
B站影视 韩国电影 2025-03-18 16:00 1





If viral infections in adults increases chances of neurodegenerative diseases in adults what about in children?
Asking as someone who had mono in Pre-K.


Virus infections, like the flu, can cause a lot of later illnesses. Hashimoto might also get triggered by such.


Go figure, another case of prevention is better and likely cheaper than treatment.


As someone who got COVID twice, and also got the vaccines , this is pretty sucky to hear

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My family always believed my father got Alzheimers due to a severe bout of Scarlet fever as a child.


Vaccines truly are one of the most beneficial inventions in human history.


So because I caught the flu at 22 I need to think about catching Alzheimers someday?


A super worrying video title for me who's caught some sort of respirotary viral infection every month since September; I'm literally sick every month.


Viruses are lixed to many diseases. They really arent benign and should be avoided if possible. Vaccines could save you from more than the initial infection.


My older brother gave me cold sores as a baby. My mom kept telling him not to kiss me, but he did anyway. I'm pretty upset about it as I was a completely helpless baby who couldn't consent and now I have to live with this for the rest of my life. Stg that if I get any kind of dementia from it...


I luckily don't plan to live so long that I'd get Parkinson's. But also how do people even get the Flu. Like I had C*vid several times and some really bad colds but never a flu, idk how people have it every year.


Dirty teeth and strep throat cause neuro and cardiac diseases.


Great video.
Vaccination and treatments are definitely vital- but why neglect to mention respirator masks and clean are as preventive measures? Both are easy and effective ways to lower tve risk of infection and lower viral loads.


Damn, great news to hear when my mom is antivax and I got the flu every single year not to mention the terrible brain fog I've got now. It feels like I'm a different person now, my capabilities are just so different.


Youre telling me that having a severe infection that beats the crap out of your brain could potentially lead to your brain breaking down later in life? SHOCKER. Truly, a revolutionary epiphany.
(Could you feel the sarcasm in there? Because I REALLY really meant it.)


I wonder how many studies are/will look at these diseases conecting to Covid


Wear your respirators people! Good quality masks will save your life and brain.


Nice to hear some positive news in the world of public health I didnt expect to see anything for 4 years while the Secretary of Health and Human Services has the nations collective head in the sand.


One paper I read had the theory that each flu/bad cold kills some neurons. This is okay, but with getting sick over the years, the loss of neurons adds up until it isn't okay (heavily paraphrased). Regardless, you could say that it is a lack of fitness, because fit people get sick less. See: "A 2024 study found that people who exercise regularly are much less likely to get COVID-19 or be hospitalized with it, compared with people who don't exercise regularly." The new hotness is Alzheimer's is a vascular disease. So, virus or fitness, either way exercise is the solution.


Flu injections don't stop the infection only lessons the symptoms & duration so the working don't take as much time off. To some it doesn't affect the virus at all. Specifically where the autoimmune system attacks everything, good or bad.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The fact that spike protein can lead to rapid onset vascular dementia was very helpful to eliciting this!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It would be great to include non pharmaceutical interventions as prevention as well! Respirators, air purifiers, and paid sick leave all make meaningful differences in breaking chains of transmission.


I dont get the flu, covid, or mono since I wear n95 masks. I dont get herpes for another reason


Studies and people have been yelling about it since like the first year of covid. Luckily masks are effective against all of them especially the flu


My grandparents both had dementia, got their flu shots every year, and were never sick. Viruses like the flu, mono, and HSV-1 are so common, how can you reliably make a connection? You can find data, and anecdotes, supporting either way.


