
B站影视 港台电影 2025-03-12 21:07 2

摘要:RealEstate网站3月12日报道,归功于州政府鼓励公寓开发的新政策,新州171个地 点800米范围内的业主相当于坐在金矿上。

RealEstate网站3月12日报道,归功于州政府鼓励公寓开发的新政策,新州171个地 点800米范围内的业主相当于坐在金矿上。

该政策可能会使房价翻一番,以悉尼东区一套普通房产为例,9个月前“连800万澳 元都卖不掉”,如今以1600万澳元的价格售出。

这些特定地点是靠近公共交通枢纽的城铁站或购物中心,是2月28日生效的State Government Low and Mid-Rise Housing Policy第二阶段的一部分。


该政策对位于地理位置优越的商铺、服务和交通枢纽800米范围内的规划限制作出 了调整,并允许建造高达6层的中低层住宅。

这些地点遍布悉尼、中央海岸、lower Hunter、Newcastle和南岸的Illawarra- Shoalhaven。

最早受益的是Dover Rd的5名房主,这里靠近指定地点之一的Rose Bay Town Centre。


经过Raine and Horne Double Bay的Alex Lyons和Ric Serrao谈判,他们的房产以 7500万澳元的价格出售给了一家公寓开发商,平均一套的价格为1500万澳元,由于 保密协议,这两人无法在采访中证实此事。

据称买家是Fortis Property Group,董事Charles Mellick证实了这一点,他也不 愿讨论价格,只是说:“我们以长期结算条款购买了这块地,这将为审批和开工提 供足够的时间。”



Raine and Horne Double Bay的Ric Serrao在上周末发的Facebook帖子中暗示了这 笔交易:“我们上周刚刚卖掉了一块地......我们的一个客户9个月都没有卖掉自己 的房子,之前800万澳元都卖不掉,现在却卖到了1600万澳元。”

该房产位于23 Dover Rd,记录显示,这是一栋占地544平方米的三居室房产,一直 作为Rose Bay Family Medical Centre运营。



其它4套房产的占地面积都在496平方米至546平方米间,均为普通的破旧房屋。其 中2套上一次交易是在1994年,当时的价格分别为55万澳元和56.5万澳元。

当今日被问及这项政策时,Serrao表示:“如果你在一大片土地上有一栋未经翻修 的房产,这是真正的黄金,而不是傻瓜的黄金。”

但Serrao还表示,既然有赢家就会有输家,输家是那些距离指定地点仅20米的业 主。他补充道,新开发区附近的交通流量预计会增加。


政策文件在解释新政策时表示:“新州政府致力于支持商铺、服务和公共交通枢纽 步行距离内地理位置优越、设计良好,且可持续发展的住房。”

不同地区的房产价值明显不同,不过业内人士表示,全州的业主都可以通过与开发 商谈判并从新政策中受益。


Arncliffe Station;

Banksia Station;

Bexley North station;

Rockdale Plaza shopping centre;

Rockdale station and town centre;

Turella station;

Kogarah station and town centre;

Blacktown station and town centre;

Doonside station;

Mount Druitt station and town centre;

Seven Hills station;

Burwood station and town centre;

Camden town centre;

Narellan Town Centre shopping centre;

Campbelltown station and town centre; Glenfield station;

Ingleburn station and town centre;

Macarthur station and town centre;

Minto station; Concord town centre;

Concord West station;

Drummoyne town centre;

Five Dock town centre;

North Strathfield station;

Bankstown station;

Chester Hill shopping centre;

Regents Park station;

Beverly Hills station;

Erina Fair shopping centre;

Gosford station and town centre;

Green Point Village shopping centre;

The Entrance town centre;

Tuggerah Westfield shopping centre;

Woy Woy station and town centre;

Cessnock town centre;

Auburn station and centre;

Granville station. Lidcombe station;

Cabramatta station and town centre;

Canley Vale station;

Fairfield station and town centre;

Hurstville station and town centre;

Mortdale station and town centre;

Asquith town centre;

Hornsby station;

Pennant Hills Market Place;

Thornleigh Market Place;

Waitara station;

Boronia Park town centre;

Annandale town centre;

Ashfield station;

Dulwich Hill station;

Leichhardt Market Place;

Lilyfield light rail station;

Marrickville station;

Petersham station;

St Peters station;

Stanmore station;

Croydon station;

Kiama town centre;

Gordon station and town centre;

Killara station;

Lindfield station and town centre;

Pymble station;

Roseville station;

St Ives Shopping Village;

Turramurra station and town centre;

Wahroonga station;

Belmont town centre;

Boolaroo town centre;

Cardiff station;

Charlestown shopping centre;

Jewellstown Plaza;

Morisset station and town centre;

Lane Cove town centre;

Liverpool station;

Greenhills Stockland;

Maitland town centre;

Rutherford Market Place;

Spit Juncion town centre;

Adamstown station;

Hamilton station;

Junction Fair;

Kotara station. Mayfield town centre;

Wallsend town centre; Waratah Village;

Cremorne town centre; Crows Nest station;

Milsons Point station;

Neutral Bay town centre;

Victoria Cross station;

Waverton station;

Wollstonecraft station;

St Leonards station;

Balgowlah Stockland;

Dee Why town centre;

Forestville town centre;

Forestway shopping centre;

Frenchs Forest precinct;

Manly town centre;

Manly Vale town centre;

Mona Vale town centre;

Warringah Mall shopping centre;

Epping station and town centre;

Carlingford Court shopping centre;

Northmead Village shopping centre;

Westmead station;

Penrity station and town centre;

Nelson Bay town centre;

Raymond Terrace town centre;

Kensington light rail station;

Kingsford Juniors Light Rail station;

Maroubra Junction town centre;

Randwick town centre and light rail station;

UNSW Anzac Parade light rail station;

Eastwood station and town centre;

Macquarie Park station;

Meadowbank station;

North Ryde station;

Top Ryde shopping centre;

West Ryde station and town centre;

Gladesville town centre;

Albion Park town centre;

Shellharbour town centre;

Warilla Grove shopping centre;

Bomaderry town centre;

Nowra town centre;

Flemington station; Homebush station;

Caringbah station and town centre;

Cronulla station and town centre;

Engadine town centre;

Gymea station;

Kirawee station and town centre;

Menai Marketplace;

Miranda statioin and town centre;

Southgate shopping centre;

Sutherland station and town centre;

Woolooware station;

Broadway shopping centre and Glebe Point Rd south;

Darlinghurst and Paddington town centre;

Erskineville station and town centre;

Kings Cross station and town centre;

Redfern station;

Surry Hills south town centre;

Waterloo town centre;

Newtown station and town centre;

Baulkham Hills town centre;

Bella Vista station;

Castle Hill station and town centre;

Hills Showground station;

Kellyville station;

Norwest station and town centre;

Winston Hills Mall shopping centre;

Bondi Junction station and town centre;

Artarmon station;

Chatswood station and town centre;

Northbridge Plaza;

Corrimal town centre; Dapto town centre;

Fairy Meadow town centre;

Warrawong town centre;

Double Bay town centre;

Edgecliff statoin and town centre;

Rose Bay town centre.

/*据2021年澳洲人口普查数据显示,Burwood、Hurstville、Gordon、Ashfield 、 Killara、Epping、Carlingford、Macquarie Park、Eastwood和Chatswood华人居 民占当地人口总数的48.3%、47.1%、34.5%、22.1%、31.1%、40.4%、40.6%、 30.1%、48.8%和42.4%,华人数量在当地排第一。/

