鸡消化系统 高清解剖图片

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摘要:The shape and development of the aviantongue(lingua) varies markedly, according to diet. Kolibris (humming birds) and insectivorou



















Floor of the oral cavity

The shape and development of the avian tongue (lingua) varies markedly, according to diet. Kolibris (humming birds) and insectivorous birds possess a very long and, where necessary, protrusible tongue. The tongue of psitta cines is distinctively muscular, with that of lories exhibiting a brush-like tip for gathering nectar. In many avian species, particularly Galliformes, the tongue is pointed apically and broad at its base, with little if any Muscle.

The tongue conforms to the shape of the lower beak.In chickens, a transverse row of caudally directed lingual papillae (papillae linguae) lies between the body (corpus linguae) and theroot(radix linguae) of the tongue. In Anatidae (ducks), the caudal third of the tongue is thick ened, forming atorus linguae.

The body of the tongue is supported by a bone, theparaglossum (= entoglossum), the intrinsic musculaturebeing only rudimentary in most species, including chick ens (Figure 6.8). Muscle features more prominently at the base of the tongue, into which extralingual muscle bundles radiate. Ventrally, the tongue is supported by akeratinised plate (cuticula cornificata lingualis).

In ducks and geese, the edges of the tongue are lined with spiny keratinised bristles that are directed towards the phar ynx. These combine with the transverse ridges in the lower beak to assist in trapping small food particles during filter feeding of vegetable matter. Anatomically they are related tothe mechanical papillaeof the mammalian tongue.

Papillae containing tastebuds(papillae gustatoriae)are present on the dorsal surface of the tongue in most species, although these are usually sparse. Located at the centre of the papillae, the tastebuds collectively repre sent the gustatory organ. As in mammals, these papillae are innervated predominantly by branches of the glosso pharyngeal nerve (IX). They also receive rami from the trigeminal nerve (V) and facial nerve (VII).

The avian hyobranchial apparatus (apparatus hyobranchialis) (Figures 2.13 and 2.14, Figure 7.5) differs markedly from the hyoid apparatus of mammals. It consists of the rostral, ventromedian paraglossum (which supports the body of the tongue), the basihyale (basibranchiale rostrale), the urohyale (basibranchiale caudale) and the

paired, lateral horn-shaped cornu branchiale, formed by the ceratobranchiale and epibranchiale. The cornu bran chiale is not attached to the base of the skull, extending instead to its caudolateral surface .

