双语阅读:Black Holes黑洞(9)

B站影视 港台电影 2025-03-18 18:36 1

摘要:Earth is so far away from the nearest black hole that its gravity isn't strong enough to pull us towards it at this distance. The

Will Earth get sucked into a black hole? 地球会被黑洞吞噬吗?

Earth is so far away from the nearest black hole that its gravity isn't strong enough to pull us towards it at this distance. The farther away you are from something, the weaker its gravity feels. In this way, a black hole is just like Earth or the Sun. Their gravity only pulls in things that are close enough and a black hole is the same. We are nowhere near a black hole, so we aren't about to get sucked in.


Beyond our galaxy在我们的星系之外

Besides studying black holes in our own galaxy, the Milky Way, space scientists are studying black holes in other galaxies. It was only in the 1920s, less than 100 years ago, that galaxies beyond our own were discovered. They are incredibly far away. But we now have telescopes that can spot signs of black holes there, too.


Many galaxies, like ours, are a huge, whirling spiral shape. Scientists think all these galaxies probably have supermassive black holes in the middle. They have even spotted black holes swallowing other black holes.


Searching the skies From Earth从地球上搜索天空

Space scientists use different types of telescopes to study the sky and search for black holes. But where's the best place to put a telescope? To see space clearly, telescopes have to be far away from city lights. Too much light can get in the way of the faint glow from distant space objects.


Air pollution and rain clouds also cause problems. So telescopes are often on top of high mountains or in deserts, where the sky is very clear. Space scientists are working on a new super-powerful telescope, which will help us see black holes. It will be made up of thousands of radio telescope dishes working together. They collect radio waves coming from faraway objects in space and turn them into images we can see.


