China's Antitrust Probe Dampens Nvidia, Seemed as a Positive for Domestic Chips
Nvidia completed in March 2019 acquisition of Mellanox for about US$6.9 billion in cash, marking the biggest the third largest-eve
Nvidia completed in March 2019 acquisition of Mellanox for about US$6.9 billion in cash, marking the biggest the third largest-eve
英特尔 ( INTC ) 陷入危机。该公司周一迫使首席执行官帕特·基辛格下台,其股价今年下跌逾 50%,而将第三方半导体制造纳入其业务范围的宏伟计划突然变得比以往任何时候都更加不明朗。
The China Semiconductor Industry Association (CSIA), the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM), the Internet Societ
美国将于周一对中国半导体行业发起三年来的第三次打击,限制对包括芯片设备制造商北方华创科技集团在内的 140 家公司的出口,据两位知情人士透露,其中包括采取其他举措。
在2024年的Hot Chips会议上,Tesla展示了其AI超级计算机DOJO的最新进展,尤其是其独特的网络架构——Tesla传输协议以太网(TTPoE)。
Nvidia posted stronger-than-anticipated top and bottom line for its third quarter of 2025 fiscal year ended October 27, though the