摘要:# Start with users that need to be verified,# and an empty list to hold confirmed users.unconfirmed_users = ['Alice', 'brian', 'ca
可以使用 while 循环将数据从一个列表传输到另一个列表。
在此示例中,我们从未经验证的用户列表和已确认用户的空列表开始。在验证每个用户时,我们使用 while 循环将他们从未验证列表移动到已确认列表。
# Start with users that need to be verified,# and an empty list to hold confirmed users.unconfirmed_users = ['Alice', 'brian', 'candace']confirmed_users = # Verify each user until there are no more unconfirmed users.# Move each verified user into the list of confirmed users.while unconfirmed_users: current_user = unconfirmed_users.pop # Remove the last unverified user print(f"Verifying user: {current_user.title}") confirmed_users.append(current_user) # Add the user to the confirmed list# Display all confirmed users.print("\nThe following users have been confirmed:")for confirmed_user in confirmed_users: print(confirmed_user.title)>>Verifying user: CandaceVerifying user: BrianVerifying user: AliceThe following users have been confirmed:CandaceBrianAlice只要 while 循环不为空unconfirmed_users 就会运行。pop 方法从 unconfirmed_users 中删除最后一个用户并将其分配给 current_user。每个经过验证的用户都使用 append 添加到 confirmed_users。确认所有用户后,循环结束,程序将打印已确认的用户。要删除特定值的所有实例(例如,从列表中删除所有 'cat' 条目),请使用 while 循环。
假设我们有一个包含特定值的多个实例的列表,例如 'cat',并且我们想要删除所有匹配项。while 循环反复删除 'cat',直到没有剩余。
# List of pets with multiple 'cat' entriespets = ['dog', 'cat', 'dog', 'goldfish', 'cat', 'rabbit', 'cat']print("Original list of pets:", pets)# remove all instances of 'cat' from the listwhile 'cat' in pets: pets.remove('cat')print("Updated list of pets:", pets)>>Original list of pets: ['dog', 'cat', 'dog', 'goldfish', 'cat', 'rabbit', 'cat']Updated list of pets: ['dog', 'dog', 'goldfish', 'rabbit']while 循环检查 pets 列表中是否仍存在 'cat'。如果找到 'cat',它会使用 remove 删除它的第一个匹配项。循环重复,直到删除 'cat' 的所有实例。while 循环可以收集用户的输入并将其存储在字典中,从而将用户的响应与其姓名相关联。
# Empty dictionary to store responsesresponses = {}# Set a flag to indicate that polling is active.polling_active = Truewhile polling_active: # Prompt for the person's name and response name = input("\nWhat is your name? ") response = input("Which mountain would you like to climb someday? ") # Store the response in the dictionary responses[name] = response # Ask if another user wants to respond repeat = input("Would you like to let another person respond? (yes/no) ") if repeat.lower == 'no': polling_active = False# Polling is complete, display the resultsprint("\n--- Poll Results ---")for name, response in responses.items: print(f"{name} would like to climb {response}.")>>What is your name? NidhiWhich mountain would you like to climb someday? Mount EverestWould you like to let another person respond? (yes/no) yesWhat is your name? NidWhich mountain would you like to climb someday? Eastern Himalaya Would you like to let another person respond? (yes/no) no--- Poll Results ---Nidhi would like to climb Mount Everest.Nid would like to climb Eastern Himalaya.只要 polling_active 为 True,while 循环就会一直运行。该程序会提示用户输入他们的名字和他们想要攀登的山峰。响应存储在 responses 字典中,其中 key 是用户名,value 是他们的响应。然后,系统会询问用户是否要允许其他人响应。如果他们键入 'no',则循环通过设置 polling_active = False 结束。轮询结束后,程序将打印所有响应。来源:自由坦荡的湖泊AI一点号