摘要:该习语的字面意思是 “傻瓜的差事” ,实际用来喻指 “an attempt or task that is certain to fail because it is unreasonable or impossible”,也就是 “一项注定会失败的尝试或任务
fool's errand
该习语的字面意思是 “傻瓜的差事” ,实际用来喻指 “an attempt or task that is certain to fail because it is unreasonable or impossible”,也就是 “一项注定会失败的尝试或任务,因为它不合理或根本无法实现”,类似于汉语里 “徒劳无功的事;毫无意义的差事;白忙一场;枉费心机;徒劳无益;白费口舌” 的表达。
He knew it was a fool's errand to try to convince his stubborn boss, but he still gave it a shot.
Searching for the lost key in the dark forest is a fool's errand.
Trying to make her change her mind about the trip at the last minute is a fool's errand.
这个习语的起源可以追溯到中世纪。在那个时期,封建贵族常常会安排一些毫无意义或不可能完成的任务给弄臣(宫廷小丑),以此来取乐。这些任务对于弄臣来说,就是明知不可为而为之的事,就像是傻瓜才会去做的差事。第一次提到“fool's errand”是在18世纪的文本中,比如一个早期的例子来自约克郡出生的牧师Edmund Hickeringill的Priest-craft(《牧师手艺》,1705年):
“Did not the Pope send all the Princes in Christendom upon a Fools Errand, to gain the Holy Land, that he might (as he did in their absense) rob them of their territories.”
那么,你还知道英语里类似 “枉费心机” 含义的其它说法吗?欢迎留言探讨。