摘要:以“Why do you prefer your English class to be taught only in English, or in both English and Chinese?”为题,写一篇英语作文如下。
以“Why do you prefer your English class to be taught only in English, or in both English and Chinese?”为题,写一篇英语作文如下。
Becoming efficient at learning English, most students should have English lesson taught in English by a teacher who could make him/her understood in English. So quickly do they acquire knowledge about it that they succeed in putting theory into practice by speaking English and listening to it. This brings them with grammar proving correct in words and phrases to be put together. Compared with this, some students, whose English rests on weak foundation without ensuring suitability as a lesson-teaching-in-English program actually, ask their English teacher to give them one in Chinese that helps understand their teachers accurately.
With the agreement of all students, the English teacher should decidedly teach them English lesson both by means of English and of Chinese. This course is designed to meet the needs of them, with the atmosphere sensed in English possibly insufficiently, for short time.
During its period to spend in learning English, students would be enabled to win such great achievement as their English teacher makes in working hard at teaching them English. By evaluating their greater progress in doing the foundation subject of English from poorly to well, the teacher will teach students English in use of the way that is likely to vary, depending on whether they are successfully taught either in both Chinese and English or only in English.
Working towards a common goal in teaching them English wholly in English, the teacher helps them improve steadily in English.
由此看出,改革开放初期的《托福考试指导》书用模板范文套做写英语作文儿是一个“阴谋”,所以目前看来使用40多年来的模板范文套做写英语作文儿是战略性的错误,当务之急需要对模板范文套写英语作文法 “踩刹车”,恢复改革开放之前学习英语应写作使用英语思维逻辑写作法写英语。
1. 模板范文法的限制:模板范文法可能限制写作者的思想表达,导致他们难以用英语写出自己独特的见解和故事。
2. 英语思维逻辑写作的优势:英语思维逻辑写作强调根据提示句或观点,寻找原因和结果,而写出有深度英语作文。
3. 恢复英语思维逻辑写作的呼吁:文章呼吁停止使用模板范文套写英语作文,恢复改革开放前的英语思维逻辑写作教学法。