
B站影视 2025-01-07 15:09 3



III. The Trimming


Now you need a way to go from perhaps dozens of prospective labs to a handful. I suggest aiming for having 5-8 labs on your shortlist. Let's say you email 6 labs; you might only get responses or interest from just half of them. Another reason to I think it's beneficial to meet with multiple labs even if you aren't super excited about all of them yet is that it provides you with a broader perspective on scientific approaches/lab cultures/etc. It also gives you more opportunities to practice presenting your work and meeting cool researchers that will be your colleagues regardless of whether you join their lab.


To trim your list down, there are going to be a lot of considerations, and they will vary depending on your goals and lifestyle. However, if you're the kind of person who only cares about the science and will go wherever, that's valid and you can probably skip this part.


So, what I'm going to do is list some criteria you might want to consider. When defining the criteria for yourself, take your time and be thoughtful about it. This is a significant commitment after all, and at this stage of your life and career you deserve to work in a pLACe that fits your needs and interests as much as possible. I split the criteria into two layers of trimming one that you can do with just a bunch of googling and the other is one that takes some talking to people. I want to emphasize that these are listed in no particular order.


Layer 1: what can be evaluated without needing to reach out to anyone


Cost of living: we all know that postdocs are underpaid for their skill level and life stage. If cost of living is an important factor for you, it would be wise to find out what it's like for postdocs in the city you're interested in.


Climate: hate the cold so much that it will make you miserable? Avoid Boston.


Family & friends: if living near friends or family is important to your mental health or overall happiness, consider prioritizing this.


Childcare costs: got tiny humans? I hear they cost a lot to care for, and in some cities that amount can get absurdly expensive.


Lab alumni: if you know the kind of position you would like to be in after the postdoc (industry, R1 position, LAC faculty, etc.) you might want to note how many postdocs have successfully reached those positions (if any) from the lab. I would be careful with this though, because people choose all kinds of career paths and it's not always about the lab or mentor. This one is a little challenging to check sometimes because some labs don't have lab websites where they keep alumni updated. You can find out more by talking to people in the lab or the PI later.


Diversity (of institution or city): this was an important one for me for a number of reasons, it might be for you. For example, if you belong to a marginalized group and the area is one known for racism for example, how would living there impact your mental health and safety.


Visa considerations: if the postdoc lab is in a place that will require onerous immigration-related paperwork that you don't want to go through or can't do, might as well take those labs out of consideration. This was another one I used to trim my list.


Lab funding: if the lab doesn't have the funding to support your work, that can cause a bunch of issues for you. But it's not always easy to determine the funding situation before actually interacting with the PI and lab. Nevertheless, it doesn't hurt to check places like RePORTER (this will only list public funding from the NIH). Additionally, the lab doesn't have to be funded in excess, just appropriately funded.


Scientific environment of the department: your science doesn't happen in a vacuum, right? You're going to be interacting with a lot of people in your department (seminars, journal clubs, whatever) and it would be nice to know whether there are researchers that fit your interests in the department. This could also be useful down the line for potential collaborators, brainstorm buddies who enrich your work, or even secondary mentors.


Layer 2: what can be evaluated by talking to people in your network, checking twitter, or chatting with trainees in the prospective lab


For these criteria, it can be useful to talk to professors you know who might know some of the PIs on your list or at least know of them. It also helps to talk to people currently within the lab you're interested (or alumni). I found that it's best to do so if you already have an existing relationship with the person, but you can also cold email a current or former postdoc and just ask for a 30-minute call to chat about their experience. With any of these approaches, just be aware that once again, one person's experience won't necessarily be yours, but gathering as much information as you can is the best possible way to make a decision IMO. Also note that reaching out to alumni is really valuable in cases where the environment is particularly toxic because it's hard to get that information from current lab members who might hesitate to share out of fear of retribution. It's sad to say but it's true; so, try to talk to alumni as well.


Lab culture: this was the top criterion for me. More important than the science, honestly. I reasoned that I'll be spending most of my time in the lab working with my labmates, and if the environment is toxic, I'm not going to have fun, and if I'm not having fun, why am I there? You're already underpaid and undervalued as a postdoc (more on that later), why subject yourself to abuse and toxicity on top of that, right? You can get clues about lab culture in different ways before ever even reaching out to the PI. Because I prioritized this criterion so much, I didn't email any PI who I didn't think could potentially be a good cultural fit.


Training and mentorship philosophy: some PIs explicitly detail this on their websites (examples here, here, here, and here), but it's still not common practice. One of the things you can glean from conversations with alumni or current trainees in the lab is the values of the lab you're considering. What are the PI's expectations of postdocs? How much creative and intellectual freedom does the postdoc have in designing projects or choosing research direction? How available is the PI (and does that fit your needs)? Does the PI encourage professional development opportunities and training outside of research (or at least not get in your way if you were to seek them out? Do postdocs have resources to attend conferences and network? When leaving the lab, how does the PI support postdocs? Things like that. I also recommend explicitly asking these sorts of questions to the PI during the interview process when you get there. You might feel like it's inappropriate, but it's really not. I asked all of these straightforwardly and received straightforward responses that helped me make better informed decisions.


