
B站影视 港台电影 2025-03-09 18:41 2






拉哈尤.玛赞(新加坡数码发展与新闻部政务部长,代表部长):议长先生,资讯通信媒体发展局(IMDA)发布的应用商店行为准则(Code for App Distribution Services)将于2025年3月31日生效。该守则旨在降低用户,尤其是年轻用户在应用程序上接触有害内容的风险。



单靠监管难以防止父母或其他成年人协助儿童绕过年龄验证措施。因此,教育家长认识其在保护儿童网络安全方面的重要角色至关重要。为此,政府通过公共教育项目,帮助家长掌握引导子女数字生活、防范网络风险的知识与技能。例如,教育部、社会及家庭发展部与保健促进局于2024年9月推出“亲子身心培育指南”(Parenting for Wellness)计划,提供管理屏幕使用、应对网络霸凌等主题资源。家长亦可访问资媒局”数码益终身”(Digital for Life )网站,获取安全负责任使用数码技术的实用策略。


[根据会议常规第 22(3)条的规定,如议员并无要求将其名下的质询押后至稍后的会议日提出或撤回,则质询时间结束 时议员仍未提问的书面答复,现载于附录。]


Mr Yip Hon Weng asked the Minister for Digital Development and Information (a) how does the Ministry plan to ensure the effective implementation of age verification and restriction measures by app stores so that only age-appropriate apps are accessible to children given that children may download apps through their parents’ user accounts; and (b) whether the Ministry will consider mandating more robust age verification methods such as facial recognition technology, to prevent children from bypassing age restrictions using their parents’ passwords or biometric data.

The Minister of State for Digital Development and Information (Ms Rahayu Mahzam) (for the Minister for Digital Development and Information): Mr Speaker, the Code of Practice for Online Safety for App Distribution Services published by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) will take effect on 31 March 2025. It aims to reduce the risk of exposure to harmful content for users, especially young users, on apps.

To achieve its objective, the Code requires designated app stores to put in place age assurance measures to prevent young users from accessing age-inappropriate apps. Age estimation through the use of facial estimation technology is one of the measures which designated app stores can choose to implement to meet the requirements. However, the Code does not prescribe specific methods or technologies. The designated app stores can decide what works best for them, as long as the online safety outcomes are met.

IMDA will continue to engage these app stores over the next few months on their implementation plans. For a start, they are minimally expected to be able to ascertain users under 18 and prevent them from accessing their highest age-rated apps, for example, 18+. IMDA will assess if the plans meet the requirements under the Code.

Regulations alone are unlikely to prevent a parent or any adult from helping a child circumvent the age assurance measures. It is also important to educate parents on their important role in keeping children safe online. To this end, the Government has put in place public education efforts to equip parents with the knowledge and skills to guide their children’s digital journey and safeguard them against risks online. As an example, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social and Family Development and Health Promotion Board launched the Parenting for Wellness initiative in September 2024, which covers resources on various topics such as managing screen use and addressing cyberbullying. Parents can also visit the IMDA’s Digital for Life portal for bite-sized strategies on safe and responsible use of digital technologies.

We will continue to work closely with the industry on the age assurance requirements and implementation as part of our ongoing efforts to enhance online safety in Singapore.

3.07 pm

Mr Speaker: Mr Yip, I am sorry, but we are out of time. Order, end of Question Time. I propose to take a break now. I suspend the Sitting and will take the Chair at 3.30 pm.

[Pursuant to Standing Order No 22(3), provided that Members had not asked for questions standing in their names to be postponed to a later Sitting day or withdrawn, written answers to questions not reached by the end of Question Time are reproduced in the Appendix.]

Sitting accordingly suspended

at 3.07 pm until 3.30 pm.

Sitting resumed at 3.30 pm.

[Mr Speaker in the Chair]







