The Math Challenge
By Elizabeth Pagel-Hogan
Art by Gladys Jose
It was Friday, and there were only 15 minutes until lunch. But no one in Mrs. Stretch’s math class sharpened pencils or whispered to their friends. Everyone watched the clock.
“Are we all ready?” Mrs. Stretch asked.
Everyone nodded. They couldn’t wait.
“Then let’s begin Around the World!” said Mrs. Stretch.
Around the World was Eddie’s favorite classroom game. He loved racing against a classmate to solve a math problem and calling out the answer. Eddie won against some kids and lost against others.
Eddie’s friend Michael never lost a math challenge. He was the champion of Around the World. Every week he would go around the classroom winning against everyone.
“Talia, you start,” said Mrs. Stretch.
Talia was new to the class. Last week, she had watched how the game was played, but this would be her first time playing. Eddie wondered how she would do.
Talia jumped up and went over to Luka’s desk. Luka stood up too.
“Twelve times two,” said Mrs. Stretch. There was a pause as Talia and Luka raced to solve the multiplication problem in their head. The winner would move on to challenge the next student.
“Twenty-four!” Talia called out first.
“Right,” said Mrs. Stretch. Talia moved on to Laura’s desk. Luka sat down.
“Six times eight,” said Mrs. Stretch.
“Forty-eight!” Talia said before Laura could open her mouth. Talia moved on to Gavin. She beat him too.
Talia got five times five, three times ten, and even nine times eight without hesitating.
Eddie said the answers to himself, too, so he’d be ready: Twenty-five. Thirty. Seventy-two. Then Talia was in front of Eddie’s desk.
“Six times seven?” asked Mrs. Stretch.
“Forty-two!” Talia said, a second before Eddie could. He was disappointed he had lost to Talia, but he was happy he knew the right answer.
It was exciting to watch his classmates compete, even if he was out for the round. And Talia seemed to be unstoppable.
Finally, Talia got to Michael. He was the last one she’d have to beat to be today’s champion. Kids around Eddie murmured.
“No one beats him,” Luka whispered. “He could beat a fourth grader!”
“Eight times twelve,” Mrs. Stretch said. There was a pause.
“Ninety-six!” shouted Talia. Michael was silent.
The class sat stunned, then everyone erupted into cheers. Vivian and Prisha jumped up and high-fived Talia. Eddie clapped too.
Despite all the commotion, Eddie noticed Michael sink into his chair. His face was red. He rubbed at his eyes as he sat down at his desk.
“OK, everyone. Calm down,” said Mrs. Stretch. “Nice job, Talia. It’s time for lunch, so line up in the hall.”
Eddie stood to go to lunch. But out of the corner of his eye, he watched Michael. Michael had his head down on his desk, his face buried in his arms.
“You OK?” Eddie asked.
Michael nodded. But he didn’t lift up his head. The whole class was out in the hall, so the room was quiet. Eddie thought he heard Michael crying.
Eddie turned around and walked back to Michael. He put his hand on Michael’s shoulder.
“It’s OK to lose,” Eddie said. “I lose Around the World all the time. You’re still awesome at multiplication.”
“That’s not why I’m upset,” Michael said into his arms.
“Then what’s wrong?” Eddie asked.
“No one likes me. They cheered when I lost,” Michael said.
“You think they cheered against you?” Eddie said.
“Why else?” Michael said.
“I think they cheered for Talia because they were so surprised she won,” Eddie said.
“What do you mean?” Michael said. He looked up at Eddie.
“Well, you’re the champ. She had to do her ultimate best to beat you. So, people were excited about it.”
“She is really good at math,” Michael said.
“And so are you,” said Eddie. “You help us all work harder. Because of you, we probably have the best math class in the whole school.”
“Thanks,” Michael said. He looked embarrassed again, but he smiled at Eddie. “Do you want to sit together at lunch?”
“Sure,” said Eddie. “You can quiz me on math problems and help me get better.”
Michael stood up. “Challenge accepted!”