Alexander Olawaiye&Paola Gehrig:AI与精准医疗引领妇科肿瘤发展

B站影视 韩国电影 2025-03-19 12:03 1

摘要:第56届美国妇科肿瘤学年会(SGO 2025)于2025年3月14-17日在西雅图盛大召开。作为全球范围内最权威的妇科肿瘤学术会议之一,SGO年会将为业内同道提供交流最新研究成果和临床经验的平台,展示具有创新性及前沿视角的观点和思路。

第56届美国妇科肿瘤学年会(SGO 2025)于2025年3月14-17日在西雅图盛大召开。作为全球范围内最权威的妇科肿瘤学术会议之一,SGO年会将为业内同道提供交流最新研究成果和临床经验的平台,展示具有创新性及前沿视角的观点和思路。

会议期间,《肿瘤瞭望》特邀大会日程委员会联合主席,匹兹堡大学医学中心Magee妇女医院Alexander Olawaiye教授及弗吉尼亚大学医学院Paola Gehrig教授接受专访,分享2025 SGO会议亮点及学科未来发展趋势,特此整理,以飨读者。

《肿瘤瞭望》:作为大会日程委员会联合主席,请您简要介绍一下2025 SGO的总体情况和会议主题?

Alexander Olawaiye教授:2025 SGO以“Multiply your impact(扩大你的影响力)”为主题,该主题由SGO主席Amanda Nickles Fader教授提出,目的是探讨影响妇科肿瘤领域的多维度议题,包括学科现状、前沿科学、患者关怀等,这些要素共同构成了会议的核心框架。我们希望通过这一主题,全面展示能切实推动妇科肿瘤学科发展的核心要点及前沿进展。

Prof. Olawaiye:The meeting of this year was basically developed with the concept of the theme provided by our president, professor Amanda Nickles Fader, which is basically for us to send every aspect of the theme on those things that would impact the field of gynecological oncology, with it is the state of our society, or the science that we all care about, or the care of the patients that we are asked to care for, which is extremely important. So I think the theme of science and everything about the meeting is about those things that are very impactful in all the areas that affect our profession.


Paola Gehrig教授:作为致力于推进妇科肿瘤诊疗水平提升及学科发展的盛会,本届SGO年会议题设置广泛,包括创新疗法、预防策略、医疗公平性、外科技术革新及动态医疗格局等。个人认为,最令人期待的环节之一是“Tumor Board: How Can We Leverage AI in Our Tumor Boards and Screening for Clinical Trials?(肿瘤多学科会诊:如何在肿瘤多学科会诊及临床试验筛选中利用AI?)”,这一环节兼具娱乐性及教育性,其深入探讨了AI在妇科肿瘤临床实践中扮演的角色及最新进展。正如Amanda Nickles Fader教授所言,AI是提升医疗可持续性、实现个体化精准治疗的工具,而个体化医疗是促进医疗公平的重要方式。我们期待通过这一环节,展现AI在加速临床决策创新中可应用的场景及价值。

Prof. Gehrig: I think one of the most exciting things is we're actually going to have a tumor board that is going to feature——Is AI smarter than our bridges scholars? So this is gonna be really entertaining, but still very educational and cutting-edge. What is the role of AI as we heard from our speakers that AI is just a tool. It is a way of making our profession more sustainable and a way of creating some amount of individuality and personalizing the care that we provide. As was stated earlier today by doctor Fader, personalized medicine is a way to create equity. So I think that's gonna be a really exciting session.


Paola Gehrig教授:本次大会将披露众多令人振奋的研究成果。首先我们应该关注妇科肿瘤领域的临床研究进展,因为这些成果将会成为未来改善患者生存的重要依据。随着医学技术的不断进步,妇科肿瘤的诊断和治疗已经进入了精准个体化治疗时代,这将推动着临床研究策略的不断革新。如针对铂耐药卵巢癌患者,不同患者人群对不同药物组合的疗效差异显著,未来亟需通过发现新的生物标志物以精准预测获益人群。其次,靶向治疗与AI技术的结合将推动个性化医疗的发展,如通过AI加速药物筛选与临床试验设计等。

Prof. Gehrig: There's still a lot more exciting science to come. We're only a day and a half into it. We have another day and a half to go for the meeting. But I think some of common themes are emerging. And I think what we focus on is about the clinical trials, that is how we're gonna move forward with the improving the outcomes for our patients. As we think about clinical trials, not one size fits all. And as we had learned in our last session, there are some interesting findings that while we can't prove it because that they are hypothesis generating. So if we think about our patients with platinum resistant ovarian cancer, there are clearly some patients that are gonna be benefit more from one cocktail of medications versus another. And how do we predict who those patients are gonna be? So I think the targeted therapy, we're really just on the cusp of that. And I think incorporating AI into that so we can move those things faster in the field is really exciting.


Alexander Olawaiye教授:组委会延续了一贯的促进国际学术交流的方式,为来自韩国、日本、西欧等地区的学者提供了充分的参与机会。我们为国际其他地区的妇科肿瘤学团队设置了特别会议环节,确保不同地区的专家学者能在会议框架内开展独立研讨。这种机制既保留了学术自主性,也深化了全球协作网络。

Prof. Olawaiye:We actually followed the lead of that we have always followed every year, which is offer our international colleagues from other countries and other regions of the world, a maximum opportunity to participate the meeting. So we're very proud this year of a massive presence of our korean college.We have a very exercise contingent from Japan, and many of our colleagues from western Europe are here. We have deliberately provided aspects of the meeting, by the way to have time and space to these international colleagues to have their own meeting and their own program within the meeting. So we didn't do anything different from previous years, but we just advanced the collaboration that we've always had with these very important international colleagues.

《肿瘤瞭望》请您结合2025 SGO讨论热点及重要研究进展,谈谈您认为未来妇科肿瘤领域的研究重点和发展趋势是什么?

Paola Gehrig教授:个人认为,目前铂耐药卵巢癌及子宫内膜癌是精准医学能够发挥作用的两大妇科肿瘤领域,至于其他妇科恶性肿瘤,尤其是宫颈癌,尽管治疗至关重要,但我认为我们的工作重点应转向预防,如HPV疫苗接种的推广普及。

此外,关于个性化医疗,有一项研究值得关注,在本届大会上公布了TUBA-WISP II研究的最新进展。该研究探讨了对于携带高、中度外显率易感基因的卵巢癌患者,采用早期输卵管切除术联合延迟卵巢切除术替代传统预防性输卵管卵巢切除术的可行性。这一方案在确保临床实践安全性的前提下,让患者自主选择符合自身需求的手术方式,这正是个性化医疗理念的生动体现。这些创新方向具有重要意义,这是我想突出强调的。

Prof. Gehrig: I think some of the hot topics, I don't know what you think Dr. Olawaiye, but I think some of those hot topics are going to be in Platinum-Resistant Ovarian Cancer and Endometrial Cancer. I think those are gonna be two of the very big areas where precision medicine is really gonna play a role. When we think about some of the other malignancies particular cervical cancer, while that's very important to treat, I think our focus really needs to be prevention, such as HPV vaccination.

I think there's some really interesting talking about personalized medicine. We just heard the TUBA-WISP II study update about Early salpingectomy with delayed oophorectomy as alternative for risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy for the patients who have both high and moderate penetrance genes for ovarian cancer, talk about personalized medicines, letting patients choose within the confines and safety of a clinical trial, what surgical procedure they think is right for them. So those are things that I think are pretty important and I'd like to highlight.

Alexander Olawaiye教授:目前妇科肿瘤领域两大癌种——子宫内膜癌与卵巢癌,均在创新药物及治疗策略层面取得重大突破。以卵巢癌为例,抗体药物偶联物(ADC)正在改变卵巢癌治疗格局。目前全球至少有45项新临床研究正在开展,我们相信这一领域将涌现更多新药。值得一提的是,已有1种ADC药物获批用于卵巢癌治疗,我们期待后续研究结果的揭晓。


Prof. Olawaiye:We actually are in exciting terms is that two of our most important diseases and subsides, which include Endometrial Cancer and Ovarian Cancer. The major advances have been made. For instance, for Ovarian Cancer, we have the antibody drug conjugate, which are a new group of drugs. We have, at least over 45 new trials that are going on, that we believe will lead to many drugs in this crew coming onto the market. We already had one drug approved in Ovarian Cancer. And we are looking forward to those trials reading out. In Endometrial Cancer, The last 3 or 4 years have been transformative because immune oncology drugs have become a very important part of that Endometrial Cancer treatment. We have three drugs that have been approved over a period of time, and we're looking forward to others joining. A lot of trials related to antibody drug conjugation and immunology of gynecologic cancer are going to be presented and up in presented at this meeting.

Alexander Olawaiye




