
B站影视 内地电影 2025-03-12 19:52 3

摘要:春茶贵如油!又是一年采茶季,茶农们开始忙碌了起来~在四川省雅安市蒙顶山,CGTN记者@徐一_one 化身一名小茶农,沉浸式体验采茶、卖茶。一斤茶叶究竟能卖多少钱?答案在正片中揭晓~ #中国绿绘就生态新画卷#正片传送门➡ As the saying goes:

#真财实料#【职业卖茶记:卖茶究竟能赚多少钱?】春茶贵如油!又是一年采茶季,茶农们开始忙碌了起来~在四川省雅安市蒙顶山,CGTN记者@徐一_one 化身一名小茶农,沉浸式体验采茶、卖茶。一斤茶叶究竟能卖多少钱?答案在正片中揭晓~ #中国绿绘就生态新画卷#正片传送门➡ As the saying goes: "Spring tea is as precious as gold." It's the tea-picking season again, and tea farmers are getting busy. In the vast and picturesque mountain tea fields in Ya'an City of Sichuan Province, CGTN reporter Xu Yi became a tea farmer for a day and had an immersive experience picking and selling tea. How much can one catty (500 grams) of tea sell for? Check out the answer in the full episode of BizFocus

