US must break zero-sum cycle or risk catastrophe
Editor's Note: What are the implications of Donald Trump's second term in office for China-U.S. relations? Will the status quo pre
risk catastrophe cycle relatio 2025-03-19 13:33 2
Editor's Note: What are the implications of Donald Trump's second term in office for China-U.S. relations? Will the status quo pre
risk catastrophe cycle relatio 2025-03-19 13:33 2
词根cata=down,表示向下,strophe=turn,表示翻转。这个词进入英语后,应用范围逐渐拓展,除了指戏剧的结尾外,还可以引申为各种事情的解决,并且又倾向于指不好的结局,即从顺境急转直下堕入极其糟糕的境地,所以也就具有了“大灾难,大祸”的含义。 ca
apostrophe catastrophe 联想catas 2024-11-28 10:49 6