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"Qin Xue's Hard Work (32): Intensive Reading of the Journal Paper "Pricing and Selection Strategy of Mixed Channels in E-commerce Supply Chain in the Context of Live Broadcast"
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一、思维导图(Mind mapping)
In the current booming e-commerce, live streaming has become the focus of the industry. With the trend of manufacturers opening live-streaming channels, this paper constructs a decision model for the live-streaming supply chain under three modes: online retail channels, merchant self-streaming channels, and online celebrity live-streaming channels. It studies the optimal decision-making problem between different sales channels. Further, it analyzes the impact of online celebrity live-streaming channel share, online celebrity live-streaming room diversion coefficient, and live-streaming party commission ratio on the equilibrium solution under the hybrid model. Based on the previous intensive reading and sharing of this paper, today we will conduct an intensive reading and sharing of the last part of the conclusion.
(一)渠道选择策略(Channel selection strategy)
Research shows that the cross-price elasticity coefficient is crucial. When it reaches a certain level, it is best for brands to build a hybrid channel that combines self-broadcasting with live broadcasts by internet celebrities, which can stimulate channel interaction and maximize profits. If conditions are limited, it is more cost-effective to give priority to building a merchant's broadcast room.
(二)定价因素影响(Pricing factors)
In terms of channel pricing, in the hybrid model, online retail and merchant self-broadcasting pricing are higher than other models, while online celebrity live broadcast pricing varies with the elasticity coefficient. The influence of online celebrity live broadcast traffic coefficient and channel share on pricing varies. As the traffic coefficient increases, the pricing of each channel increases; as the online celebrity live broadcast channel share increases, online retail and self-broadcasting pricing decreases, and online celebrity live broadcast pricing first increases and then decreases.
(三)利润影响因素(Factors affecting profits)
Among the factors affecting profits, the profit advantage of the hybrid model is significant. The share of live streaming channels of influencers increased, and the profits of online retailers and influencers increased, while those of brands decreased. The total profit of the supply chain first decreased and then increased, highlighting the importance of deepening self-broadcasting and rationally deploying live streaming of influencers. The diversion coefficient has a significant positive effect on the profits of all parties. The commission ratio first increased and then decreased the profits of influencers and supply chains, while the profits of brands first decreased and then increased. The low proportion of influencer channels and commission ratios are beneficial to brands.
(四)品牌应对策略(Brand response strategy)
Explore channel characteristics, such as online retail providing diverse choices, merchants self-broadcasting professional services, and online celebrity live broadcasting creating an atmosphere. Position yourself accordingly to avoid price wars and enhance customer stickiness; balance self-broadcasting and online celebrity live broadcasting. Self-broadcasting accumulates private domain traffic and reduces costs, while online celebrity live broadcasting expands the market. Allocate proportions based on product cycles and brand positioning, such as increasing online celebrity live broadcast promotion for new products, and focusing on self-broadcasting maintenance for mature products; brands and online celebrities build new types of cooperation. Online celebrities focus on product experience and reputation, and brands set reasonable commissions, reward the good and punish the bad, to promote the sustainable development of the supply chain.
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