
B站影视 港台电影 2025-03-10 08:03 2






妙处之二是:原文用了七个“源于”,没有单调的翻译成一个英语单词,而是根据具体要表达的意思将“源于”分别译成了could be、compounded by the thirst to own 、driven by the mission to、exacerbated by、could stem from。

妙处之三:第三句中的“高强度地工作,应付职场人际关系,参悟为人之道、处事之理”的三个动词“工作、应付和参悟”没有翻译成并列动词,而是根据译成了“动词+分词+分词”的形式,体现出来原句中三个动词的主次。“努力工作”没有已成work hard,而是用了find ourselves consumed by,用consume(消耗)来表达“工作”,很贴切地表达了现代人的无奈和工作状况。

妙处之四:由于现代人工作压力超大,译者就将“内心时时充满压力的我们”单独翻译成了一句话,也起到了强调的作用:At no time are we free from stress。


Where does stress come from? It could be work-related, money-induced, compounded by the thirst to own or the burden of owning a home and a car, driven by the mission to get married and have offspring, and exacerbated by soaring consumer prices. Moreover, it could stem from an uneasiness that belies our stubborn refusal to settle for less when our goal proves unrealistic, or from the exasperation at our kids' failure to live up to expectations, or from our relentless pursuit of perfection that is taking us nowhere.

As a result, we find ourselves consumed by hectic schedules day in and day out, navigating gingerly the labyrinth of office politics, executing one balancing act after another in search of elusive solutions satisfactory to all. At no time are we free from stress. Locked in a vicious circle of competition, we are in constant fear of being outpaced, out-earned, or outwitted, a fear that gives rise to chronicle fatigue, both physically and mentally, taking a toll on our health.

