摘要:Fiverr, an online marketplace for freelancers, recently hosted an event in New York to introduce tools that let workers create and
When the old masters created their works of art, intellectual property rights were likely not top of mind.
But these days, the advent of generative artificial intelligence has some artists concerned that AI models are using their works without their knowledge or consent.
但如今,生成式人工智能的出现让一些艺术家担忧,AI 模型可能在未经他们知情或同意的情况下使用他们的作品。
The way AI is designed today is to consume everything everyone is creating to trAIn their models and then to churn out results without giving any rewards and any opportunity for a gain for these creators.
目前的 AI 设计方式是吸收所有人创作的内容来训练模型,然后输出结果,而不会给予这些创作者任何回报或获利机会。
Fiverr, an online marketplace for freelancers, recently hosted an event in New York to introduce tools that let workers create and train their own AI models by feeding them their existing body of work.
自由职业者在线市场 Fiverr 最近在纽约举办了一场活动,介绍了一些工具,让创作者可以通过输入自己现有的作品来创建和训练自己的 AI 模型。
Writers, artists, and other creatives get a personalized AI model trained on their particular style and aesthetic.
作家、艺术家和其他创意工作者可以获得一个专门根据他们个人风格和美学训练的 AI 模型。
They can then offer it to their customers.
Instead of a customer coming in to a specific creator, not being sure if that is the creator that is suitable for their work, they can now play with their model, get a sense of what they're going to get.
客户不再需要直接联系某位创作者,也不确定该创作者是否适合他们的需求,而是可以先尝试该创作者的 AI 模型,了解最终的效果。
Some freelancers are optimistic.
I feel like this gives you a better tool, a better amount of control over what it is that you do, what you love, and how to market it.
D. Smith is also a voiceover artist on Fiverr.
D. Smith 也是 Fiverr 上的一名配音艺术家。
He says AI-generated voiceovers could help him service more clients, like small businesses, who might not be able to afford him.
他说,AI 生成的配音可以帮助他为更多客户提供服务,比如一些可能负担不起他费用的小型企业。
There are certain clients that don't necessarily need that perfected, beautifully crafted voice.
They need something a little more simple.
So what we're doing is we're introducing a new revolutionary way of approaching the design of AI, a way that puts the creator in the center.
因此,我们正在引入一种全新的革命性方法来设计 AI,这种方法将创作者置于核心位置。
Fiverr isn't the only company tackling the copyright issues for creative professionals in AI.
Fiverr 并不是唯一一家在 AI 领域解决创意专业人士版权问题的公司。
Right now there's a lot of conflict between creators and AI companies, and that's just because there isn't really a simple way to license and connect these two worlds.
目前,创作者和 AI 公司之间存在许多冲突,这主要是因为还没有一个简单的方法来授权和连接这两个世界。
Tripp Adler is the co-founder and CEO of Created by Humans, a startup which acts as a sort of AI broker for published authors.
Tripp Adler 是 Created by Humans 的联合创始人兼首席执行官,这是一家专门为出版作者提供 AI 授权服务的初创公司。
We are building a marketplace for AI rights that allows human creators to license their content and their AI rights to AI companies.
我们正在打造一个 AI 版权交易市场,让人类创作者可以向 AI 公司授权他们的内容和 AI 使用权。
You sign up, you verify your identity, you claim your books, you select your licensing options.
Just a few minutes and you can start AI licensing your books.
只需几分钟,你就可以开始为你的书籍提供 AI 授权。
AI systems would need to get an author's permission before using their books for training.
AI 系统在使用作者的书籍进行训练之前,必须先获得作者的许可。
These companies posit that AI models will need to train on higher quality data in order to improve their results.
这些公司认为,AI 模型需要训练更高质量的数据,以提升其输出结果。
So if we're another source of high quality books, we think it's a place where they're going to want a license from.
因此,如果我们能提供高质量的书籍资源,我们认为 AI 公司会希望从我们这里获得授权。
In this AI era, Adler says it's about building bridges between human creators and AI companies.
在这个 AI 时代,Adler 表示,关键在于搭建人类创作者与 AI 公司之间的桥梁。
Tina Trin, VOA News, New York.
VOA 新闻,蒂娜·特琳纽约报道。