摘要:The government is bringing in laws on air pollution. But is it a case of too little, too late? (政府正在制定关于空气污染的法律。但这是一个没力度且不赶趟的情况吗?)
too little too late用于对“没有提前预防、及时干预,而且到了尾大不掉的严重程度,依然还没采取有力的措施”的批评。
【例句1】They think this is too little too late. (他们认为不仅拖拖而且缺少力度。)[柯林斯高级学者词典]
【例句2】The government is bringing in laws on air pollution. But is it a case of too little, too late? (政府正在制定关于空气污染的法律。但这是一个没力度且不赶趟的情况吗?) [柯林斯高级学者词典; 有逗号的too little, too late更符合语法]
【例句3】Doctors have criticized the government's response to the crisis as too little, too late. (医生们批评政府对危机的反应太无力且太晚了。)[朗文当代英语辞典]