摘要:The usual way to test hormone levels has been with a blood test that measures the blood serum or blood plasma content of the hormo
The usual way to test hormone levels has been with a blood test that measures the blood serum or blood plasma content of the hormones.
These test are inherently irrelevant since bioavailable "free" hormone is not soluble in serum,.
Bioavailable sex hormones are fat soluble and circulate in blood via fatty substances not found in serum, such as red blood cell membrannes.
What is important is how much progesterone circulates through the target tissues for progesterone action.
We now know that the non-protein-bound hormone molecule, when circulating through the saliva tissue, will flter directly into the saliva, whereas protein-bound (nonbioavailable) hormone does not .
Thus, saliva levels reflect tissue levels of sex hormones, and serum tests do not.
The more important and relevant hormone levels are the l to 10 percent that are unbound and thus biologically active.
Saliva contains only the unbound, biologcally active hormone molecules. When progesterone is absorbe through the skin, it is not coated with protein and is carried in the blood's fatty components, such as chylomicrons or red bloodcell membranes.
Only when absorbed progesterone exceeds the carrying capacity of the fatty material in blood will it “slop over," so to speak, into the serum.
Thus, when serum levels of lprogesterone are seen to rise, it is probably a sign of overdosing.
Conversely, transdermal progesterone absorption is quick and efficient, showing up in saliva within just a few hours, indicling that it is well absorbed and available to cells in biologic active form.
Saliva testing is quicker, less expensive, and less painful than bood tasts, and is a reliable way for you doctor to measue hormone levels and test for hormone deficiencies.
lt wil confirm that the hormones you are taking are being absorbed and utilized; it doesn't involve a tip to lab or drawing blood; and it's inexpensive enough that you can do a number of tests, such as over the course of a day or a month, For those women who wish to monitor their own hormone levels to find out if they are ovulating, for example, the tests can be ordered and easily done at home without a doctor's prescription.
Transdermal progreterone creams confirms that this form works better than other methods or routes because the hormone is absobed more efficiently, the effect is longer lasting, and it doesn't creat the highs and lows created with the oral (swallowed) or sublingual(held in the mouth) drops.
Though these latter two forms reach peak levels even faster than the creams, they are also excreted faster.
My guess is that the interrupted highs and lows of a hormone like progesterone is confusing to the hypothalamus, leading to physiologic levels that may actually “tune down" or down regulate the receptor response.