Elena Garralda教授: 推进早期药物开发进程,助力创新疗法落地

B站影视 欧美电影 2025-03-10 14:10 1

摘要:2025年ESMO靶向抗癌治疗大会(ESMO TAT 2025)已于3月3日至5日在法国巴黎圆满落幕。会议围绕新型药物联合治疗、人工智能应用、细胞疗法等前沿议题展开讨论,展示了抗体药物偶联物、双特异性抗体及T细胞受体疗法等领域的重大突破,为肿瘤治疗的未来注入新

2025年ESMO靶向抗癌治疗大会(ESMO TAT 2025)已于3月3日至5日在法国巴黎圆满落幕。会议围绕新型药物联合治疗、人工智能应用、细胞疗法等前沿议题展开讨论,展示了抗体药物偶联物、双特异性抗体及T细胞受体疗法等领域的重大突破,为肿瘤治疗的未来注入新动力。在会议现场,《肿瘤瞭望》特邀大会联合主席、西班牙Vall d'Hebron肿瘤研究所(VHIO )临床研究项目联合主任Elena Garralda教授,深入解读会议的核心目标与创新亮点。


《肿瘤瞭望》:您能简要介绍 ESMO TAT 2025 大会的核心目标和主题吗?

Elena Garralda教授:本次大会的核心目标是将参与早期药物开发的各相关方汇聚于同一平台,以促进深入且富有成效的交流与讨论。通过整合各方资源与智慧,推动早期药物开发的进程,提升相关领域的竞争力,并激发新的合作契机。


Dr. Elena Garralda: The main objective of ESMO TAT 2025 is to bring all stakeholders involved in early drug development together in the same meeting, in the same room, to engage in discussions that foster innovation, enhance competitiveness, and spark new collaborations.

This congress gathers experts from the pharmaceutical industry, investors, regulatory agencies, and academia, creating a unique opportunity to exchange ideas. This multidisciplinary approach is essential to advancing drug development and bringing new therapies forward.


《肿瘤瞭望》:与往届会议相比,ESMO TAT 2025 在内容和形式上有哪些创新和亮点?

Elena Garralda教授:本次ESMO TAT 2025会议旨在进一步强化各方互动,将研究者、监管机构和行业领袖汇聚一堂,共同推动早期药物开发的进程。大会始终秉持推动教育和学术发展的核心宗旨,但自去年起,我们开始思考如何将其转变为一个真正的多方对话平台。





Dr. Elena Garralda: The idea behind the changes in ESMO TAT was to ensure greater engagement with different stakeholders. While the congress has always had an important educational and academic purpose, last year we asked ourselves: can we make this a true platform for discussion between stakeholders?

That’s why we introduced industry-sponsored ESMO symposiums, where speakers come from both industry and academia, as well as regulatory bodies, to explore topics that are relevant to all participants. This has been a major shift in the format of the congress.

This year, new sessions will focus on key questions:

· How do we optimize novel drug combinations?

· How do we overcome current regulatory challenges in drug development?

· How can artificial intelligence be integrated into drug development?

These discussions, along with many new topics, are shaping the way forward in early-phase research.



Elena Garralda教授:本次大会展示了众多令人振奋的新药物研究数据和前沿进展。其中,针对TROP2和HER2靶点的抗体药物偶联物(ADC)取得了显著进展,这些研究不仅深入揭示了相关生物标志物的机制,还为肿瘤治疗提供了新的策略。

此外,会议还报告了双特异性抗体 、液体活检的应用、MAP激酶等研究成果。人工智能(AI)在肿瘤学的应用、细胞游离DNA(cell-free DNA)检测技术以及细胞疗法的进展也是本次大会的重点议题。其中,T细胞受体(TCR)疗法的临床试验进展备受关注,这一技术正在重塑肿瘤治疗的未来。随着众多新型药物相继进入开发阶段,本次大会不仅呈现了医学领域的重大突破,也为未来创新疗法的发展提供了新的方向和思路。

Dr. Elena Garralda: We’ve seen some very exciting data presented on different new drugs. There have been impressive results on some ADCs (antibody-drug conjugates) targeting TROP2 and HER2, with insights into the biomarkers driving their development.

We’ve also seen exciting results being disclosed for the first time on T-cell engagers and trispecific antibodies. Additionally, there has been a strong focus on artificial intelligence, cell-free DNA applications, and cell therapy.

One particularly exciting area is the progress of T-cell receptor (TCR) therapies, which are now entering the clinic and actively reshaping oncology treatments. With so many promising new drugs in development, this congress will showcase major advancements in the field.

