摘要:If all goes according to plan, Athena will hop into an estimated 20-meter deep pitch black crater, using German and Hungarian inst
We begin this week on a launch pad at Florida's Cape Canaveral.
From there a Space X rocket carried the intuitive machine's Athena lunar lander.
从那里,一枚Space X火箭运载着直觉机器公司的雅典娜月球着陆器。
Its mission: to safely deliver this cargo close to the Moon South Pole.
If all goes according to plan, Athena will hop into an estimated 20-meter deep pitch black crater, using German and Hungarian instruments to hunt for frozen water.
Athena is scheduled to land on March 6th.
Elsewhere in our solar system a new discovery about Mars and the rusty red minerals that make it the red planet.
This latest research which has been conducted through a combination of observations from European and American orbiters and landers really shows that the kind of rust you get on Mars is much more similar to the rust which we are familiar with on Earth, which is not just dry oxided iron but actually has a significant water content as well.
Scientists published their findings in the Nature Communications Journal, and they say new research explains how the planet's color became so completely red.
So now we know that they trusted when there was liquid water present, and also there must have been some sort of form of oxygen, also maybe from the water or from the air or from other sources that helps the rusting process.
Researchers say winds likely blew this rusted dust all over the planet but without rainfall to wash it away.
It just sits there as we see it today.
And the discovery only leads to more questions.
Scientists are still trying to figure out how warm it would have been.
I mean it must have been warm enough to sustain liquid water on the surface.
Every little clue like this about where different minerals could have formed, does get us closer to understanding what that past might have looked like.
Scientists say missions to Mars become more likely if there's water there to support crews and to make rocket fuel for the trip home.
Finally this week: our solar system is treating us to a phenomenon called a planetary parade where the planets appear to line up in the sky.
So what's awesome about trying to look for planets in the sky is that actually quite a few of them are visible to the naked eye.
So you don't need any tools no binoculars or telescopes.
So if you want to look for the naked eye planets as we call them, then Venus and Saturn over in the western part of the sky they'll be visible to the eye, and then you should be able to spot Jupiter and Mars further over to the east.
Venus and Jupiter typically are the brightest ones.
The parade should be visible in clear skies shortly after sunset.
Arash Arabasadi VOA news.