
B站影视 内地电影 2025-03-19 23:01 1

摘要:近日,知名珠宝艺术家、国家高级珠宝首饰鉴定师兼彩色宝石鉴定评估师(Guild & GIC)、同时拥有古宝琳宝石学院彩色宝石专业证书,国际高级珠宝设计师以及PRIVAGUET宝姬珠宝创始人陆颖女士,应邀在法国巴黎卢浮宫举办珠宝艺术作品展,吸引了全球艺术家、社会名


近日,知名珠宝艺术家、国家高级珠宝首饰鉴定师兼彩色宝石鉴定评估师(Guild & GIC)、同时拥有古宝琳宝石学院彩色宝石专业证书,国际高级珠宝设计师以及PRIVAGUET宝姬珠宝创始人陆颖女士,应邀在法国巴黎卢浮宫举办珠宝艺术作品展,吸引了全球艺术家、社会名流、商界领袖及文化界代表到场,共同见证高端珠宝艺术与跨文化交流的非凡盛况。

Renowned jewelry designer, Certified Senior Jewelry Appraiser, Colored Gemstone Assessment Specialist (Guild & GIC), holder of the Gübelin Academy Diploma in colored gemstones, and founder of PRIVAGUET Jewelry, Ms. Lu Ying, was recently invited to stage a jewelry art exhibition at the Louvre in Paris. The event drew artists, high-profile figures, business leaders, and cultural representatives from around the world, collectively celebrating the fusion of high-end jewelry art and cross-cultural exchange.

中国珠宝艺术家 陆 颖




Renowned jewelry designer, Certified Senior Jewelry Appraiser, Colored Gemstone Assessment Specialist (Guild & GIC), holder of the Gübelin Academy Diploma in colored gemstones, and founder of PRIVAGUET Jewelry, Ms. Lu Ying, was recently invited to stage a jewelry art exhibition at the Louvre in Paris. The event drew artists, high-profile figures, business leaders, and cultural representatives from around the world, collectively celebrating the fusion of high-end jewelry art and cross-cultural exchange.

In recognition of her innovative vision and outstanding achievements in jewelry design, Ms. Lu Ying was honored by the French cultural community and international circles. Through her unique designs, she has actively promoted cultural dialogue between China and France, ultimately receiving the “Sino-French Cultural Exchange Contribution Award,” jointly bestowed by UNESCO and the Association pour le Développement des Échanges France-Chine (ADEFC). This accolade established her as one of the brightest stars of the exhibition.

法国教育部代表 教育总督察长罗伯特·普罗斯佩里尼(Robert Prosperini)为陆颖女士颁奖

Robert Prosperini, Inspector General at the French Ministry of Education, presented the award to Ms. Lu Ying


名流云集 现场盛况空前

本次展览汇集了众多国际知名人士,包括法国艺术家协会主席雷米·艾融、联合国教科文组织协会世界联合会代表罗伯特•福帕(Robert FOPA)、法国最高荣誉骑士勋章获得者及法中交流促进会主席亚丁、国际旅游联合会主席让-埃里克•德•圣卢克(Jean-Éric de Saint Luc)、法国著名插画家安德烈·德昂、法国教育部代表教育总督察长罗伯特·普罗斯佩里尼(Robert Prosperini)、法国艺术杂志Artension主编弗朗索瓦丝·莫宁、波兰裔印象派画家兼雕塑家马尔戈扎塔·帕斯科、意大利和匈牙利裔画家奥古斯都·弗乐迪、法国画家兼设计师埃马纽埃尔·热娜德、法国形象艺术派画家及教授克里斯托夫·罗内尔、法国画家兼雕塑家苏菲·圣拉、法国著名电视节目主持人史蒂芬·贝尔尼、法国电视主持人内尔森·蒙佛尔,以及法国知名演员米歇尔·拉罗克、亚历山德拉·拉米等。此外,历届法国小姐等上千位来自政界、商界、文化艺术界、科技界以及娱乐界的嘉宾也悉数到场,为此次珠宝盛事增添耀眼光彩。

A host of international personalities attended the opening ceremony of Ms. Lu Ying’s Louvre exhibition, demonstrating its broad appeal. Notable attendees included:

· Rémy Aron, President of the Société des Artistes Français

· Robert FOPA, Representative of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centers and Associations

· Yading, Knight of the French Legion of Honor, writer, translator, and Chairman of Association pour le Développement des Échanges France-Chine (ADEFC)

· Jean-Éric de Saint Luc, President of the International Tourism Federation

· André Deon, Renowned French Illustrator

· Robert Prosperini, Inspector General of the French Ministry of Education

· Françoise Monin, Editor-in-Chief of Artension Magazine

· Małgorzata Paseko, Polish Impressionist Painter and Sculptor

· Augusto Freddi, Italian-Hungarian Painter

· Emmanuel Genade, French Painter, Designer, Engraver, and Potter

· Christophe Ronel, French Painter, Professor at the École Supérieure des Arts Appliqués et des Métiers d’Art

· Sophie Saint-La, French Painter and Sculptor

· Stéphane Bern, Famous French TV Host, Actor, and Writer

· Nelson Monfort, Prominent French TV Host

· Michèle Laroque, Renowned French Actress and Screenwriter

· Alexandra Lamy, French Actress, Producer, and Screenwriter

联合国教科文组织协会世界联合会代表罗伯特•福帕(Robert FOPA)对陆颖女士作品表达高度赞扬

Robert FOPA, Representative of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centers and Associations, expressed high praise for Ms. Lu Ying’s creations.


Additionally, former Miss France winners and over a thousand guests from politics, business, culture, technology, and entertainment joined in celebrating this artistic spectacle.

作品名称: Precious Whisper(珍贵的低语)


艺术家陈述:陆颖女士表示,“Precious Whisper”不仅是精致的珠宝,更是对自然与人类情感纽带的颂歌。它以“低语”般的细微姿态,展现人与自然以及人与人之间相互依存的美好关系。

Inspired by the grace and harmony of nature, Ms. Lu Ying created a pair of marquise-cut morganite earrings, totaling 16 carats in weight. The design draws on the elegant lines of calla lilies (Crecianthemum), hinting at profound emotional connections between people. The petals incorporate the golden ratio, achieving both visual balance and intrinsic harmony.

More than just exquisite jewelry, “Precious Whisper” is a poetic ode to nature and the emotional bonds that unite humanity. The delicate color of morganite echoes the purity of calla lilies, enhanced by skillful cutting and polishing that reflect light in subtly radiant “petals.” Infused with the golden ratio, the piece symbolizes the symbiotic relationship among nature, society, and people.

展览主题关联:本次展览以“A Manifesto”为主题,呼吁大众珍视自然与情感交流。“Precious Whisper”正是对自然之美的歌颂,体现对环境保护与人文关怀的呼吁,也象征着跨越时空的和谐之美。

作品名称: Privaguet Halo(云冠东方)


艺术家陈述:陆颖女士在设计中巧妙融入中国结、烟花及长城等标志性东方元素,以丰富的层次感彰显地位与权力,也传达出女性力量与文化自信的多重意涵。《Privaguet Halo》既是对东方文化的礼赞,更是一座连接世界、展现中国珠宝艺术魅力的桥梁。


Specially crafted for the coronation of the 69th “Miss Universe” China champion, “Privaguet Halo” merges Oriental aesthetics with the essence of modern jewelry art. Over four months and 1,400 hours of work, 1,360 dazzling diamonds (totaling more than 200 grams in weight) were set, along with 65 royal blue sapphires and 7 royal blue tanzanites, for a combined main-stone weight of 21.4 carats. Fifteen South Sea pearls measuring 12.5 to 13 mm and three 17.5 mm rare saltwater pearls contribute an elegant warmth and fluidity to this crown.

Incorporating Chinese knots, vivid fireworks, and Great Wall motifs, “Privaguet Halo” highlights the confluence of tradition and modernity, reflecting female empowerment and cultural confidence. Its multi-layered base not only symbolizes status and power but also pays homage to beauty and substance.

Embodying a tribute to Oriental culture, this crown bridges East and West by showcasing China’s rich romantic heritage on an international stage. It seamlessly weaves time-honored traditions into contemporary jewelry artistry, illuminating broader possibilities for the global jewelry landscape.





