Introduction: Transmembrane Interaction: Recognition of Life

B站影视 日本电影 2025-03-19 20:57 1

摘要:According to the laws of life of Kesha, the human body actually possesses two sets of life systems, such as physical structure and

Introduction: Transmembrane Interaction: Recognition of Life

According to the laws of life of Kesha, the human body actually possesses two sets of life systems, such as physical structure and field energy structure. The meridian points of Chinese medicine and the chakras of ancient India are expressions of the human field energy structure at different levels.

These two systems of life can recognize external things through the sensory cognitive pathway of physical structure and the field cognitive pavenue of field energy structure, respectively, and the fieldcognitive pathway can be unconstrained by space and time. The mind, the dream, the emotion, the sixth sense, the subconscious, and so on are actually functional expressions of the structure of the life field.

In fact, the entire universe and everything in it is a form of life. Human beings, human beings and all things can, by coincidence, constitute life systems, and therefore can be applied to the laws of Caesarean life to decrypt all things and celestial life phenomena, including the origin of space-time. And depending on the degree of practice of all living beings, their life field energy structures can be categorized as: the most primitive and spiritual supermembrane field energy structure, the initially differentiated superstring field energy structure and the highly polarised quantum field energy structure.

Strictly speaking, electron protons and neutrons all belong to a quantum field energy structure in a high-temperature state, and since quantum is an intermediate state from the field energy structure to the entity structure, it is easy to experience wavefunction collapse such as quantum seam interference and quantum superposition. Particle structures above atoms and field energy structures below superstrings are difficult to cause wave function collapse.

And among all members of a living system, depending on the type of their field energy structure, different levels of life consciousness such as supermembrane entanglement, superstring entanglement or quantum entanglement can occur to maintain the symmetry, balance and conservation of life energy of the living system. Since the space-time field energy structure is a supermembrane structure, gravitational waves are a phenomenon of supermembrane entanglement of life consciousness between celestial galaxies.

The essence of life, age, sickness and death is actually the process of transformation from one form of life to another. And any life can only accept and express the starting information of a cosmic egg, not create it. People's actions and actions are not governed by the brain, but are shaped by effective environmental information.

Any system or any form of life, including the entire universe, has a conserved overall energy for its life operations. The life energy of the fetus and infancy is mainly distributed in the life field energy structure. The field energy structure in this period can be presented as a supermembrane structure, so human life in this period is most spiritual, can freely perceive relevant information in different dimensions of space and time, and does not require life-compensating functions such as memory and logical reasoning.

The so-called space-time dimension is actually the speed, and less than the speed of light forms space-time in three dimensions and below. Equal to or slightly greater than the speed of light, space-time distance will be compressed until the disappearance, or even space-time countercurrent, so that the formation of four dimensional spacetime; The so-called consciousness is actually entanglement, and quantum entanglement is a four-dimensional consciousness activity of life. When the speed is much faster than the speed of light, it will in turn form higher dimensions of space-time. Superstring entanglement and supermembrane entanglement are among the consciousness activities of life in higher dimensions in space-time.

With the growth of age, the energy of life is gradually transferred to the enjoyment of the structure of the living entity. Your wealth, fame, beauty, kinship, sex, and longevity all consume life energy. Wherever there is too much energy distribution in one area, there will be a corresponding reduction in energy distribution in the other areas.

As long as there is enough life energy left over from life, there are no diseases that cannot be cured. With the exception of wrongful death and suicide, when a person does not have enough life energy to live, the physical structure of the life system terminates in the form of illness or other accidents. At this time, the human field energy structure escapes from the dead physical structure and re-emerges as life in different dimensions, depending on its energy size and degree of order.

