摘要:《学生党血泪踩坑提醒》必看三连!▷ ×"这个杯子 was made up塑料"→ ✓"made of"(材质用of!)▷ ×"I’m keen at跳舞"→ ✓"keen on"(固定搭配杀我)▷ "located at"接小地点(如房间号),"located
46. be fond of ➜50. be keen on
►"甜妹必看:《花少5》姐姐们are fond of互怼,《王牌对王牌》沈腾is keen on挖坑️"
对比记忆:fond(泛泛喜欢)vs keen(狂热痴迷)→ "爱吃vs爱吃不要命"
48. be good/poor at
►班主任吐槽:"你good at抄作业,却poor at藏手机!"
✅升级表达:大神用excel excel at(笑死老外系列)
49. be interested in
►刷抖音技巧:"假装interested in学习视频,算法才会推男神给你!"
47. be full of vs 53. be made of
►雪王文学:"蜜雪冰城杯子is made of厚塑料,喝不完is full of罪恶感!"❄️
⚠️区分:made of(物理可见原材料)vs made up of(抽象组成)→ 奶茶is made up of 糖+水+失眠
54. be located in/on/at
►追星党考题:"咖啡市为什么is located in黄浦江畔☕?因为追星姐are located at演唱会门口啊!"
55. be on (上演)
►《庆余年2》梗:范闲is on热搜的时间比我月考分数is on成绩单还久❗
51. be late for
►周一早八现状:"Late for晨读的人,鞋带都比别人多系三次!"
老师暴怒版:"下次再late就叫家长来be late together!"
58. be/get ready for
►学霸VS学渣备考:"ready for刷题 VS ready for补番"
✅王炸短语:女团候场时get ready for炸场子!
56. be pleased with ➜ 60. be thankful to
✓"我可太pleased with你60分的卷子了"(阴阳版)
✓"但还是要be thankful to你同桌借你抄!"
57. be proud of ➜59. be surprised at
►励志模板:"当你proud of四六级过了,母校却surprised at你居然能毕业!"
▷ ×"这个杯子 was made up塑料"→ ✓"made of"(材质用of!)
▷ ×"I’m keen at跳舞"→ ✓"keen on"(固定搭配杀我)
▷ "located at"接小地点(如房间号),"located in"大城市!️
"全班只有我late for晚自习→骄傲地be proud of社牛属性!"
文末挑战:用【be made of + be thankful to】造奇葩句子!神评抽背单词VIP!