
B站影视 内地电影 2025-03-19 08:28 1

摘要:《你在天堂遇见的五个人》(The Five People You Meet in Heaven)是美国作家米奇·阿尔博姆(Mitch Albom)创作的一部温暖人心的小说。故事讲述了游乐场维修工埃迪(Eddie)为救一个小女孩不幸身亡,在天堂遇见了五个改变他人

《你在天堂遇见的五个人》(The Five People You Meet in Heaven)是美国作家米奇·阿尔博姆(Mitch Albom)创作的一部温暖人心的小说。故事讲述了游乐场维修工埃迪(Eddie)为救一个小女孩不幸身亡,在天堂遇见了五个改变他人生的人。通过这五个人的故事,埃迪逐渐理解了生命的意义,也学会了原谅和放下。



THERE ARE FIVE people you meet in heaven," the Blue Man suddenlysaid. "Each of us was in your life for a reason. You may not have knownthe reason at the time, and that is what heaven is for. For understanding your life on earth. "

Eddie looked confused.

"People think of heaven as a paradise garden, a place where they can float on clouds and laze in rivers and mountains. But scenery withoutsolace is meaningless.

"This is the greatest gift God can give you: to understand whathappened in your life. To have it explained. It is the peace you have beensearching for. "






1. heaven(天堂)

例: Many people believe that good people go to heaven after they die.(许多人相信好人死后会去天堂。)

She felt like she was in heaven when she saw the beautiful sunset.(当她看到美丽的日落时,感觉自己仿佛置身天堂。)

2. paradise(乐园、天堂)

例: The island is a paradise for tourists.(这座岛是游客的天堂。)

He described the garden as a paradise on earth.(他把这座花园描述为人间天堂。)

3. solace(慰藉、安慰)

例: She found solace in music during difficult times.(她在困难时期从音乐中找到了慰藉。)

The kind words of his friends gave him solace.(朋友们的善意话语给了他安慰。)

4. meaningless(无意义的)

例: Without love, life would be meaningless.(没有爱,生活将毫无意义。)

His apology seemed meaningless after what he had done.(在他做了那些事之后,他的道歉似乎毫无意义。)

5. peace(平静、安宁)

例: She finally found peace after years of struggle.(经过多年的挣扎,她终于找到了平静。)

The sound of the waves brought him a sense of peace.(海浪的声音给他带来了一种安宁感。)


1. Each of us was in your life for a reason.(我们每个人出现在你的生命里都是有原因的。)

例: Every person you meet is in your life for a reason.(你遇到的每个人出现在你的生命里都是有原因的。)

I believe that everything happens for a reason.(我相信每件事的发生都有其原因。)

2. This is the greatest gift God can give you.(这是上帝能给你的最大礼物。)

例: The greatest gift you can give someone is your time.(你能给别人的最大礼物就是你的时间。)

This is the greatest gift I have ever received.(这是我收到过的最好的礼物。)



例: To understand what happened in your life is the greatest gift.(理解你生命中发生的事情是最大的礼物。)

这里的不定式短语 To understand what happened in your life 作主语。

例: To travel the world is my dream.(环游世界是我的梦想。)

Her goal is to help as many people as possible.(她的目标是帮助尽可能多的人。)


