
B站影视 欧美电影 2025-03-19 04:39 1

摘要:民国合作十二生肖图册撰自 未曾/类目 民国, 绘画, 艺术类此《合作十二生肖图》册由民国时期陆翀、吴青霞、孔小瑜、朱嘉、周柏生、李益亭、赵敬予、洪庶安、王叶、金梦石、戈荃、孙镐青合绘。全册共十二开,每开描绘一个生肖形象故事。此册大约绘制于民国三十六年,现藏于台

民国合作十二生肖图册撰自 未曾/类目 民国, 绘画, 艺术类此《合作十二生肖图》册由民国时期陆翀、吴青霞、孔小瑜、朱嘉、周柏生、李益亭、赵敬予、洪庶安、王叶、金梦石、戈荃、孙镐青合绘。全册共十二开,每开描绘一个生肖形象故事。此册大约绘制于民国三十六年,现藏于台北故宫博物院。十二生肖(又叫十二属相),中国传统文化中以十二种动物配十二地支为对应:子为鼠,丑为牛,寅为虎,卯为兔,辰为龙,巳为蛇,午为马,未为羊,申为猴,酉为鸡,戌为狗,亥为猪。The Cooperative Zodiac Atlas of the Republic of China was compiled by Lu Chong, Wu Qingxia, Kong Xiaoyu, Zhu Jia, Zhou Baisheng, Li Yiting, Zhao Jingyu, Hong Shu'an, Wang Ye, Jin Mengshi, Ge Quan, and Sun Haoqing during the Republic of China period. The entire book consists of twelve sections, each depicting a zodiac image story. This book was probably drawn in the 36th year of the Republic of China and is currently housed in the National Palace Museum in Taipei. The twelve zodiac signs (also known as the twelve zodiac signs) in traditional Chinese culture correspond to twelve animals with twelve earthly branches: Zi is the rat, Chou is the ox, Yin is the tiger, Mao is the rabbit, Chen is the dragon#古画 #古人的生活 #古画里的中国生活 #中国传统文化 #十二生肖 #挂画 #传统文化 #蛇#绘画 #故宫

