摘要:• 标题公式为核心事件 + 数据/价值,例如“Art Exhibition Blossoms: 150+ Works Displayed”。
一、 写作基础要点
• 结构上要掌握“标题→导语→主体→结语”框架,涵盖5W1H要素(时间、地点、人物、事件、原因、结果)。
• 语言方面,通过数据故事化(如“200 + 项目”)和直接引语增强客观性。
• 实战要求独立完成校园活动报道(如科技节、艺术展),词数精准控制在80词左右。
• Step 1:提取关键信息
• 划出5W1H,从题目中提取关键信息,例如科技节中Who = 学生 + 专家,What = 科技节,When = 2025.3.5。
• 删除冗余内容,去掉主观感受(如“I think”)和天气描述。
• Step 2:填充内容
• 标题公式为核心事件 + 数据/价值,例如“Art Exhibition Blossoms: 150+ Works Displayed”。
• 导语模板是“On [日期], [主体] organized [活动], achieving [成果]”,如“On March 5, 2025, Sunshine High School hosted a Science Festival, attracting 300+ participants.”。
• 主体技巧包括用动词链(如“commenced→demonstrated→designed”)串联活动流程;将抽象数字具象化(如“200人”→“全校25%学生”);插入直接引语(如“"This project taught me teamwork," sAId Li Lei.”);结语用“不仅…而且…”句式升华。
• Step 3:语言优化
• 替换主观词,如“very successful” → “attracted 300 participants”。
• 全程使用一般过去时,如“hosted, showcased”。
• 科技节范文精析:导语5W1H全覆盖且有数据亮点(80 + projects);主体运用动词链、引语和数据(60%);结语用数据(85%)和校长评价强化意义。
On March 5, 2025, Sunshine High School hosted its annual Science Festival, featuring over 120 students showcasing 80+ projects in robotics, AI, and eco-innovations to bridge theory and practice.
Students demonstrated self-designed robots and solar-powered devices. "Creating a hydroponic system showed me engineering’s real-world value," said Zhang Lei, a Grade 10 participant. 60% of exhibits used recycled materials, aligning with eco-friendly goals.
Principal Li Ming stated, "This festival ignites both creativity and critical thinking." 85% attendees expressed interest in STEM fields, reflecting growing scientific passion.
• 防写任务 - 校园艺术展报道:同样遵循写作要点,如导语介绍活动时间、主体和成果,主体有学生展示和引语,结语有校长评价和数据(90%)。
On April 15, 2025, our school unveiled a campus art exhibition featuring 150+ student creations, including calligraphy, paintings, and handicrafts.
Students demonstrated traditional paper-cutting techniques and shared their inspiration. "Art connects us to our roots," said Wang Mei, a Grade 11 artist. 40% of artworks were made from recycled materials.
Headmaster Chen praised, "This exhibition not only celebrates talent but also fosters cultural pride." 90% attendees planned to join next year’s event.
四、 自检清单
• 标题含核心事件 + 数据。
• 导语覆盖5W1H。
• 主体有动词链 + 引语 + 数据。
• 结语升华意义。
• 时态统一(一般过去时)。
• 无主观感受描述。
新闻报道写作 = 结构清晰 + 数据支撑 + 客观表达。跟着指南练习,你也能成为校园小记者!立即动笔,用80词记录下校园活动,投稿至校英文报吧!