比利时素食雪橇犬队获世界冠军!恭喜汪汪队和训练师!Belgian crowned sleddog racing champion

B站影视 内地电影 2025-03-19 03:47 1

摘要:Door Houndwizards - Eigen werk, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=107812185

Stefan Goris

Door Houndwizards - Eigen werk, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=107812185

来自林堡Zutendaal的比利时人Stefan Goris又得冠军啦!他和他的六只狗于今年二月份在挪威特伦德拉格省的古老山城Røros被冠为世界雪橇犬赛车冠军。他们仅用57分钟23秒就完成了三段11公里的赛程。

在这条多山的赛道上,他们的速度曾高达每小时44英里(相当于每小时70公里!)。而这一切是在气温达到-18°C的情况下完成的。Stefan Goris曾在2014年也获得了金牌。恭喜他隔了11年再度问鼎!

Door Houndwizards - Eigen werk, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=107813755

在他们之后冲过终点线的还有16支队伍,有些来自习惯于严寒冬季气温的国家,如挪威、加拿大和瑞士。当考虑到Stefan Goris在林堡几乎没有机会在雪地中练习,而通常依赖四轮摩托车在雨水和泥泞中跋涉时,这个金牌更有含金量了!

其实在这类比赛里,我们会发现狗狗才是比赛真正的英雄(而非它们的驾驶员),所以它们也应该得到奖励!尽管它们对现金奖励并不感兴趣,但获胜的狗队传统上会收到一袋猪耳朵作为奖励。然而,Stefan Goris今年的冠军队伍是以素食养成的,因此它们得到了两倍量的素狗食作为奖励。这才是汪汪队想要的奖励!

Stefan Goris通常在林堡的泥泞森林中练习,而不是真正的雪地

Door Houndwizards - Eigen werk, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=107813736

Our compatriot Stefan Goris from Zutendaal in Limburg and his six dogs were crowned world sleddog racing champions in February in the ancient mountain town of Røros in the Norwegian province of Trøndelag. They completed the three 11 km stages in just 57'23". At times they tore along the hilly course at speeds as high as 44 mph (about 70km/h). And all this while the mercury registered -18°C. He also brought home gold in 2014.

There were 16 teams behind them at the finish line, some from countries that are used to harsh winter temperatures, such as Norway, Canada and Switzerland. Stefan deserves particular praise when you consider that back home in Zutendaal he rarely gets to practise in a snowy landscape but usually relies on a quad bike instead of a sled to trudge through the rain and mud.

In the context of this world championship, we find that the dogs, perhaps the real heroes of the race rather than their drivers, are also rewarded. They are not interested in a cash prize, however, the winning pack traditionally receives a bag of pig ears. Only ... Stefan's 2025 team was raised vegetarian. An alternative double portion of goodies was their reward. Well deserved!


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