IB PYP 探究分级读物系列:1级(6册)

B站影视 韩国电影 2025-03-11 11:38 2

摘要:图书名: 我能自己阅读 IB PYP 探究分级读物系列:1级(6册) 出版社:华语教学出版社 [玫瑰]《我能自己阅读 IB-PYP探究分级读物系列》是针对开设IB-PYP小学课程中对外汉语学习者设计的读物,它也适合非IB国际小学对外汉语学习者使用。 [玫瑰]

[玫瑰] 图书名: 我能自己阅读 IB PYP 探究分级读物系列:1级(6册) 出版社:华语教学出版社 [玫瑰]《我能自己阅读 IB-PYP探究分级读物系列》是针对开设IB-PYP小学课程中对外汉语学习者设计的读物,它也适合非IB国际小学对外汉语学习者使用。 [玫瑰] 全系列根据年级分六级,每一级包括六本读物,对应六个跨学科主题(我们是谁,世界如何运作,我们如何组织自己,我们身处什么时空,共享地球,我们如何表达自己)。 [玫瑰] 故事内容不仅配合IB-PYP学校的跨学科主题,亦更具体地贴近探究单元常见中心思想。 [玫瑰] 每个故事在开始之前,以先提出问题的形式引起孩子的好奇心,进入教学中的探究线索及教师问题,供IB学校老师在探究循环的“激活”阶段使用。 I Can Read by Myself: IB PYP Inquiry Graded Readers (Level One) Collection I Can Read by Myself: IBPYP Inquiry Graded Readers is designed for students who are learning Chinese as a foreign language in IBPYP schools. The series is also suitable for non-IB international schools. The full series is divided into six levels, each consisting of six books, corresponding to six transdisciplinary themes (who we are, how the world works, how we organize ourselves, where we are in place and time, sharing the planet, and how we express ourselves). The stories not only incorporate the transdisciplinary themes, but are also specifically in line with the common central idea of the unit of inquiry. Prior to the story, the children's curiosity will be aroused by the preset questions. Meanwhile, the inquiry clues and teacher's questions are brought in for the first stage of the inquiry cycle: stimulation or tuning in. 点击主页关注,获取更多对外汉语图书推荐! (博主没有电子版,没有电子版,没有电子版,重要的事情说三遍,望周知,纸质版图书购买方式见博主评论区置顶[害羞])#华语教学出版社 #对外汉语 #国际中文教育 #汉语国际教育 #海外孩子学中文 #海外儿童学中文 #mandarin #learningchinese #分级阅读#PYP

