" : "No");current = current->next;}}void save_books_to_file(Book* head, const char* filename) {FILE* file = fopen(filename, "w");if (file == NULL) {printf("Error opening file.\n");return;}Book* current = head;while (current != NULL) {fprintf(file, "%d %s %s %d\n", current->id, current->title, current->author, current->is_borrowed);current = current->next;}fclose(file);}void load_books_from_file(Book** head, const char* filename) {FILE* file = fopen(filename, "r");if (file == NULL) {printf("Error opening file.\n");return;}int id, is_borrowed;char title[MAX_TITLE_LENGTH], author[MAX_AUTHOR_LENGTH];while (fscanf(file, "%d %s %s %d", &id, title, author, &is_borrowed) != EOF) {add_book(head, id, title, author);if (is_borrowed) {borrow_book(*head, id);}}fclose(file);}// 学生管理函数实现void add_student(Student** head, int id, const char* name) {Student* new_student = (Student*)malloc(sizeof(Student));new_student->id = id;strcpy(new_student->name, name);new_student->next = *head;*head = new_student;}void modify_student(Student* head, int id, const char* name) {Student* current = head;while (current != NULL) {if (current->id == id) {strcpy(current->name, name);break;}current = current->next;}}void delete_student(Student** head, int id) {Student* temp = *head;Student* prev = NULL;if (temp != NULL && temp->id == id) {*head = temp->next;free(temp);return;}while (temp != NULL && temp->id != id) {prev = temp;temp = temp->next;}if (temp == NULL) return;prev->next = temp->next;free(temp);}void display_students(Student* head) {Student* current = head;while (current != NULL) {printf("ID: %d, Name: %s\n", current->id, current->name);current = current->next;}}void save_students_to_file(Student* head, const char* filename) {FILE* file = fopen(filename, "w");if (file == NULL) {printf("Error opening file.\n");return;}Student* current = head;while (current != NULL) {fprintf(file, "%d %s\n", current->id, current->name);current = current->next;}fclose(file);}void load_students_from_file(Student** head, const char* filename) {FILE* file = fopen(filename, "r");if (file == NULL) {printf("Error opening file.\n");return;}int id;char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];while (fscanf(file, "%d %s", &id, name) != EOF) {add_student(head, id, name);}fclose(file);}#include "book_management.h"int main {Book* book_head = NULL;Student* student_head = NULL;// 加载数据load_books_from_file(&book_head, "books.txt");load_students_from_file(&student_head, "students.txt");int choice;do {printf("\n1. Add Book\n2. Modify Book\n3. Delete Book\n4. Borrow Book\n5. Return Book\n");printf("6. Add Student\n7. Modify Student\n8. Delete Student\n9. Display Books\n10. Display Students\n11. Exit\n");printf("Enter your choice: ");scanf("%d", &choice);int id;char title[MAX_TITLE_LENGTH], author[MAX_AUTHOR_LENGTH], name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];switch (choice) {case 1:printf("Enter book ID, title, and author: ");scanf("%d %s %s", &id, title, author);add_book(&book_head, id, title, author);break;case 2:printf("Enter book ID, new title, and new author: ");scanf("%d %s %s", &id, title, author);modify_book(book_head, id, title, author);break;case 3:printf("Enter book ID to delete: ");scanf("%d", &id);delete_book(&book_head, id);break;case 4:printf("Enter book ID to borrow: ");scanf("%d", &id);borrow_book(book_head, id);break;case 5:printf("Enter book ID to return: ");scanf("%d", &id);return_book(book_head, id);break;case 6:printf("Enter student ID and name: ");scanf("%d %s", &id, name);add_student(&student_head, id, name);break;case 7:printf("Enter student ID and new name: ");scanf("%d %s", &id, name);modify_student(student_head, id, name);break;case 8:printf("Enter student ID to delete: ");scanf("%d", &id);delete_student(&student_head, id);break;case 9:display_books(book_head);break;case 10:display_students(student_head);break;case 11:save_books_to_file(book_head, "books.txt");save_students_to_file(student_head, "students.txt");printf("Exiting...\n");break;default:printf("Invalid choice. Please try again.\n");}} while (choice != 11);return 0;}

将上述代码分别保存为 book_management.h、book_management.c 和 main.c 文件,然后使用以下命令编译和运行程序:

gcc main.c book_management.c -o book_management./book_management该程序使用链表来管理图书和学生信息。图书和学生信息通过文件IO进行持久化存储,分别保存在 books.txt 和 students.txt 文件中。程序提供了简单的命令行界面,用户可以通过输入数字来选择不同的操作



