摘要:He was a big man in his forties, smartly dressed in a suit and tie. (他是个四十来岁的大个子,穿着西装打着领带,很时髦。)[柯林斯高级学者辞典]
in your forties是“在你四十来岁时”,如
【例句1】He was a big man in his forties, smartly dressed in a suit and tie. (他是个四十来岁的大个子,穿着西装打着领带,很时髦。)[柯林斯高级学者辞典]
【例句2】She's probably in her early forties.(她大概四十出头。) [剑桥高级学者辞典]
【例句3】He was in his early forties, with bulky shoulders and still reasonably slim round the waist. (他四十出头,肩膀粗大,腰围仍然相当苗条。)[柯林斯英语词典]
【例句4】He spent several years in Paris in the late forties. (五十岁前他在巴黎呆了几年。) [朗文当代英语词典]
【例句5】The woman was probably in her mid forties. (这个女人大概四十五六岁)[朗文当代英语词典]
这里的forties是40,41,42,.......,49十个数字的汇总,是多个forty, 所以是forties。
数学上40和41合起来也是forties, 但对自然语言forties是从40到49的时段。
若是“在四十岁时”,则用at age forty。这是因为谈到at age forty, 我们认知唤起的年龄候选集是{......38,39,40,41,42......}。40是候选集中的一个离散点,所以用介词at。
作为对比,in the spring和in March的介词是in。这大概是事件发生在春季和三月里。
就当前,带定冠词的the forties也指1940年到1949年这个时段。再过20年,它就该指2040年到2049年这个时段了。为避免误解可用the 1940s和the 2040s。
the forties也指任意40到49之间的量,最典型的是温度,如
【例句6】The temperature was up in the high forties. (气温高达四十度。)[朗文当代英语词典]
【例句7】The temperature is expected to be in the forties tomorrow. (预计明天气温将在四十度左右。) [剑桥高级学者辞典]